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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 3 Aug 2010 19:07

Mum's Macaroni Cheese was just the best,with tomatoes sliced on top.I have never been able to make as good a she did.Nor Rice `pudding (as you have all seen) lol


David Report 3 Aug 2010 19:32

Spoke today today about his on going problem.
He says he has had his pre op medical and things looked favourable.
On Thursday this week he has to phone the hospitalal to see if a bed is available.
If one is they will do the reversal operation on Friday.


Maureen Report 3 Aug 2010 20:00

Just got in so will have some fish with a salad. then I'm going to soak my feet in a foot spa. We thought we were being adventurous when mum did a curry for dinner, I think she put sultanas in it !!!!!

Is that your brother David, hope all goes well for him.

May not be back later, will probably fall asleep in front of the tv.


Jane Report 3 Aug 2010 20:03

David ,do let us know if Ralph goes in for the reversal.I will keep everything crossed for him.To get rid of the colostomy will be great for him.But if it doesn't happen ,he has to remember he is still here and has survived his Bowel Cancer.


Frank Report 3 Aug 2010 20:46

Evening all,

Thought I would pop in early tonight.

Ros has the all clear from the Hospital. If she has further outbreak she has to contact the Hospital again.

Our local "TIP" used to sell anything that was worth anything. That has all stoped now. But whoever it is, has opened a warehouse in Town. Not only bits of furniture, pictures, glass etc. They have started selling plants,which by the looks of it, they buy from auction somewhere or other. They had "HEBBIES" for £3.25. which Ros says would cost £6/7 in the garden centre. I was tempted to buy a quite large bush/tree called an INDIAN BEAN. Never heard of it before so passed it by. It was 8 foot tall and very leafy. £19.00. Would certainly fill any large gap in the garden.

David, I do hope Ralph gets the bed on Thursday, and that all goes well. Will be thinking of him.

Maureen, I'll hold you responsible, if we don't get rain. Have had to water everywhere again this evening.

My Mother would never have cooked anything like curry/Spag Bol/ Cauliflower cheese. All muck as far as she was concerned.!!!! (VICTORIAN MOTHER) Only ever had Meat and Veg. Cottage pie. Liver, hearts, fish of all sorts, it was quite cheap and I don't think it was on rations. I had my first curry with my friends at about 17 years old. and even later for chinese. Now I eat either once a week. and Lewis would eat chinese every day if you let him. How times have changed.

See what happens when I come on early, I take over.


David Report 3 Aug 2010 21:15

Thank you for your kindnesses.
My brother has been very positive of late to get to this stage, hoping for a reversal.
His demeanour has had a lot to do with it and he keeps on trying He deserves success.


Jane Report 3 Aug 2010 21:30

Keep Positive RALPH .He has come a long way from a year ago.
I am a right Mardy Cow tonight lol.I feel like a glorified Skivvy.Have had words with my 2 ,about clearing up behind them etc.They are not kids.I have been too easy on them I think .
On that happy note I will whisk myself off to bed before I upset the whole household.Poor Chester is in his basket ,peeping over the edge ,thinking does he dare take a step out lolol.
Night Night my friends .I will wake up in a better mood tomorrow.I promise !


Frank Report 4 Aug 2010 08:32

Woke up to RAIN !!!! Everywhere looks like it's had a drop.
Hope Jane has got up in a better mood this morning. Going to have a cup of tea.


Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 4 Aug 2010 09:50

Morning Frank and All,

We've had rain in the night and it has rained this morning too. My OH says he will send you lot in Norhtants plenty of rain if you want it!! as he dos'nt.......................

We looked at some fence panels yesterday in the garden centre to go behind the pond and my fairies but think we may have to wait a bit as we need about five and they are expensive. I did buy a plant for my big blue pot, an Acer Parmatum Burgandy it was £35 but is a lovely shape and well worth the money. So many of them nowadays are cut off att he top so they don't grow in a pretty shape but just sort of bushy.

Got some more fish food, two different lots. OH fell in love with a fish............................................................yes he bought it!!!!!! 80 quid!!!!!!! It is a wedgewood blue marle Koi about 12" long. Have taken a couple of pictures of it but not downloaded them yet.

Jane did you get the fairy pics?

Mum used to do us Macoroni Cheese when I was young but I did'nt like cheese then. She also put sliced toms on top.

Maureen I must admit to putting sultana's in my curry as mum likes them in curry and so do I!! She made curry when I was in my teens but I did'nt like it as she put dessicated coconut in too!! Horrid all sort of gritty. yuk! I think she got the recipe from the Oxo book of cookery which we still have somewhere.

David fingers crossed for Ralph on Thursday, you know we will all be thinking of him after his ordeal last year and his fight back to better times.

I had an egg yesterday, first the shell then the egg in it's skin!! Never had one like that before!! I took it up and fed it to the magpies.


Jane Report 4 Aug 2010 10:32

Morning Everyone.
Yes Frank I am in a much better mood today.I don't often get ratty but boy was I yesterday.When Chris left for work he said he hoped he wouldn't get his head bitten off when he walks through the door tonight lol.I shall be all sweetness and light.
Mel I did get the pics.I thought I replied ,obviously I didn't.They look smashing,it is all looking dead posh lol.

Well so much for the rain .We had some in the night ,but just drizzle earlier and now it is brightening up.


Frank Report 4 Aug 2010 11:45

Rain, Rain, Rain. I'll bring a bucket full over to you Jane. It hasn't really stopped since I got up. No shorts today.!!!!


Jane Report 4 Aug 2010 12:09

Only 1 bucket Frank It sounds like you can spare a bit more than that lol.
Still fine at the moment here.


Sheila Report 4 Aug 2010 12:23

Elizabeth or should I now call you Niggly Nellie well whatever please do not apologise for what you said made me grumpy. I did have a operation on my
arm and had to move every persons rubbish from our surrounding area.So was not myself .

My neighbour who I was very friendly with died of breast cancer I remember
her telling me she had a scan and had to have treatment . I helped through the
chemo and radiation treatment but she still did not make it. I was scared to death We were together every day almost and I cried for
six months none stop and made myself really ill and had to go and to go in hospital to get over it. Never do that again I stop myself caring so much for people now.
I found I had a very deep rooted cyst that hurt most do not and can be removed easily I had to have a operation put to sleep the lot. It did not help being in a room with a muslim lady I could not see just heard snoring. I also found a long lost relative in fact she came to visit me last week we got on so well even though
the age was different she was forty and her great great grandad was my grandads brother and they fell out over money in1926 and so we had such a lot to talk about and photoes to show each other .Her dad came first he was the son of my grandads
brother My great grandad was born in Kingsley Bagpuize nr Wantage Berkshire and you said you went to boarding school while Sue was here I asked on the web If you knew it we were a bit miffed to know where it was. You never answered but came on with a new identity name great joke for everyone else it seems but I was very concerned about your mamagram which I spelt wrong. Anyway it does not matter we found a map of Berkshire and your fine I have just had a wonderful few days away but back to workt this morning had to come home .Sophia the polish lady put a dress for sale 4pound she put a big notice up FOUR SAIL FOR POUND got that right bless her. The manager sacked her and I had to take her home she was crying. I made her a coffee but she was so upset. I had to phone her husband. I laughed so much when I saw the notice but she is such a sweet lady big and full of fun and will miss her I think I will
try and talk Bill into taking her back. Hope your well and it is not raining Going to lunch now with my daughter she is off work done all my housework bless her .I used to go with Beryl but
she is still in hospital. from SHEILA

of life I will miss her.


Jane Report 4 Aug 2010 12:56

I'm glad you enjoyed your days away Sheila.Back to normal now eh!
Your poor Polish Lady Bless her.I did have a little laugh though.
You say Beryl is still in hospital.How is she doing ?,and was she upset she didn't get a stick of rock?????


Annx Report 4 Aug 2010 15:40

Afternoon All,

We had lots of rain yesterday evening, during the night and plenty this watering to do!!!! Jane, how did you miss it if Frank got it and I got it?? It must have gone all around you.

I have to let off steam some days ........only with OH. lol Not with picking up after him as he is very tidy........but he leaves food mess on the worktops and drips of sticky orange juice to paddle in with my bare feet on the kitchen floor. He can make all the mess he likes as long as HE cleans it up and doesn't leave it for the magic!!!!

Poor polish lady....seems a bit harsh to have sacked her for that. Hope your arm soon heals up Sheila.

Best wishes to RALPH David.......will be thinking of him.

Can I see your fairy pics Mel? That Koi sounds a beauty.


Annx Report 4 Aug 2010 16:21

Yesterday, OH drove me to Staffordshire to the church where I found a few rellies before. It is a strange thing as there is a very old church in ruins and a churchyard 1 side of the road with some rellies gravestones inside it laid flat on the floor and another old church the other side of the road. Apparently the oldest church became too small, so they just built a bigger one over the road. Between us we found about 8 more rellies including a husband I didn't know about, another who died quite young at age 48 and 2 sisters who never married and were buried together. It is good that at the old churchyard the headstones have not been moved to the edge. I must have looked 'official' with my notepad and camera as a lady came up and asked me when was I going to get the willow tree along the edge trimmed back!! lol, lol


Jane Report 4 Aug 2010 17:09

I can just see you all 'official' Ann lol.Sounds like you had an interesting time there.
Still no rain !!!!!! It comes over really black and I think right shut the windows we are in for a downpour .......Nothing at all.It's very strange.


Sheila Report 4 Aug 2010 17:13

Hi Jane how are you I have just had lunch with my daughter
I also went and had this horrible tight dressing removed and a nice light one applied and now can type with both hands much better.

Yes back to normal I said to a lady before I went to lunch
hello all bright and breezy how are you and she said not like you I bet how was your holiday. I never answered but
Les who gets annoyed sometimes said her holiday was fine thank you but it is coming back here that is her problem with people like you making comments. I said
to my hubby you will not see her again. I laughed at poor
Sophia .I think Bill got a bit annoyed today.Last week she
climbed into the window area after him.Could not turn around to get out the window and he was stuck in the window with her.Some builders have a yard on the other
side of the road and were shouting are those two for sale love. I had to get the two step thingy you get into the window on and prize poor Sophia round and get her out backwards and then Bill was able to get out himself. I will not repeat what he said. Today he threw a fit
and said Go Sophia go before I have a cronary. Poor lady
was muttering in polish none stop and put her coat on and went and Bill said go after the silly women and see she gets home ok. I think she was swearing in polish all the way home .BERYL last night no make up now just thingy sitting on a chair by her bed.I said to him how is she
and he said ask her shes got a voice you know. Beryl was asleep and I had to talk to old Don so I decided to go and
will go tonight armed with a load of rock she asked for that I took a trip to Rhyl to get. Oh that place used to love
it but was glad to get away. Weather was awful. Poor little kids were all freezing and wind swept. our Bodelwyddan
castle was ok not a lot to do during the day but great at night. The Glen Miller tribute band was nice. My husband did not care for the place he said gosh Sheila we are the youngest here is this a holiday camp or a home for the aged. It was a holiday camp one had to walk yards to our
table with our cornflakes and back again for the cooked breakfast.But you know I loved it and thought it is nice that
there is a place that caters for elderly people. One old gentleman thought it was not like Harlech castle he said that to me 5 times and in the end his wife said Oh shut up
about Harlech castle we have never been. He said I have
she said well you must have gone with someone else then
you silly bug........... the rest. There was a man who told us the same joke four times. What does a chinaman say
with one leg Tai Won Shoo . my hubby said that joke was funny first time. We went to St Asphed where April lives
and saw a caravan come off the back of a car and smashed into the road spilling everything all over the road
they went shooting across the road and hit the barrier and just turned round facing the other way unhurt. It took me and my husband to go and see if they were alright nobody else moved too shocked I think.The driver was going fast the caravan was swaying from side to side
hubby said that is going to come off and slowed down thank goodness when he said that it just went bang
in the road and just fell into bits. April was scared and started crying. But perked up when I gave her a dolly for being a good girl when with us. Grandads eye was ok we did not mention that. Hope everyone is fine and over the bugs etc enjoying the garden and countryside such interesting reading. better stop now wrote a book I have nothing to do everywhere was lovely and clean and tidy it is me who is the messy one with my craft everywhere.


Annx Report 4 Aug 2010 17:26

More rain lashing down now......had to mop the dining room floor and window sills where it blasted through ........surely it has reached Jane now. lolol


Jane Report 4 Aug 2010 17:29

Oh it's good to have you back Sheila !I do have a giggle when I read your posts.You should have taken a photo of them stuck in the window!!!.That Don sounds like a right one.Did you say he is is only 23?.If he is what the heck is he doing with a lady Beryls age???.After her money?????

I'm now wondering do I need to water the garden.I don't think I will.If Chris wants it done he can do it himself later lol

I am trying to find a Marriage of a Walter Cole to a Jane ? in Bideford sometime in the 1800's.I am guessing at somewhere 1850 to 60 something.Am having trouble .Can anyone help?