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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 29 Jul 2010 12:49

Safe journey Sheila,chill and enjoy your break.See you when you get back.


Frank Report 29 Jul 2010 14:27

FIONA< You take the high road, I'll take the low road, I'll be in Scotland before you.!!!! How loverly to be able to do that, and in under an hour. Hope you had a nice lunch, and an enjoyable afternoon.

Still no rain, got the hose out, watered back and front, greenhouse, planters takes over an hour.

Have prepared Chicken cassorole for dinner tonight, while Ros has taken Lewis to see "The Karate Kid" She'll love that. !!!!! they will be homeabout 5.30/6pm. Just in time for dinner. Fresh beans out of the garden. Still enough for weekend, to pick when i'm ready.

Don't confuse this ol' man with these changes of names. Lis becomes Nel. What next. ???? Jane was Helen. I think I will be Henry or Claud. that will confuse you.!!!!


Jane Report 29 Jul 2010 14:37

Poor Elizabeth will think she is being got at.It was a little joke and she came clean.We all know now.
No rain either here Frank.The hose will be out shortly.But first I will attack some weeds !!!!!!!!! again lol


Maureen Report 29 Jul 2010 14:51

I'm Home.

Had a lovely few days in Dorset. The caravan is in Wareham, I'd forgotten how 'cosy' they are, not enough room to swing a cat, but it was fine for what we needed. Sunday and Monday were very warm sunny days, the last two a bit windy and cloudy but still warm. Spent Monday on the boat, going round Poole Harbour, daughter was learning to wake board, it's a bit like water skiing but with a board, I'd have given up but she kept trying for hours and finally got up a few times.

Tuesday we went into Poole, then on to Swanage, had the most enormous icecream ....... my dad always said my eyes were bigger than my belly ...... sat on seats looking out to sea. Then we moved on to Corfe Castle, it cost £6 plus to go up there so we just looked from a distance, have taken photos, will send. Then back into Wareham for a cream tea at an interesting hotel called The Priory, their gardens were beautiful.

Had some nice meals out and Tuesday evening we walked along the tow path to a nice restaurant, on the way back I must have hit a pot hole and twisted my foot, no I wasn't drunk !!!!! it was dark, anyway, haven't been able to walk on it since, my foot has swollen up like a balloon and gone purple, so have been sitting with ice packs on it, still managed to get up on the boat yesterday for another spin round Poole Harbour and then home last night. Apart from my swollen foot it was a lovely break.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 29 Jul 2010 14:57

Hi All,

Been busy and still am and have just found out that I am on flower duty for the church this weekend too. I shall be glad when this weekend is over and everyone has gone home. I am now told that my other SIL may be coming over too with BIL and no doubt his wife also. I thought this was supposed to be a quiet weekend for Heather and Alan!!!!

Still lots to do so may be back later. I have to go and buy some new bedding for the caravan as I have'nt any of my own. SIL usually brings hers but other SIL is'nt going to !


Tracey Report 29 Jul 2010 15:23

Welcome Home Maureen---sound so peaceful where you've been does the soul good --xxxx

Mel you are going to be run raged, at least doing the flowers for church will give you some time out---xx

Frank since you have sooooo--many talants WHY -NOT MANY-NAMES--((
We had real down pour last night and wind's up to 60/70 miles Thought we may be having Tornado ----

Elizabeth nice going --xx---call me anything ( and -I-have)) but not late for dinner ---xxxx


Maureen Report 29 Jul 2010 15:36

Do you remember that half a stone I lost, well I've found it and a few extra pounds as well


Frank Report 29 Jul 2010 15:40

Shirl, you say the nicest things to and about me !!!!

Mel, You shouldn't have accomodation sitting in your garden, then they wouldn't keep droping in on you. You know you love it realy !!!! If they didn't come you wouldn't be happy, would you.???? Thats one good thing of having a small bungalow, they can only come for a day. apart from Lewis, who has his bed in the conservatory. He loves it. His own little place. !!!!

Ros, Put out a line of washing before she went out, I have just got it in, all dry, and ready for ironing. Still no sign of rain here. is anyone getting it ????( RAIN I MEAN)


Jane Report 29 Jul 2010 16:26

I'm not getting any either Frank lol.Cheeky Boy.
Good to have you back Maureen.Your poor foot sounds nasty.I 'm glad you enjoyed yourself.It sounded lovely.Never mind the extra pounds,you needed those ice creams and cream teas !!
Have done the edging round the flower beds.It's all wonky now.I never could do straight lines lol.I shall let OH water everything.


Tracey Report 29 Jul 2010 16:29

YES FRANK I'M---((Rain-that-is ))) lol xxx


Sheila Report 29 Jul 2010 16:34

I have not gone yet the car is making a funny noise been here reading all the text. Jane was not getting at Elizabeth
I asked her a question and she did not answer me and was looking for her all week and was very concerned that something had happened to her do not get at anybody
I was very concerned because she was nice enough to
be understanding when someone put the content of my messages all over another site it was awful I am fairly new to the web sites and nearly closed my computor altogether then when I come back on just for a while she was Niggly Nelley and I answered one of her messages
once she could have said the car is playing up.Have phoned our son and he is going to take us if he can been hanging around all day ,and little April is tired out . I hope Elizabeth realises I was just concerned do not like the name Niggly Nelly but if she likes it ok fine.
Would not do for us all to be the same. I am chilled out
just want to go or my week end will be over before I get
there. Beryl was crying because I am going away sheila.


Jane Report 29 Jul 2010 16:56

Oh Sheila,it's a good job you didn't set out and then have the car breakdown on you.I hope your son can get you there.That must have been the last thing to expect.
I think Beryl will be feeling a bit emotional after her accident ,but I'm sure she would want you to have a nice break.I hope the weather stays good for you,and that you get away soon.


Jane Report 29 Jul 2010 17:23

I bet Fiona has had a wonderful afternoon at Loch Lomond ....Oh I'm dead envious!Mum and Dad did a lot of courting around there I think.
I wonder if there any photos.


Frank Report 29 Jul 2010 17:41

What a dull, dreary afternoon, will need the light on for dinner. No sign of the pair yet.
Suppose it's Tesc# for something for Lewis. He costs us the perverbial Arm and a Leg., when he's with us. But who cares.!!!!
Yesterday Ros bought Lewis's Dad 6 bottles of his favorite wine for his birthday (What do you buy a man that has everything). Lewis decided to help Nanny bring it in, and droped a box with three bottles in it. Two broke, so I know she is getting two more this afternoon. Dear bottles of wine !!!!!


Annx Report 29 Jul 2010 17:49

FRANK..........can you guess??'s mee!! lol

No rain here either so I was out with the hose this morning as OH has caught what I have and stayed in bed late. That'll teach him to be so free with his kisses!!! lol

We've been traipsing the streets today looking for diamond wedding gifts for MIL. They wanted a clock until a couple of days ago and we had it all in hand.......then they changed their minds but don't know what they want!! The shops don't seem to cater for 60th wedding anniversaries at all and OH only found 1 shop that had a 60th wedding anniversary card for mum and dad. I said to OH it's funny because you'd think with people living longer there would be more demand, but then fewer marriages last 60 years I suppose!! Modern times!! Any ideas welcome.

Welcome back Maureen, sounds as if you had a lovely break.....apart from the ankle!! Hope it is soon more comfortable.


Jane Report 29 Jul 2010 17:54

Cor!!!!!! Luv a duck..........I just opened a pack of chicken kebabs...........they were OFF.My kitchen stinks now lol.They were going to be for Hannah .The rest of us are having steak.Hannah has just walked in the door and said don't do tea for me I have had a huge lunch.That's lucky ,cos I was just wondering what else I could cook for her.
Poor Chester seems to be all itchy again,and has a funny back leg.I don't know what he has done.

I was thinking this morning (yes I do think sometimes) .Remember at primary school when we did colouring.There would be a tin in the middle of the table full of crayons or coloured pencils and we had to share.Someone was always using the one I wanted.I would say can I have that one next ,then someone else would say I asked first.Then I would find it had been worn down too low ,or the lead had broken off.I would lick the end and try and do my little bit of colouring,but if it wasn't sharp enough the colour would go over the lines.And it was so important to stay inside the lines lol


Jane Report 29 Jul 2010 18:01

Annxastasia lolololol.
My post office sells some lovely cards.I could have a look for a card for you if you like.Or did you get that one?
As for presents ,I don't know.If you google 60th Anniversary presents you may see something.When is it?
I will want ideas for my neighbours 70th birthday soon.Just something small.
Poor OH.Has he got hot cheeks like you?????


Annx Report 29 Jul 2010 18:48

Thank you for the offer Jane, but he'd looked all over and so got the one and only card.......and it was from a local Post Office too! I've just been 'googling' and I think they might like an engraved cut glass vase or rose bowl I've found. At least they can use those. lol When MIL has had her bladder problems sorted out (seeing another specialist soon) OH is paying for a steam train trip for them around North Wales, but it may be next year now.

I can't really check OH's cheeks......they are covered in hair!!!!! lolol

I hate it when things have gone off. I've chucked chicken and fish away before, even before the use by date.

How is Chester's back leg funny?

I loved those wax crayons with the greaseproof paper round them. We used to press too hard and snap them though. It was so hard to keep inside the lines wasn't it, crayons and brushes seemed to wobble over the place and before you knew it the yellow had run into the blue and gone green!!


Sheila Report 29 Jul 2010 18:56

Jane still here we are going in the morning now.Poor April
just got smacked by grandad she wrapped a bottle stopper in some pastry and threw it and hit grandad in the eye. I said your not surposed to hit children and she heard me and she said Yes and I know you give your teeth a drink of water granpar saw them in a cup in the bathroom. that made me giggle but was trying not to if you know what I mean she I think had looked at his false teeth and. thought they were having a drink of water. Beryl looked awful Jane she had got her arm sticking up in the air on a pulley and her wrist in plaster but she still was covered in lipstick and blusher saying I was jealous because she had a toy boy. Hope to be back refreshed and enjoying all your
chats kept me busy today just reading them going mad we first we were going then we were not going and then we were going but not in our car and then we were going on the train we are not going on the train and I said Oh well we will not go at all. I am eating the sandwiches that I did for the journey .thanks Jane was not moanig at you by the way the message did read a bit grumpy to Elizabeth was having a mamagram and I was worried
about her. my spelling is bad bye for now SHEILA.


Jane Report 29 Jul 2010 19:18

Oh Sheila ,you do make me laugh.Beryl and her blusher and lipstick!!!!!!!,arm up in a pulley.I wonder how she managed to get all her makeup on??
Poor Grandpas eye ,and poor April.She was probably getting bored.
I'm sorry you can't go until tomorrow now,BUT YOU WILL GET THERE.
My comment was just tongue in cheek earlier Sheila.It's difficult to sometimes guess the tone of voice when it 's on the computer.Enjoy those sandwhiches!!!
I'm having steak and chips and roasted peppers,courgettes,and red onions.