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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Aug 2010 10:02

Morning All,

So you did'nt mis me yesterday? I was busy with the company. SIL's daughter had a go on all the machinery in our garden. I got a lovely pic of her driving the green mower down the road taken through the kitchen window. Then out the back of the bungalow on the zero turn mower. She also had a go with Clarissa our BIG mower with the wide cut round the back of the caravan. Also had a go on the digger but I did'nt see her on that as it was outside the wall to the side of our roadway.

We had barb-b-q's and would you beleive that each time the food was ready and the table set outside it rained!! We stood it the first night as it was only very light mizzle but Saturday night it fell out the sky. Everything had to be brought inside to the kitchen and we just about got together enough chairs to seat everyone round the table. Other BIL and wife came too with plenty of wine which was flowing freely.

Thanks for all your photos. Little Sophia is certainly doing well and she is like her mum now.

Jane's son looks like Chris I think.

Shirl hope your son is ok! Must be such a worry.

Have docs with mum at 11.30am so off to get ready.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Aug 2010 10:34

It is thirteen years today that OH and i have been together and also it would have been my dads birthday, he would have been 89.


Jane Report 2 Aug 2010 10:49

Of course you were missed yesterday Mel lolol but you did say you may not be around because of your visitors .Sounds like you had a hectic time,Congrats on 13 years !!.I bet you will be remembering your Dad today.


Fiona Report 2 Aug 2010 11:14

Morning all
congratulations Mel on your 13 years with OH and fond memories for you of your dad.

Yes Jane. Pancino is a dog which was given to Sofia by her aunt Ketty while daughter and family were visiting Italy during the summer. you pinch its paws and it plays tunes and nursery rhymes in Italian , it counts up to ten, and gives little instructions like- please give me a hug and ooo stop tickling, The little heart flashes at the same time.
I keep asking daughter whats it's saying now as I only can pick up several ocasional words. Sofia loves to dance while the music plays & tries to carry it at the same time but it's too heavy for her.

Not so nice weather today, cloudy and gray, OH & MIL left about 10 this morning , hopefully it won't be too bad a journey back down , every where you go there so much road works and it is really slowing up the traffic, don't expect to see OH back till late afternoon,
off to do some washing will probably need to use the tummble dryer , don't think I'll get anything on the line.


Frank Report 2 Aug 2010 11:19

Jane have sent you the accident reported in the paper. It was on the same day that I gave him a flea in the ear. It makes you say, don't fall out with people, you just don't know what might happen.
Oh. how we could do with some of your rain, the gardens are as dry as a bone. Don't know what my water bill will be this summer.

One of my chickens died yesterday, she has looked under the weather for a few days now. sitting around a lot. Went down to give them a lettuce and change their water, and there she was. Now all wrapped up in a plastic bag and in the bin.

Shirl, not good news for your Son, how old is he. ????

Lewis goes home this evening, we are going to miss him. He came into bed with me this morning and chatted like a little old man !!!! His mum and dad will pick him up about 6.30. I have to go to hospital at 1.30pm for final check up on eyes.Ros tomorrow at 2.30pm.


Jane Report 2 Aug 2010 12:48

We are desperate here aren't we Frank for some decent rain.When we have had some it doesn't seem to have made much difference.
I got your email.It wasn't the man from here.I bet it gave you a shiver when you realised it was the chap who came to you .
I wondered what time Lewis was leaving you.Is he excited about going off to France? Sorry about your chickenI wonder if it is the one eating the eggs????


Fiona Report 2 Aug 2010 13:55

Jane , Frank If I could send you some of the rain we are having in Scotland i Would gladly do it, would you send me some sun please?

Had sheets on the line for 20mins and it started to rain again at least they got a bit of a blow


MillymollyAmanda Report 2 Aug 2010 14:23

Afternoon all,
Congratulations Mel and OH on your thirteen years together .
I did think about you and wondered how you were getting on with your company .

Fiona ,thanks for the photo, Sofia's really growing, once they get to their feet its surprising what they can reach !!!

Sorry to hear about your son Shirl ,another worry for you !

Cor have we had rain this morning , it tipped down ,the gutters could not cope it was pouring over the edge ,all drying up now though .

I've picked a few more beans for tea tonight ,got a Chicken and Bacon pie from Tes*o's .
Taking Toby to the vets tonight ,had to cancel fridays appointment so got him in for tonight , He hates going ,he hops in the car alright ,but once we get there hubby waits outside with him untill its his turn as he just Wee's everywhere ,his tail goes between his legs and he shakes .


Tracey Report 2 Aug 2010 14:24

Hi Gang~~~~ still sunny very hot &humid-----cant keep flowers watered enough-drying up daily.------
Mel I did say you would be busy with compony xxx
Fiona Sofia is soooo cute she does seem tall---I'll have her Dog when she finished -xxxxx

My boy is 53 Dr 's said it's Parkinson--But has more test & MIR THIS WEEK To confirm it


Tracey Report 2 Aug 2010 14:26

sorry Mel & OH congrat 0n your 13th xxxxxxx


Jane Report 2 Aug 2010 14:46

Mandy we had that pie yesterday lol.Cheap aren't they?It was very nice.I bought 2 to do the four of us with lots of veg.
What's rain?????????
Shirl does your son live in Ontario near you or is he further away?

The sun has just peeked out,so I think I better do a bit of weeding now ,I have deadheaded as much as I can ,but I just can't reach some of the flowers.


Tracey Report 2 Aug 2010 15:23


Chicken & Bacon sound's good ---what's it like small bit's bacon????


Annx Report 2 Aug 2010 16:41

Afternoon All,

Congrats Mel on 13 years........ I got married after 13 years 1 month. lol

Sorry to hear they think your son has Parkinson's Shirl.....I suppose the scan will be to make sure. It must be quite worrying for you all.

I just found a HUGE marrow I didn't realise was lurking under the leaves. I am not sure when they are ready to be picked. It must be about 18 inches long so I think it must be ready. OH and I love marrow, so I'd better look at what I can stuff it with.

We turfed out the asparagus peas today.........they were ok but a bit bland and had a funny texture. Pretty red flowers though. I planted some ordinary peas when Mel said it wasn't too late and they are in a piece of gutter and about 2 inches high now, so I'll put them in the space.

Mandy, someone has told me to spray the beans with sugary water to attract more insects as he used to have problems with the flowers dropping so I'm going to try it.


Jane Report 2 Aug 2010 16:56

I might do that with our beans Ann.I have noticed a lot of flowerless stalks!!!.

I am just going whisper this...............Hannah has another offer on the house.She has accepted this space lol.I won't hold my breath !

Shirl I just had a look at Bancroft on google st view and found myself in what looks the the main shopping St.Hastings Rd.It looks very long and straight.I saw a river too.


Frank Report 2 Aug 2010 18:13

Afternoon all,
Went to hospital, alls well with my eyes. They say they are better now than they have been for years.!!

Ros took Lewis for his final Chinese meal today, I didn't fancy it, so went for a walk round town, on my own and no stick. Went into Charity shop and bought a cookery book and an encylopedia (JUST LOOKED IT UP) on 40,000 plants, trees, grass's shrubs you name it it's in there £2.00 each. both were over £20.00

My beans are going along well, still plenty of flowers, and tiny beans. Picked enough for Sunday lunch. Watered everywhere again this evening. When are we going to get some rain. Fiona, we would love a good days rain. We arn't having that much sun, very overcast. !!!!


Annx Report 2 Aug 2010 18:14

OMG I'm crossing everything Jane!!! Here's hoping........

I will have a look at Bancroft too Shirl. I love st view and have found a few addresses of my ancestors that are still there.


Jane Report 2 Aug 2010 18:29

That's good news on your eyes Frank.Wish Ros well for her appointment tomorrow.
Has Lewis gone now?.You will miss him won't you.
We have a wigwam with Sweetpeas growing up it.I have been watching a little Wren on and off all afternoon in amongst it.I had a look ,and there are tons of greenfly,so I'm guessing it was having a feast lol.
I have just watered everything.Where oh Where is a little drop of rain for poor Northants.


MillymollyAmanda Report 2 Aug 2010 18:46

Good news about Hannah's house Jane.

We took Toby to the vets and he has to have an operation ,the bit that keeps bleeding is a Tumor,and he says there are one or two there and best to have them removed as he will grow more and they will keep bleeding .
He is being Castrated at the same time ,vet says this will stop any more Tumors growing back .
He is booked to go in on Thursday between eight thirty and nine and we can pick him up in the afternoon if everything goes ok .

The pie was tasty Jane ,i'am going to get a couple to put in the freezer while their on offer, i'am glad you said you bought two between the four of you as hubby and i ate one between us !!

Good news about your eyes Frank , hows the cough today ?


David Report 2 Aug 2010 19:11

Congratulations Mel and I wish you fond memories of your Father.
Mine would be 92.
I hope the Doctors are able to help your son Tracey.

My Daliahs are covered in buds but no flower yet. The Marigolds went from strength to strength.


Jane Report 2 Aug 2010 19:26

OOh Poor Toby.He will have a sore botty for a while .Lets hope they get everything.Chester's bum has been bad with whatever allergy he has .He is very good at letting me put the spray on now.
As to Hannah's house We have been down this road a few times now thinking it was sold and then it all fell through.PLEASE let it happen this time for her sake and OURS lol.