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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Tracey Report 2 Aug 2010 20:35

OH Frank your side kick is of now -you will miss him-- gone to France----
and I guess you've told him what to bring you back----(post-card's)) ha h a
Now that your eyes are better they will be worth seeing now---lolxxxx

Poor wee Toby---hope all goes well --Will that be expensive Mandy if you dont mind my asking---Reson being here it cost an arm & a leg at the Vets

Crossing everything Jane for Hannah
I still cant bring in google st view get almost there when up pops notice
saying i need Abode somthing---oh well

Told you food is better at home that pie sounds Delish


MillymollyAmanda Report 2 Aug 2010 21:02

It costs an arm and a leg at the vets here Shirl ,£125 to have the tumor removed and £125 to have him Castrated .
I sat here and suddenly noticed he was bleeding again ,so he's sat in the kitchen as i can wash the floor in there .
I know its not very nice but he licks himself clean and it seems to help to stop the bleed .


Jane Report 2 Aug 2010 21:14

Mandy ,Chester is insured.My old dog (rescue dog) we insured ,Thank goodness we did ,as he had major surgery on his back for collapsed vertabrae .It would have cost us £1,600.I think we paid £50.Sadly it didn't work ,he had second op I think we had to pay a little more then ,but would have cost again £1,600.Poor thing lost the use of his back legs and we had to have him put down .We only had him for 4 years.He was a dear.

I have been sleeping badly recently,so today bought some Kalms Sleep.Has anyone tried these?I am just about to go and swallow 4 tabs (recommended dose).I may be away with the fairies soon lol.Mel would like to be away with the fairies.
Any photos yet Mel of your fairies??


Jane Report 2 Aug 2010 21:33

Off now.Night Night ,sleep tight I hope I will lol
See you again in the morning xx


Tracey Report 2 Aug 2010 21:42

Hay you be careful with these pills---Hot milk with a wee shot in it
would be better-----
I hope so to Dave thank's xx


Annx Report 2 Aug 2010 21:50

Glad your eyes arebetter than before Frank. Anything that is an improvement is good. My OH has very short sight and is not allowed to head footballs or anything like that!! He has needed less strong glasses as he has got older as I think age changes in the lens counteract the short sightedness a bit. Hope Ros's appointment goes well tomorrow.
Lewis will be asking where that chicken is when he comes next time, won't he.

Poor Toby Mandy. It's expensive at the vet's isn't it. My friend with the horses says it costs her a fortune for cream for the one that is allergic to midge bites.

Let me know if that Kalms works Jane. I have seen it but never tried it. We are sleeping well now, with wearing ourselves out coughing.......both of us have improved today though.

Had to water again tonight! Last year we had the drip hoses, but they are all taken up while we redo the garden, so it's hose everywhere. The front will have to be done tomorrow its so parched. We get the blackest clouds but no rain.

Off to bed now too. Night all xx

PS. Are your fingers going green David? Such success with your plants....well done.


Frank Report 2 Aug 2010 23:22

All in bed now, i suppose. Lewis went home very excited about his holiday, he has to be up at bet the little Bugg## is still awake and can't wait for morning to come. We sent him home with pocket money for his Hols. He said I won't spend it, I'll spend Dads first. BANK OF MUM AND DAD. He will end up putting it in his money box. He has one here, and if I give him any money, it goes straight in there. He has what he wants from us !!!! SPOILT OR WHAT !!!!

Still no sign of rain, I think Northants must be one of the dryest areas in the Country.

Still coughing well, also Annx. gets on your nerves dosen't it ????
Poor old TOBY, hope he goes on allright. My old Lab. had tumors, but he couldn't be saved. We even took him to the animal hospital in Cambridge. but to no avail.

Jane, you want Chris to perscribe some sleeping pills, or if you like I will send a few of mine. !!!! That will get you off to sleep. Mine is due anytime now, so I will be in bed within 30 mins.


David Report 3 Aug 2010 08:09

Annx, I haven't done anything to my garden in quite a while other than pull weeds when prompted.

What a change from working 2 allotmenents with my Father and brother many years ago.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Aug 2010 09:04

Morning David and all,

Going to the garden center this morning, just to have a look around but I bet we come home with more fish!!!!!!!! I need something to put in a BIG round blue tub OH bought me years ago. I was going to line it and have a miniture waterlily in it but never got round toit! Then I kept the hose curled in it in the greenhouse but now it is down by the pond thanks to OH's efforts at moving it for me.

WEnt shopping yesterday but could'nt buy too much stuff as my freezer is bursting at the seems with food left over from the visitors at the weekend. Mostly sausages that people brought with them and I had bought two lots of 18 too.


Jane Report 3 Aug 2010 09:38

Morning Mel ,David and all
Another dry morning and warm.
Those tablets last night seemed to do the trick.I went to sleep quickly which is unusual for me as my brain keeps going.I woke once about 3am but just turned over and went off again.No reading.I will take them for a few nights I think and see if they continue to work.
Have had pills from Chris before Frank prescription ones.They were brilliant but I thought I would just see how these off the shelf ones are.

Chester refused walk this morning ,we only got about 100yards down the lane and he just stops dead in his tracks.Who am I to argue lol.He has a big enough garden .I expect James will take him over the back field later for me.


Jane Report 3 Aug 2010 12:12

Goodness me,it's quite here.


MillymollyAmanda Report 3 Aug 2010 12:30

Afternoon all,

I'am here Jane ,been busy this morning ,shopping ,hovering ,washing floors,stripped off my bed ,sheets are blowing on the line .

Sounds as if the tablets worked for you Jane, i wonder why Chester wouldn't go any further down the lane ,do you think he saw a ghost !!!
I'am sure my sisters dog used to see things ,he would put his head on one side look up at the ceiling and give a little growl.


Jane Report 3 Aug 2010 12:37

My sheets are blowing too Mandy.I need to hoover upstairs but will have lunch first I think.
Chester is always seeing things.It is usually a fly that buzzes his bum ,or the breeze that goes up there lol .He suddenly stops and looks round as to say "What was that"?????????.He looks barking mad when he does that .
Off for a bite now .BBL


Frank Report 3 Aug 2010 13:37

Lewis has arrived in France. His Dad just phones to let us know. I bet he's in the swimming pool by now. !!!!

Have trimmed and mowed both lawns, look great. nice stripes in the back one. NOW FOR SOME RAIN. PLEASE PLEASE.

Glad you had a good night Jane, It does make you feel different. I was in bed by midnight and slept till 7.30. then tossed and turned. finally got up at

Ros has her hospital appointment at 3.15pm She has Lycanplanis (not right spelling i'm sure) in her mouth, The stuff they are treating her with,, can cause mouth cancer, so has to be very carefull how she uses it. Jane, Chris will no doubt know what I am taking about. She has to go back every three months.

Mel, I know what you mean, We have a large American type fridge/freezer in the kitchen, and a chest freezer in the garage. They are both full, and there are only the two of us.!!!! I keep telling Ros, we can't eat it a quick as she buys it. DON'T BUY ANYMORE TILL I SAY SO. Does she listern. Not on your NELLY.


Tracey Report 3 Aug 2010 15:09

Afternoon to you --But it's morning here been up since 7.30am
had brekie gave Med's and insulin to Happy Harry--put on his Elastic stockings((which -is-a-job))xxx
Glad you had good sleep Jane But think hot milk with a wee shot is better for you lol xxxxYour OH sound like he could have Sleep Apnia with all his snorthing???

Frank how often does Ros have to see to her mouth?Hope all is well to-day for her xxxx

For what it worth---dont leave food to long in freezer it get's freezer burns and will not taste good---You have to rotate the food more --- I found that out the hard way-----

Mel how would a rose look in that lovely blue pot by the pond xx
must put wash in---
where is Maureen ????


Jane Report 3 Aug 2010 15:12

I'm glad Lewis has arrived En France safe and sound.Lucky boy.He will be worn out by this evening.
What are we to do with no rain Frank lol.I do think we will get some tomorrow,but how much ,who knows!
I have ironed and not hoovered,that can be for tomorrow now.I have a dark blue bedroom carpet and it always seems covered in Chris's hairs,from when he has dried off after a shower every morning.He is like a gorilla lol
I am just about to see if there are a few more dwarf beans I can pick.They have been lovely.


Maureen Report 3 Aug 2010 17:12

Hi All, Well I can guarantee rain now, I have just had the sprinkler on the garden for the last 5 hours. I can see some dark clouds gathering already.


Jane Report 3 Aug 2010 18:02

Maureen,it's looking dark here now ,so fingers crossed we will finally have some of the wet stuff.I just watered the cucumbers in the greenhouse,but rest can just wait now.
Love the email lol
Pasta for dinner.Easy peasy.,garlic bread and salad.I never remember having anything like pasta when I was young.I think we maybe started having Spag Bol in the 70's,and that was sooooo foreign lol


Jane Report 3 Aug 2010 18:26

My Nana who lived with us for some years always turned her nose up at 'funny food' lol,but Mum always said "Well that is what we are all having",there is nothing else lol.Nana always ate everything,but then picked up her 2 Rennies that would be on the table and eat them.It was just a habit ,but it used to get Mum's goat as she thought Nana was insinuating that the food gave her indigestion.


Tracey Report 3 Aug 2010 19:02

We had Spag/-Mac& cheese/ and Mum would put Mac and tom's in with-
mince to eat when I was young Not all the kinds we have now a days. xxx
loved Herring with small new pot's--xxxxx

Frank how's Ros ??