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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Maureen Report 30 Jul 2010 20:46

My daughter, Elisa, her partner calls her Mona Lisa, I don't think it's anything to do with her smile .......LOL

Everytime we were out on the boat, Suzie's partner would give her instructions, lean back, knees bent, everytime he said it I wanted to finish it off with, ooh the okee kokee, that's what it's all about. !!!


MillymollyAmanda Report 30 Jul 2010 20:46

Ann, I shall be very Relieved to have something to go on LOL


Tracey Report 30 Jul 2010 21:04

said sharp as a tack--- You wont feel so CRAMPED now with two Loos

Dundee where I come from we had the Tay river the sea was all around
few miles away was the north sea--Yes we shell pick--Would collect lots and get old flower pots or tins glue shells on ----gave us things to do


Jane Report 30 Jul 2010 21:10

Mandy I popped into the vet this morning without Chester just for advice.I still have the Hydracortisone spray for his botty lol,and some spare steroid tablets.I have given him Piriton tabs today plus the spray.They said just to do that and if he still has that itchy bum to give him the steroids tabs .If things don't calm down he will go in for an injection.

I used to go picking Whelks on the beach.Never found one of those big ones to hear the sea.Although we did have one at home and I remember holding it to my ear ..............and yes you can hear the sea lol.I can hear it now.It gives me a funny feeling in my tummy just to remember doing that.
I think I am getting a bit sentimental in my old age as I often get that funny feeling when I think about childhood.
Knees bent ,arms stretch Ra Ra Ra ! lol Maureen


Frank Report 30 Jul 2010 21:18

Those shells to listern to the sea were konch shells. If thats how it's spelt.
Well cheesed off tonight, Ros took Lewis and I up to the club, only to find it SHUT. so home we came, No beer tonight.

Jane, I don't know where that chap came from. I will have to find the paper.

Had a drop of rain, not enough to wet the ground. maybe tonight.


MillymollyAmanda Report 30 Jul 2010 21:20

Could never tackle a whelk Yuk , or Cockles and Mussels alive alive ho !!


MillymollyAmanda Report 30 Jul 2010 21:22

Don't tell me you've drunk the Club dry Frank !!! LOL

You'll have to make some home Brew !


Jane Report 30 Jul 2010 21:35

I remember sat on the front lawn picking whelks out of the shells with a pin.Not sure why as they weren't eaten .I hope they were dead.
Are you spitting feathers now then Frank ,or do you have a chilled beer in the fridge?
The rain here looked fairly heavy but I think has just tickled the garden.

OH really peed off tonight.He had to ring the hospital several times today for different patients ,and could not understand the Doctors.English not being their first language!!!!!.I am not being racist as that is the last thing I am ,but I do think it is bad if our Doctors are not understood ...especially by patients.


Frank Report 30 Jul 2010 22:13

No, I haven't had a beer tonight. Don't keep them at home anymore. Only have a drink on Wed. or Fri night. With all the tablets I take, I shouldn't drink at all, but that would be so boring.

with the lads from the fishing club, years ago. We would you to Brancaster, and fish a 12 hour tide. When we got back into the jetty, we would go and BUY a sackfull of whelks, and eat them all the way back to Kettering. You could have followed the trail of empty shells all the way home.!!! Then we were glad of a few beers.


Maureen Report 30 Jul 2010 22:20

It's not just Doctors Jane, it's the same with teachers, I can remember mine coming home from school saying they didn't understand a word the teacher said.

I'm off to bed, see you tomorrow xxx


Jane Report 30 Jul 2010 22:24

I will be off up those stairs shortly.I can hear OH snoring through the floorboards!!.Peaceful night for me then ....NOT .I need some ear plugs!!!
Night Night xx


MillymollyAmanda Report 30 Jul 2010 22:26

When you went to Brancaster Frank did you swim out to the wreck ?
Cross over the channel and swim round the wreck ,hubby has done it years ago ,said there were lots of big fish inside .


Tracey Report 30 Jul 2010 22:35

Yes we'd pick whelks of the rocks take them home boil in salt water---
dont htink I could eat them now---Even took them to the pictures--When you think the poor Char lady cleaning

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 Jul 2010 09:24

Morning all,

Rained a bit last night but we still ate in the garden. OH cooked on the new barby and it was a great success.

SIL's girl has had a go on the big mower and today she is going to have a go on the digger. She will be full of it when she gats home. Other SIL brought down two of those big paper lanterns you light and they float up into the sky. Funny thing is we think alike as I had also bought some to use when they came down. They are all biodegradable so are safe to use.

Have to catch up on your posting yet so may be back later. The sun is supposed to shhine today but no sign of it yet!!!!!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 Jul 2010 09:52

Never liked any shellfish like winkles or welks but did try cockles when I was young at Southend on Sea served on a little white round porcelan dish and sprinkled with vinegar. Liked them until I found out that the little green bit inside them was their poo!! Never eaten them since.

OH is looking for our set of Boules that we bought years ago for Stephanie to play on the front lawn but he can't find them anywhere!!

Captain Pugwash used to be in the newspaper as a cartoon when I was young and my dad would always read that to me and Rupert The Bear.


Jane Report 31 Jul 2010 10:00

Morning Mel and All
I think we had a fair bit of rain in the night judging by the amount that had collected in the canopy.The garden will be really happy now.
It is cloudy but sooooo warm.Hannah is off to a wedding this afternoon,and it doesn't look like the sun is going to shine.
I love those lanterns that float up.Have never had one myself but they look so lovely.
I could have lent you a set of boules Mel if you were closer.
What's everyone up to today?


MillymollyAmanda Report 31 Jul 2010 10:08

Morning Mel ,Morning Jane ,

We had a lot of rain in the night ,i woke up and it was tipping it down,the old weeds will come on now !!

I bought one of those lanterns ,haven't used it yet ,are they easy to light ?
when we first saw one go over we wondered what the devil it was .

Plumber's here ,nearly done ,he's just got to screw the pan down .


Fiona Report 31 Jul 2010 12:05

Hi Everybody
Just e-mailed photo's of Loch Lomond, let me know if you get them.
Computer playing up again. so have to do things when it lets me.

Shiela I don't have your e-mail , so If you would like to see photo's . please PM .


Jane Report 31 Jul 2010 12:59

Fiona,what a great afternoon out you must have had.I wouldn't have wanted to go home.Lovely scenery,Lovely Loch,Lovely Scotland.
Mandy you will soon be able to sit and enjoy your new loo lol.Make sure the plumber has screwed it down well !!


MillymollyAmanda Report 31 Jul 2010 14:01

I haven't got any photo's Fiona .

The Loo has one of those seats and lid that closes softly so you only have to let it down so far ,and what was i doing..... trying to push it down ,i thought it was stiff to close !!!!

I just have to buy an extra long shower curtain now and its finished .

Frank , liked the email Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder ,thats me !! I start lots of things and never get anything done LOL