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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Fiona Report 29 Jul 2010 19:39

Hi All
Just notice that the PM I did earlier is all there strange as it wasn't there when I did it before
As you can see we are back from Loch Lomond. all safe and sound.
took longer than normal to get there it was over the hour as the traffic was very busy on the motorway before and after Glasgow.
Yes Jane I took my camera so I will get pics to all when I get the chance
The weather was sunny and warm with an occasional cool wind when we were at the loch side in fact it was very windy.
It was a really busy place we come off at Balloch where there is lots of places to eat and boat rides and shops to visit.
The place was really busy with holiday makers so it took us quite a while to get our lunch as everyone seem to want to eat at the same time. was also bothered with wasps.

Oh making some tea , the sun is still out so we may be able to eat outside.


Annx Report 29 Jul 2010 20:36

Sheila, you don't know whether you are coming or going today do you! I hope you get off ok tomorrow and have a nice break. Beryl must be a bit better if she's managing to get her 'slap' on. Poor April. wasn't it awful as a child when you flung something towards someone and suddenly it gathered speed and made contact when really it was meant to be a threat!!

Sounds like you had a nice day at Loch Lomond Fiona even if it was busy........looking forward to seeing your piccies. I have never been there.


Sheila Report 29 Jul 2010 21:01

Thank you Annx I think April thought it was pastry without
the bottle stopper. Oh Loch Lomond love to be there went many years go so beautiful it is better than being here in Brum on a wet dull day. I saw a white barn owl earlier a bit early for owls is it not or do they appear at 9am sat in the tree it was staring at me never seen one around here before. so lovely. Beryl will put her slap on on her death bed whoops had not better say that .


Jane Report 29 Jul 2010 21:39

We had a barn owl the other night on the dead tree.I have never seen one before.It wasn't a snowy owl Sheila was it (being white)?.
I just have this wonderful image of Beryl lol.Somehow (it must be the name) but I think of Beryl Cook(the artist) and her ladies she painted.Do you know of Beryl Cook Sheila??


Annx Report 29 Jul 2010 21:53

Love the pic of Sid drinking the birds' bathwater, lol

We have a small Beryl Cook print.....the 'Girls' Night Out' one. lol They always make me chuckle.

OH went to bed ages ago feeling grim like I did a few days ago.......head hot but shivery and goosebumps up his arms and a raw throat. His parting words were 'I'm glad I don't have to get up for work tomorrow'!! lol

We have now ordered an engraved vase for his parents and also a print you can send for with their marriage details on, a message from us and that shows snippets about the day they were married like the news headlines, price of foods then, stuff like that. FIL will love it.


Jane Report 29 Jul 2010 22:03

I'm glad you got the pressie sorted Ann.
As to Beryl cook I have a couple of pictures of hers (just cards) in the downstairs loo.They are too rude to put anywhere else lol.I think she is brilliant.She died not so long ago.Came from Plymouth and lived just up on Plymouth Hoe.
I hope poor OH will feel a bit better in the morning.Don't send the bug down this way !!!!.We are all healthy at the moment lol
Off to bed now .Night Night xx


Annx Report 29 Jul 2010 22:13

Yes I'm off too now Jane........didn't know she came from Plymouth.......she is very good. I think the bug likes it too much here at the moment can't persuade it to go just yet. Night night xx


Sheila Report 30 Jul 2010 00:05

Jane sorry settled myself down to perhaps chat a while and the phone rang it was Beryls daughter
she phoned to say Beryl had asked for a stick of rock from Rhyl. I said I am not going but to a castle .I told her today where was going but she was too busy saying Donnies got lovely legs .I said and no brains and I was jealous she
The nurse applied the blusher and lipstick. Dear Donnie
was coming to see her a 23 year old stud with a huge earing. Pierced his brain I think. Barn owls are brown I was corrected tonight by my husband no white ones
well was a owl. Beryl Cook do not know that lady will have to look her up to see on the web. I know I am awful about my friend but you know she is old and all the make up in the world will not change that. ok if she wants it. I mean the make up of course then apply a bit but its full eye make up the lot.
Beryl once glued her eye lashes together trying to curl them
and had to apply cream for a week.I am fed of of hearing
about young Don. Her husband was a very decent bloke
a navy man was on HMS Vanguard he told me in 1961
or around that time Vanguard took its last journey down past Southsea and the whole of the population of Southsea
turned out to see it He was a keen Yachtsman .
Well nite to everyone have a nice week end again how many times have I said that sound like a gramaphone
record .Im going away tomorrow ha ha. if anyones got
prayers going say one for me. Im off to check on April
and then going to bed. nitexxx


Sheila Report 30 Jul 2010 00:08

Brums had rain today Frank


Sheila Report 30 Jul 2010 00:10

Do not worry I your great Jane loving your messages
nice to chat with some sane most people apart from family
at work and around here are all bonkers in a nice way.We
get a few right ones in the shop.


Sheila Report 30 Jul 2010 00:35

Shirl just a quickie going to bed but April not asleep yet dare not go up shes got a long journey home tomorrow
going to Wales dropping her off to her mum 5 miles
from where we are staying. It was ok about French
and Saunders tv show. I can amagine they would give her
Beryl the run around. HAVE A NICE WEEK END.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 30 Jul 2010 08:23

Morning dry here but a bit cloudy. OH has gone off to Barnstaple for something. I have to wash my hair. Hope all have a nice weekend and I shall try to pop back on now and again. I am told they left home at 5am this moring or were getting up at that time!! I went to bed at 2.30am and got up about 7.15am. Hope my energy lasts today!


Jane Report 30 Jul 2010 10:06

Morning Mel and All.
I hope Sheila has got away alright this morning.
Mel you will be exhausted by this afternoon.How long are your visitors staying?

It is very warm and close this morning.I think once I have done the shopping I shall be in the garden.


LilyL Report 30 Jul 2010 11:07

Sorry if I made you grumpy Sheila, it wasn't intentional,just thought I'd have a bit of fun! seem to backfire a bit!! still not to worry! Mamagram result came and all is OK thank goodness, all these things are a bit like jumping through a hoop and trying not to catch your foot! one day.....?who knows, lets hope not for any of us. Anyway thank you Sheila for your concern, and again I didn't mean to upset you. Am away to pick MORE tomatoes! and peppers!! Have groomed Millie (Cocker Spaniel) so she looks VERY smart for the minute, after tomartoes, a 'Millie' walk and then lunch before exhaustion sets in!!


Jane Report 30 Jul 2010 14:20

Afternoon Elizabeth.I'm pleased your Mammogram was clear.Horrible things aren't they ,but neccessary.I am going to try Peppers next year.I get through so many it seems daft not to give them a go.
I'm lucky,I don't have to groom Chester as he is short haired.But he does like a brush.


Frank Report 30 Jul 2010 14:31

Bit of news this morning. One of the conservatory blokes who came last Wednesday. Got killed in a Mororbike accident this week. It was in our local paper. What a shame.

Heard also that Lewis is staying with us till Monday evening. So his mum and dad can get everything sorted,before he and his Mum fly off to France on Tuesday morning. We don't mind. It's great to have him with us.

Still no sign of rain, very overcast. and a bit cooler. Have watered part of the patio this morning, everything looking a bit thirsty. Like me, a couple of pints tonight will go down a treat. Lewis will say later, "Pappy" is the club open this evening. And thats without any prompting from me.


Tracey Report 30 Jul 2010 15:54

Good afternoon to ''WHO''EVER YOU ARE""" LOL XXX
Elizabeth do you freeze the peppers? stuffed peppers are eating a lot here
Have you done them?

So it seem's it will be ALL-QUIET-ON-THE-WESTERN-FRONT--This weekend-- Must be nice getting away for weekend's And busy for some with compony ---xxx

Tell the truth Frank Lewis didn't think that up on his own??

Just remined me --i've to make APPT for Mamagram--or as my monster said ((when small)) getting my BO### S PRESSED lol xxx


Maureen Report 30 Jul 2010 15:57

I've been up and about this morning but my foot was so painful had to sit down. Frank, I have been really enjoying all your jokes, some were real laugh out loud ones.

While I am still sitting I will send some photos of my trip to Dorset.

Where has Sheila gone? Must have missed a lot of posts, couldn't read nearly a weeks worth and hello to Elizabeth, are you NigglyNellie? Where did you get that name from !!!!!

Fiona, am really looking forward to your photos. Have never been to Scotland. Doesn't the time fly, can't believe Sofia will be one in a couple of months. Finley is six months already.


Tracey Report 30 Jul 2010 15:59

My god Frank was that the same fellow who wanted the 65 pounds ?


Maureen Report 30 Jul 2010 16:01

Hi Shirl. wondered where you had got to.

Now Frank, you have to admit, two birds in the bush has got to be better than one in the hand ....LOL