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YG Report 30 Dec 2009 12:55

You best get your butt off that throne by the time LG has finished her ironing Aunty!!! She will be in desperate need of a rest.


AuntySherlock Report 30 Dec 2009 13:04

Tee hee. Poor LG. She'll have to do all her ironing all by herself. The Cyber Pets are in Canada with RMS. Wonder if she's managed to rescue them from the crazed spotted elephant. Nellie must have chicken pox.

That means I can put my feet up for at least another hour, and suck my thumb and sulk.

Just realized what the real time time is. Heavens I'll never get out of bed in the morning. Time does fly when you're having fun.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 30 Dec 2009 13:07

Lol at Aunty! Go check your in box :-P


Mazfromnorf Report 30 Dec 2009 13:48

hello welcome rita its pouring hail stones here my kitten complains about them because they get in his fur I am trying to keep the place muddy paw free almost impossible though as he wants to be out every five mins


Mazfromnorf Report 30 Dec 2009 14:21

lol Rita i am not quite that bad
pets and mess go together but its the times when i am off that i see them lol so when i go back to work it will not be seen lol
Lg i have no washing or ironing I am up to date at the moment
It is so icy I have cancelled a visit to an elderly friend who was dissappointed but i darnt risk my legs going on the ice as i am unstable anyway


Mazfromnorf Report 30 Dec 2009 19:26

ooer no broomsticks or CPs what bliss i see there are new species in RMS 's home you can keep them lol


AuntySherlock Report 30 Dec 2009 19:40

Oh Duh!! The penny has just dropped. Clang. I see what you mean. Change my set up in GR and other places so the address, blah, blah, etc etc.

Never thought of that.

It's a little bit cooler outside in the early morning. About 28C. Heading for another scorcher today.

Morning Maz, Rita, LG, YG. What are you plotting Maz. What news from the Canadian Maple Syrup Factory. Which cyber pets have managed to create a new species. I think we will leave them over there. There would be all sorts of visa/passport problems returning them to Nut Lodge.


RockyMountainShy Report 30 Dec 2009 19:42

Oh No you don't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently they have been stretching themselves across the sidewalks and tripping people! As soon as the police can catch them they are being sent back to where they came from. Apparently "Spot" the elephant is really Rover and he is wanted in Hawaii on the change of "stampeding".

I told you not to send them over, but OH NO you wouldn't listen

-8 minus isn't that cold, you would survive you may not like it, but you would. OH YES YOU WOULD !


AuntySherlock Report 30 Dec 2009 19:47

Oh those clever boakins. Human speed bumps. That'll learn you lot to go rushing everywhere. You sound like you have everything under control RMS. And my fingers are turning blue just thinking about being that cold.

The little furry critters could be a real asset on the frozen footpaths (sorry sidewalks). Act as skid breakers as well as trippers uppers.


LaGooner Report 30 Dec 2009 20:00

Evening all, off my throne Aunty want to sit on it and watch the match LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 30 Dec 2009 20:23

lol not football , i am not planning anything here lol the pets are fine on their own nellie covered in boakins does rather look like a wooly mammoth
it is so peaceful here its almost boring but i have done a huge whack of homework lol
we have road closures around here with sheet ice ,


LaGooner Report 30 Dec 2009 20:34

HI Maz yes football I'm afraid LOL. Pouring with rain here and bloomin cold.


Mazfromnorf Report 30 Dec 2009 20:36

hi YG even the kitten is not playing lol its awful here


LaGooner Report 30 Dec 2009 20:55

I am just sitting here in the warm,coffee at hand footie scarf waving LOL


RockyMountainShy Report 31 Dec 2009 00:50

After serious & cautious consideration... your contract of friendship has been renewed for the New Year 2010! (On a temporary basis.)

It was a very hard decision to make... So try not to screw it up!!!


AuntySherlock Report 31 Dec 2009 08:22

Oh RMS it is so nice of you to offer friendship for the forthcoming year. Obviously your offer was made after long and careful deliberation.

Now let me see, is that a blanket offer encompassing all who venture onto this here wondrous thread. Is the aforementioned offer subject to consequences should any of the less well behaved personages blot their copybooks.

Will we have a points score like you do with traffic offences. Twelve points isn't enough, I'd like to start with at least 50 points. That will give me some leeway in the behaviour stakes. There are others who, well, I'm afraid they will need to start on 500 points.

We could make this a Nut Lodge Standing Order along with botty stamping, the flag, the anthem, and dare I say it our dearly missed, (with tears streaming down my face in fits of ludicrous laugher) Cyber Pets.

I believe the pets are now living in the Olympic Village and are offering their services to tourists as a way of raising sufficient funds for their journey back to Nut Lodge.


YG Report 31 Dec 2009 09:40

Morning everyone. A reasonably bright, dry day here for a change!

I see your team won again last night LG!!

The mind boggles at the type of services that the CPs may be offering to the unsuspecting inhabitants! I think RMS is living in false hopes that they will be caught. They are all escapologists so even if they catch them they won't be around for long!!!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Dec 2009 12:03

Just passed midday...where has the morning gone? Bet it's something to do with those CP, even if they are across the Atlantic lol

Hope AS is out enjoying her self...only 1hr and about 30 min until she sees in 2010. HAPPY NEW YEAR Aunty!


YG Report 31 Dec 2009 12:19

HAPPY NEW YEAR Aunty, OH & not forgetting Spot!!


Mazfromnorf Report 31 Dec 2009 13:52

morning lol well it was a few hours ago have been busy wnet to asda lol that was fun not !!!
Happy new year Aunty