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Mazfromnorf Report 27 Dec 2009 10:31

well we cant waste it all lol any want a pringle lol
Yorkie have you a new hairstyle and need to be carried in a basket lol
I have 4 mths until the wedding then i can worry lol


AuntySherlock Report 27 Dec 2009 10:45

Maz, Your top sounds very elegant. Are you certain the outfit couldn't double for a more formal occasion.

Searches through drawer for feathered boa and the stiletto heels. Damn i can't wear these on the rowing boat. Stuffs heels, boa, and beaded vest into backpack.

And another chocolate into her mouth. Hmmmmm I'm beginning to think these truffles are laced with inebriating beverages. Licccccccquuuuuery taste they have.


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 10:57

Whoops!!! Sorry to Your Deputy Highness and Her Maj!! I didn't like being 'no-one' so decided to change it. I didn't realise it had changed my community name as well!! Have gone back into edit it, so let's see what happens this time!!

Oh woe is me >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what penance might I have to suffer for taking such liberties!!


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 10:57

Wahoooo!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!! Back to my old self!!!

Right I'm off to clear some of the sheets of glass off the pavement by my gate before I do my posterior serious damage!!


AuntySherlock Report 27 Dec 2009 11:19

OIh I am able to think up a very fitting penance.

Stacks all the chocolates, biscuits, lollies and confectionary type thingies onto the catapult. YGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Where is the spare knicker elastic??? How can I send these delicacies to you if there is no knicker elastic on the catapult.
Oh damn I'll have to use mine. Rummages through drawer and takes elastic out of 25 pairs of knickers (so I've still got a little botty). Ties elastic together. OK YG and the rest of you stand by. Confectionery on it's way to UK. Shazaaaaaaammmmmm!!

By the way LG. Do you think we could borrow a couple of the more adept Arsenal players to coach one of the Aussie soccer teams. I think they have lost their last seven or eight matches, give or take a win or none. The Arsenal players would feel right at home because this team's colours are also red and red. Talk about hopeless, they would have been relegated to the Z division by now.

Wonder why I feel so squirmy in the tummy. Think I need a fizzy drink.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 27 Dec 2009 11:31

Morning all, we have sunshine today, still got the snow and ice - but it looks a tad better with the sun on it.

It made me feel better when I read this page and saw I wasn't the only one who's stuffed with chocolate. I was going to be good and just eat a couple of chocolates but once I'd started I couldn't stop.


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 13:22

Pauline, I haven't started on them yet!!!

They will probably be still sitting here next Christmas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
apart from the Maltesers and Walnut Whips, that is!! They could well be consumed within a very short space of time!!!!

Aunty, all my knicker elastic has burst with the expanded circumferance of my girth!!!! Got them tied up with string at the moment!


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 13:25

Aunty, stop disturbing LG!!!! You will be in BIG trouble!!!

She is sitting swooning at the tv, wearing her new shirt, wooly hat and scarf, waving her tickets in her hands.

Can't you hear her from there!!!


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 16:59

Whoopieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 - 0. Have that Villa Na na nana na!!!!!!!!!!. Evening all as you probably gathered I am in fine fettle today .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 27 Dec 2009 17:09

lol! Strange how not having Chocolate doesn't worry me, except if we are given a box, I'm the one who ends up eating the most.

The extra supplies of Chrissie Foods are next to the PC. The box of shortbread isn't going to available for general consumption at this rate!

Love the sound of your Bolero top Maz. And at such a good price! Think LG must have got distracted by hunkie footballers running up and down in the cold. The tidying up hasn't been done. Boo Hoo.


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 17:15

Sorry DET I will jump on the broomstick now and whoosh over to yours mop and bucket in hand,vacuum tied on back and feather duster stuck behind left ear LOL.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 27 Dec 2009 17:18

We'll be waiting.......right everyone - feet in air so LG can run the vac round

Beta Male, go and light the beacon so she can find us, then resume the position. And turn that racket down - lol!


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 17:42

What racket might that be ??? Maybe something I like I work better with a bit of music going.


Mazfromnorf Report 27 Dec 2009 18:00

the beacon is on here too and the coffee ,coooo eeeeeee !


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 18:07

Helloooooooooooo Maz, coffee sounds good. How are you did you have a good Xmas ?


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 19:20

Coooeeeee!! Have you finished the cleaning yet LG!! I need you over here!!! Got my feet up on the stool ready and waiting!!


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 19:30

Be done in about 10 minutes. Light the beacon to guide me in LOL. How are you today ??


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 19:35

Beacon's lit and flashing red & white!!!

I'm good thanks!! Being completely idle!!


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 19:37

Good taste in colours I shan't miss those LOL. I am idle too just doing a bit more of the family tree. Got a good lead earlier today and got hooked on it again.


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 19:41

Being idle for a while won't hurt you. You need some rest!!