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LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 21:11

No never !!!!! LOL. I am making the most of it as I have to start back at Slimming World in the new year LOL. I have had a 3 month break from it and dread to think how much I have put back on LOL


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 21:16

The osteopath has suggested I start exercise classes!! Some chance of that unless a little gremlin starts working overtime in my brain!!

I don't want to go anywhere when I get home from work, let alone a gym!!


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 21:23

I never want to exercise at night that is why I go to Aquafit in the mornings. I have not even done that with everything else that has gone on.


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 21:45

I'm trying to type with the cat resting over my elbow!! She has just woken up and decided it's time to come through and give me a wash!!


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 21:53

I have one sitting asleep on the arm of the sofa beside me and I have not the feintest where the other one is. Probably asllep on the bottom of the bed as usual thinking about it.


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 21:56

Muffy's been on the bed all day and will go back with me when I go to bed. Duffy always sleeps in the cat bed or sits on top of the armchair!!

They are not eating very well at the moment. They are turning their noses up at everything I give them. They have the odd mouthful then leave the rest.


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 22:04

Mine never stop eating greedy b*****s LOL. They sulk and won't eat if for example they have had a treat meal such as meat scraps but I just leave their food down and they eat it eventually under protest LOL


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 22:05

I've worn myself out today doing nothing lol!!

I think it's bedtime for me.

Sleep well LG xx


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 22:05

Right the food stays there then until they eat it or it goes off lol!!

Nite nite LG xx


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 22:09

Nite nite YG, Sleep well and sweet dreams catch you again soon x


AuntySherlock Report 28 Dec 2009 05:09

YG. When you wake up. The NSW BDM is quite easy to use. The only problem is that you are terribly restricted by the date constraints. You are only able to search BDMs to certain dates. PM me with the name and dates of your search and I'll take a look for you.

If you need certificates NSW has an excellent transcription service which costs a lot less than the certificates from the government BDM. But it is still quite pricey compared to your GRO.

Speaking of exercise. I go regularly and have tried lots of different programs. I enjoy pilates most of all. Not the sort those thin cheesy grinning women do on TV but really challenging pilates. I hate running or jumping up and down so this type of exercise suits me fine.


LaGooner Report 28 Dec 2009 08:23

Morning all, Oh best shush as you all seem to be snoozing still. Tiptoes out quietly >>>>>>>>>>


Mazfromnorf Report 28 Dec 2009 09:36

morning all how are you I cant wait until i get this back in the evenings again i have a cleaning shift at the moment kids went yesterday been washing all the bedding etc cats are watching the birds its dry here and bright so hopefully wont be too bad frog is coming over soon not sure what we are doing though be nice just to sit and chill out although a walk will probably do me good lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 Dec 2009 10:08

My, you have been having fun last night. Glad to see LG back on form.

A nice stroll in the park is probably something we all need, to get rid of some of the sugar rush.

BTW - OH found the shortbread biscuits.......and they are no more :-((


AuntySherlock Report 28 Dec 2009 11:32

Ashleys made nice chocolate Thins
Notice the past tense. And who would call anything chocolate "thins".

I have corrected the name of the company. Ate them so quickly I didn't have time to read it properly.


LaGooner Report 28 Dec 2009 16:02

I'm not thins LOL


LaGooner Report 28 Dec 2009 21:08

It's akin to the Marie Celeste in here. Where is everyone tonight ? not even a sign of the cp's


RockyMountainShy Report 28 Dec 2009 21:35


On Dec 23 about 11 pm there was spotted just inside Canadian waters an ark type boat, it was taken into tow and the inhabits questioned. Most of them were released after determining that they were "forced on board by a very crazed person" They are still under police observation.
There is still two or three in police custody, their spokes 'person' is a purple polka doted elephant calling himself "Spot" When boarded; Spot and a few snakes were 'playing' with a laser type rifle and threatening the police with it. The others told the police that Spot and his friends came on board in Hawaii. Police are still questioning them.


LaGooner Report 28 Dec 2009 21:49

LOL RMS. HI how are you. So it is not the marie Celeste but Arsenal arkroyal LOL


RockyMountainShy Report 28 Dec 2009 22:06

Glad to see that you are feeliing better, LaGooner.

Arsenal !?! NOOOOOOOOO more like Manchester Untied or....or... or....Oh yeah Bristol Rovers