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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Sheila Report 27 Jul 2010 19:45

Sorry Jane I have broken my new glasses Just this minute
borrowed my hubbies .Anybody who is feeling poorly so many at the moment.Beryls had a terrible accident she was on the back of a motor bike would you believe it without a crash helmet and a car pulled out and she fell
off and broke her coller bone, her ,arm, and she is unconcious.I rushed to see her but they would not let me
in. I thought one day something bad would happen and
she may get fined for not having an helmet. how did your
daughters friends funeral go.Came on earlier but on wrong page I think saw different names. I found a pigeons yesterday up in a fir tree. xxx


Sheila Report 27 Jul 2010 19:53

My arm is ok sorry the phoned rang had to leave off and answer it it was Beryls daughter Cassie .


Jane Report 27 Jul 2010 19:58

Oh my! Sheila,I hope Beryl will be alright .What on earth was she doing on the back without a helmet??
My daughter (Hannah) is very quiet tonight .She said the funeral went fine but hasn't really said much more about it.I think there were just a few family and close friends there.I haven't asked any questions.


Tracey Report 27 Jul 2010 20:20

Sheila sorry about beryle --- Is she ok ?And I only ment it in the NICEST Way----
About Saunders & French doing a TV show---

Jane we use Tweezers for the brows lol xxx Lucky it wasn't you hair---
Didn't we have this a while back when it sounded like ''ER'' ON HERE


MillymollyAmanda Report 27 Jul 2010 20:34

Oh Sheila ,i hope your friend Beryl will be ok ,what was she doing on the back of a bike !

Well we've had a few showers so no need for me to water tonight .

Toby's snoring away here ,his paws keep twitching so he's dreaming.


Annx Report 27 Jul 2010 20:46

Poor Beryl, Sheila. I hope she is ok. How mad to not wear a helmet on a motorbike though.

What a particularly sad funeral Jane and seeing such a tiny coffin would be very upsetting for anyone.

After telling us not to play with matches for years suddenly they let us loose with bunsen burners at school........I loved the noise they made when you lit them.....pop!!!


Sheila Report 27 Jul 2010 20:53

HI BACK AGAIN .I think she wanted to go to get her
pension she did have a helmet but lost it and I said do
not go on that bike without it knowing you ,you may do that,
and she did and I think this person who had the bike was
going very fast but slowed down because he saw a police
car .according to a witness ,but fancy allowing an old lady
on a bike without a helmet. Had the bike been going faster
I think she would have been killed. Feel sorry for her but she is a silly moo.


Jane Report 27 Jul 2010 20:59

I think Silly Moo is putting it mildly Sheila lol.
If she was my friend the air would be blue when I got the chance to see her !!!!!!.Maybe she will think twice now.I do hope she is OK though.


Jane Report 27 Jul 2010 21:02

These days in schools they have to wear goggles and all sorts when they are in the lab.I don't remember ever having any safety equipment.Maybe just an apron.


MillymollyAmanda Report 27 Jul 2010 21:04

I don't think i would want to go on the back of a motor bike ,even with a helmet !
She must be a bit of a dare devil ! LOL


Sheila Report 27 Jul 2010 21:16

I think she is very stupid riding a bike at her age but that is the trouble she always wants to do these things and I do not get too involved with her for that reason.


Jane Report 27 Jul 2010 21:16

I remember when I was about 15 getting of the back of a Harley that belonged to Barry.He took me around the village at full speed .No helmet,nothing.He told me to lean into the bends ,cos it you leaned the opposite way he would lose the bike.If my parents knew I had been on that bike I would have been grounded for LIFE!!!.It was a Buzz though lol


Sheila Report 27 Jul 2010 21:18

Hi Mandy I think stupid is the word I really want my week end break and do not want to worry about it. But scared she may die while I am away but still going .


Sheila Report 27 Jul 2010 21:24

I too went on my husbands bike Jane without a helmet once we took my mum in the side car and the seat broke while she was in it just collasped poor mum was sat on the
floor trying to tell my husband to stop. mum never went again in it. It was a very old bike not a Harley though. Valacet I think spelling may be wrong. This was before helmits were compulsary.


Sheila Report 27 Jul 2010 21:28

did you ever disect frogs Annx i remember I could not do itt he poor things were in jars with some kind of stuff to make them sleepy it was horrible. I remember a tiny baby in a bottle at school it made me really uneasy


Jane Report 27 Jul 2010 21:30

There is nothing you can do Sheila.You have been looking forward to getting away ,so go and enjoy it best you can.I am sure someone will let you know how she is doing.
I saw a Motorbike on the A14 a couple of years back and where the side car would be for the passenger ,it had been modified to carry a coffin !!!!!!!!!!.It was like a mini hearse.


Jane Report 27 Jul 2010 21:34

I used to volunteer to go to the butchers shop down the Broadway to collect a load of Bulls Eyes to take back to Biology ,where we would dissect them.I remember using a scalpel and all this blackish liquid coming out.Aqueous Fluid I think it was called .


MillymollyAmanda Report 27 Jul 2010 21:36

You go Sheila , she has a daughter , you have a good weekend away and try not to worry .


CatieI Report 27 Jul 2010 21:42

You were a bit of a minx then Jane lol

I remember being grounded when I was 16. I used to babysit for a couple who lived next door. The guy worked for an airline company and they were out every weekend at some party or other. Sometimes they were joined by a friend who lived nearby. His marriage had just broken up and I reckon they felt a bit sorry for him. Anyway, John used to turn up and then off they would go and I thought nothing of it. Just thought he was a nice guy. Then these people held a party to which I was invited. I was cornered by John who said he rather liked me lol. He was 33 !!!!! I guess I was really flattered and stupidly agreed to meet him. My sister got wind of what was happening and my mother went spare. At the time I couldn't see where she was coming from - so what if I was 16 and he was 33 lol
My lovely sister often reminds me of that time lol

Catie x


Jane Report 27 Jul 2010 21:57

You could say that Catie lol.I think I could write a book I often wonder how I got to where I am ,being married to a Doctor.I think he still wonders how on earth he ended up with me !!
I wonder too how I am still here ,as I did get myself into some pickles when I worked in Greece as a Nanny at the age of 18.But here I am .I think a far more sensible person now ,(but that's only because I'm older).I still like a laugh ,but when I think back to when I was younger it makes me realise how naive I was and bl**dy stupid.But that is all part of growing up I think.