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24 Jul 2010 15:15 |
Afternoon all, Lovely and sunny and very warm again
I saw that item on the news Jane about the geese ,the chap shouts out "Bedtime" and they all came walking in !!!!
Its funny Mel ,just as i was reading about you getting the bell money ,our church bells started ringing ! probably a wedding .
Frank , a heated swimming pool is very tempting to a little boy LOL i bet you'd be there to if you had the chance !!
I've never heard of Butter pies Fiona,don't think we have them this way .
I took back one of the tins of paint i got for the staircase as i didn't like the colour ,had to keep one as we had opened it and hubby had painted some on the wall, it was a really sh*ty colour !!! yuk!
I now have Apricot white for the staircase ,hope i like this one as it is a big tin this time ,and once it's opened we won't be able to take it back .
Still no Ann ??
24 Jul 2010 15:18 |
Have never heard of butter pies Fiona,nor Whimberry pie. I can't believe it is 3 pm.Chris ,Fitz and I have been sat out having 'lunch 'for the last 3 hours!!!!!!.Just french bread,pate, and cheese and wine.I feel a little tiddly poo lol.Chris is just mowing the lawn .....I hope those stripes are straight lol !!!!!! Fitz's Cousin is the barrister on the side of John Venables!!!!!!He has been on the news quite a bit in the last few days. Off to get a coffee now BBL Frank,your little Lewis will be a happy bunny when he is with his Pappy.Did you say you have him for a week?
24 Jul 2010 15:24 |
Hello All ----sun's out not to hot just nice-----Nothing to exciting here ((just-me- ha ha ) ---been up couple of hours--fed ''THE-BIG-ONE' now going to put his Elastic stockings on----Now that's a thrill I know your all green with envy lol ha ha
Ther'e's no flys on Lewis Frank --A dip in the pool lol xx Mel how long do you play bells at a wedding? I've only seen bell ringing in group Compation or single.
Going to have your hands full Fiona --Beware Greeks Baring GIFTS ---(STEAK-PIE)) Just kidding lol
Wonder what Beryl DONE -TO-SHEILAS -HUBBY ?? Poor man lol xxx
24 Jul 2010 15:42 |
I have put many an elastic stocking on Shirl (not on me ) but patients lol.I know what you mean . Beryl sounds a minx lol.I like the sound of her.
24 Jul 2010 15:52 |
Yes where is ANN ---Did she say anything about going to Garden Center??-------OH Mel I think I've had it all wrong---You do CHURCH ROPE BELL RINGING ---NOT -HAND BELL 'S
AnD no cracks from you FRANK ------XX
24 Jul 2010 19:03 |
Quiet here today.I hope you are all enjoying the continuing good weather..still no rain here.I wonder where it has gone?
24 Jul 2010 19:54 |
Been hanging aroond here J but just in menacing clouds. I think a good down pour over night would clear the air, it's stilll very humid OH say humourous
24 Jul 2010 21:07 |
Shirl, What are you implying. ???? My mind dosen't work like yours. Done to much bending under the trees this morning, my back and arms are killing me. Quite day tomorrow, me thinks.!!!!
Lewis arrived with his dad about 4.30pm. He said he's had a nice day. Straight to the fridge, to see what goodies were for him. Ros has cleared one shelf and put all his bits on it, so he knows where his goodies are.
He's just gone to bed, and was asleep before I could go and say goodnight. He's had a busy day. Hope he sleeps in in the morning. or he will have me up for his bacon sandwhich, and a cup of tea. !!!!
24 Jul 2010 21:09 |
I bought Judgement at Nuremburg DVD a powerful true courtroom drama that's recent history acted by Spencer Tracy,Burt Lancaster,Montgomery Clift, Richard Wydmark etc
Mel Fairy Godmother
24 Jul 2010 22:36 |
Came back from ringing and made a late lunch and then felt really tired and went and had a lay on the bed. Now thats very unusual for me!!!! Just fell asleep and OH came in to ask me to help him!!!!!Got up but did'nt feel 100%. Anyway i helped clear up and took some ivy off the wall and cut old dead wood out of a climbing rose. He has finished my bit of decking and I have my new fairy in place. He is still got to build some steps and has an idea for half a tree seat under the red sycamore type tree. Will play around with it tomorrow. Mums fairy is by one of the pools on the decking.
Did spag bol for dinner.
Mel Fairy Godmother
24 Jul 2010 22:36 |
Oh and yes where is Ann????????????????
Hope she is ok!!
24 Jul 2010 22:51 |
Mel saw your fairy very lovely
25 Jul 2010 00:08 |
Hi Amanda I am up so late I have slept all day and into the evening the op just tired me out.Now cannot sleep .I am glad you like my ramblings Mandy how are you .once again thanks so much for the kind thoughts.
I do not see her a lot now Mandy, Beryl ,just once a week and we go for a meal in the city.I pay one week she the next. Beryl does have a really lovely voice I said she should go on Britians got Talent but she made some rude comment. I was kept away from doing to much with her when younger by my dad and mum. I had her for my bridesmaid and she had me. I went to Southsea when fourteen with her my auntie Pat had a hotel a big one on the seafront. Beryl and I met some sailors this was about 1953 hers off the battleship Vanguard and mine off HMS Worcester it was American . Beryl was never in in the hotel at night and my auntie Pat sent her home because she thought her to young to be out all night but she married that sailor later on when she was twenty. Married for years until he died. Me I fell for the American called Bill and went on the ship during a open day in Portsmouth harbour. You could in those days take a trip round Portsmouth harbour. I fell madly in love with my salior short lived because after two days he sailed off back to America and poor me was surposed to go and say goodbye and missed him. They would not let me go on board the ship and I saw it later sailing out of Portsmouth harbour. Broke my heart. well I was only 14. I do not drink much none of us do in our family I drink like what I call posh pepsi ice cold in a nice glass with ice and lemon and some cocktail cherries. Beryl drinks like a fish and had to put her in a taxi when we used to go dancing at week ends. My husband did say today he found her two much to handle poor man.My husband is very calm and he often deals with under aged kids in the shop trying to buy beer and worse.wont sell it them and we have often have the odd guy trying to grab the till. I stopped working in the shop after a man hit my hand with a hammer trying to bash the cash till and grab the money it unnerved me and no females in our house are allowed in the shop to serve after 7pm. Les is 72 now and cannot go on much longer but we need a place to live so carry on until we decide to go or he cannot do it any longer. Beryl is ok but I am the one who keeps her in order I am pleased to say I do not look seventy one have my hair highlighted and just got my weight down and dress fashionable but reasonable if you know what I mean cant wear heels they kill me. so go for wedge heels. Beryl is just the opposite but her heart is good. I used to stay with her and her several brothers and sisters and once slept in a bed with three sisters and had to clamber over them to use the bucket in the dark it sounded very loud in the darkness of that silent room with the walls like paper could hear her dad who was a boozer using the bucket several times during the night. never stayed again. nite nite sheila.
25 Jul 2010 01:01 |
my favourite food still up would love to go bell ringing speg bol
25 Jul 2010 10:29 |
Morning All, Oh Sheila ,reading your post has set me up for the day lol.I think you could write a book about your friend Beryl !! Talking of weeing in a bucket reminds me of when I was in Canada visiting some rellies who lived way out in the sticks in Saskatchuan .They had a chemical loo in the bathroom.I went to use it and it sounded like a waterfall.Then I heard a voice calling "We know what your doing" lol.How embarrassing !!!! It is terrible when you think how dangerous it can be to run an off license.You must wonder sometimes what will happen next.
I must go and peel some spuds and do the veg.Roast beef today.
A little sparrow somehow managed to fly through the open window in my bedroom early this morning.I could here a lot of fluttering going on.Thankfully the pulled curtain stopped it getting right into the room. BBL
25 Jul 2010 11:15 |
Morning all, Had some rain this morning ,but the sun is now trying to shine got the family coming round for a barbeque and a dip in the pool
So Sheila ,you fell for a sailor ,how sad you never got to say goodbye to him . It must be a worry with the shop for your hubby ,he's doing well still working at his age ,he should be retired and enjoying life .
Well hubby has painted one wall that he has scimmed and the plumber should be coming next Saturday to plumb the Loo in and the Radiators . i like this colour ,nice and light , then the bathroom will be just about finished after all this time !!
25 Jul 2010 12:26 |
hI Jane love your messages in answer to mine you seem to have had a interesting life too. How long did you do nursing and what a thrill to go to Canada wish I had travelled more to places .I have had two invatations to visit my nephew in Australia but do not have the money to go. Now I think I might find it hard going that far. That is really funny about the loo .I love your messages to people you great Jane. I would love to write a book called call it me and Beryl. Life in our shop is not too bad now touch wood. The government came up with a scheme to help shops to have security cameras and we was given one pleading our case we only had to pay to have it installed and we have a alert bell under the counter to press if anyone nasty appears . love roast beef we are having chicken today with all the trimmings my little grandaughter April is with us for a couple of days. catch you later enjoy your lunch from SHEILA.
25 Jul 2010 12:31 |
hI Amanda yes my romance ended pity he was cute not very tall but cute and I was so in love I thought never met any AMERICANS thought of Hollywood and my film star books .Beryl never forgave me really for my relative sending her home. Sometimes she reminds me once I remember her dad telling me to go out her house I was a stuck up snob who lived in a posh house.
25 Jul 2010 12:48 |
Sheila,I was late going into nursing.I think I was in my early 20's.Before that I had been a Nanny.I worked in Athens for a year 1972/3.I also worked for a family in Cornwall.They had 4 children.I met lots of famous people when I worked there. After my nursing training I worked on the Renal Unit in Plymouth.I met my Hubby then when he came to do a 3 year Medical Rotation.He started off on the Renal Unit ,and we started going out.Tried to keep it under wraps but the patients soon realised we were an item lol.When we married in 1981,some of my patients turned up at the church,which was lovely. I have travelled a fair bit over the years and have been to some interesting places. Off to turn the potatoes now. I love the name April.How old is she?
25 Jul 2010 14:28 |
FIONA looking at a earlier message I see your dad was going through his wardrobe and was going home it reminded me of my grannie aged 95 she came to live with us and I used come in the house and she would be stood by the front door with her nightie on and wearing her hat and would say our sheila I am going home my sweet williams will be dying. I explained gran you live here now with mum your daughter sally and she said which one is that sally she is dead.I said no gran you have been living with her 6 months she is your youngest daughter and she said Oh that one never liked her.I later found my gran stood at the bus stop in her nightie and took her home. Mum said she thought she was sat in the kitchen listening to the Hymns on on Sunday. Poor gran we had to lock her in she had to go in hospital because she would not eat and ended up in a hospital that was very old and it was a old workhouse before it became a hospital and poor gran she did not get treated very well and she died. I thought that was so sad I have just traced her family tree and being a widow with so many children she had a hard life working in service to feed them.Wish they had nice homes then like now.