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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 16 Jul 2010 21:24

Shirl there are lots of abbreviations on the pooter....ROFL...roll on floor laughing.,....WMSL ,wet myself laughing, PMSL,Pi** **d myself laughing.
BBL (like we use)Be Back Later.,Lots more.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Jul 2010 21:36

It has just siled with rain here!!! All my washing got soaked and I have had to put it back in to spin.


Frank Report 16 Jul 2010 21:37

Hi you lot,
You have beed busy this evening.

Couldn't be bothered to cook tonight, so went for F & C. very good it was too, I still feel blown out.

We always had eggs throughout the war. They were marked with the date and put in the big trays. We sold them to the neighbours at one old penny each. It paid for the mash. We always had plenty of table scraps.

Who rememberers the "PIG SWILL BIN" on the corner of the road. We all had a bucket with a lid that swivelled round, so when closed no flys could get in, when it was full, you took it to the corner of the road and emptied it. The dustmen would also collect the sack of the back gate which held the paper, and the other for any old rages.(NOT in our house) Dad use to mix the coal dust with cement and water, and put it in the old clay flower pots. When dry they would be stored to put on the fire in the winter. They spat cinders all over the carpet, and I have seen Dad pick them up, and throw them back in the fire.Tried it a couple of times, but burnt my fingers !!!! been doing so all my life !!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Jul 2010 21:47

My nan would put "The Slack" on the fire at night to try and keep it in. This was the dust and small bits of coal left in the bottom of the coal bunker. She had a small set of fire irons with a brush dustpan and poker in brass with a little galleon on for the handles and they hung on a stand. Was it called a Companion Set?


Jane Report 16 Jul 2010 21:48

Frank ,there was always the Pig Swill Bin at the back of the school kitchen.
I think they did away with Pig Swill when we had Swine Flu.
I am surprised to have any fingers left...even now you are still bashing them up lol.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Jul 2010 21:48

Glad to see nothing has happened to you today Frank!!! Must be a first mus'nt it??


Jane Report 16 Jul 2010 21:51

Nutty Slack ??Has come to mind.I'm not sure what it is.
I have a companion set `Mel.


David Report 16 Jul 2010 21:55

John Bloom who sold most hoseholds a washing maching on the never never ie HP used to be a parafin man.

He was astute, the factory that built the machines for him only built as many as he had orders for, but eventually everyone wanted one.He became a millionaire


Fiona Report 16 Jul 2010 21:59

Hi All
YES I am the babe, 55 this September, I was also called the cradle snatcher when I got married as OH has just turned 53 this year


Fiona Report 16 Jul 2010 22:03

Just looked at the time on the computer , going to go for a shower then of to bed, so I'll say good night to one and all.

Sweet dreams


Jane Report 16 Jul 2010 22:05

Night Night Fiona and All .I am away too now. xx


MillymollyAmanda Report 16 Jul 2010 22:06

Me too, the sea air has made me tired
Night night xx


Tracey Report 16 Jul 2010 22:07





Sheila Report 16 Jul 2010 22:41

hello david.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Jul 2010 23:49

I like cabbage water from my own cabbages and add a little black pepper, it's nice.

Just had a little shrew run across the kitchen floor and it has gone under OH's tools stacked in the corner. Where it has come from I don't know!! Perhaps it came in the back doot while it was open. I tried to put something over it to catch it but it was too quick for me.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Jul 2010 23:54

They have on BBC The Victorian Phamacy. I have been watching it on Replay.


Sheila Report 17 Jul 2010 00:02

Played whats the time mr wolf also one potatoe two potatoes three potatoe four do you remember that.Leap frogging over each other. I remember doing that over the
stool in our kitchen and broke my toe. Marbles and Conkers.Marbles was banned in our school later because
fatty mellins had a bag of marbles he dropped them in the
cloakroom and Miss Willetts our maths teacher who taught us sums not maths. Trod on one and went skidding up the
cloakroom floor into the coat pegs and bent her nose slightly which she used to wrinkle up and we called her
bunny rabbit. I remember she gave me a few lashings on
the palm of my hand with her cane for nothing and one day
I called her mean poo face in floods of tears and got sent to stand under the clock which was a punishment in our junior school got so fed up after being left for one hour
I went home My mum when she saw my hand went raging up to the school. Hop scotch when we had chalk was another game. good night off to bed now.have a nice week end Mel.


Frank Report 17 Jul 2010 06:58

Morning all,

Ros is giving it the ZZZZZs from 4am. I stuck it till 5.15 but couldn't get back off, so got up. Had a couple of Cups of tea, and thought I would make an early start.
Nice quite morning at the moment. no breeze, but looks cloudy.

David wasn't it John Bloom, who went on to make it big as a Pop group.manager ???? I know his was very big in Washing Machines.

I expect Madam will be on her shopping jaunt this morning. I might do the back lawn, it looks such a mess with all the leaves on it. !!!

Shelia, you certainly remember the old school games. Hop scotch was always difficult, you could never find any slate.!!!
Who played Truth, Dare, Kiss, Promise. it seemed all the rage in the mid 40s.

The teachers were very strick, Old old CO#, belted my twin sister, which sent me into a rage all of 7years old. I kicked and punched her, never touched us again. Don;t mess with the Bedford's. HA HA. When we went to Secondary school, my two elder brothers had prceeded me, so knew what to look for. I never took any stick from the teachers, I would always go to the head master, and possible get it worst. My dad always said"Always go to the top man" if you want a fair hearing. So much for his words of wisdome !!!!

We would love to get on the underground, go to the terminal, stay on the train and return, no cost, and it would take a couple of hours. We would also ride our bikes from Woodford Bridge to the Woolwich ferry, go across and come back through Blackwall tunnel. we wern't even 10 years old. No wonder we drove our Mother grey before her time.


Jane Report 17 Jul 2010 10:13

Morning Frank ,Elizabeth and everyone.
I haven't heard of John Bloom washing machines.Mum always had Hoover twin tub.The kitchen always smelled lovely when it was wash day.It was my job to watch the machine filling with water and then turning off the tap when it reached the line.

I love your tales of school Sheila.Miss Willets with the bent nose and mean old poo face lol

I poured first thing,the the sun shone ,and now the clouds are building up again.I don't know what it will be like today.Hannah wants me to go to As** at Corby this morning.So I better get my skates on.
Frank don't go causing yourself any harm while Ros it out.We now you can't be left alone for a moment !!!


Frank Report 17 Jul 2010 10:32

The most I will do is the lawn, and the way it's looking I don't think that will be done. so will mooch about, and look at Ebay, and watch Tele: