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YG Report 19 Jan 2010 17:43

I'll see you in about hour when you've finished lol!! It will take you that long to get through it!

Just off to do my beans on toast and feed the monsters!!!


RockyMountainShy Report 19 Jan 2010 19:18

Beans on toast !!!! Oh yummy

I just got my Great Uncle Bert Hartnell death certificate. He was the ONLY one that was easy.

Small pink bundle?! I don't know you had Sparks over there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Jan 2010 19:29

hello we have livewires lol just finished


YG Report 19 Jan 2010 19:38

Hang on RMS! I'll make some for you and send them over on the catapult.
Hope all the beans don't fly off before they get there!! They were yummy, especially with some grated cheese on top!!

Hi Maz!!


AuntySherlock Report 19 Jan 2010 19:42

RMS Please hie your posterior back to your Hartnell thread and answer my questions. I thought you may have been in hibernation and I had to wait for Canadian spring to hear from you.

By Bert Hartnell I take it you mean Albert?? Does this mean you have found what you are looking for and don't need my inexpertise any more.
Bother I was just getting my head around the gang. Dashed if I can figure out which ones are yours but makes interesting searching.

Hi rest of you. Sleep was good. Bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to face a new, warm Australian summer day.


AuntySherlock Report 19 Jan 2010 19:47

Just polishing up my Thread Killer Proficiency Badge.

Ha I see you didn't know there was such an award.

Well let me tell you after counting up seven threads I have apparently demised in the last week I think I can wear my badge with pride!!!

Hmmm I really do wear deodorant!!

Hey I'll have to start posting on the feuding, fussing and fighting threads. Nope that would be unfair and deprive the lurkers of their daily fix.


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Jan 2010 19:48

hello skinheads on toast are lovely


AuntySherlock Report 19 Jan 2010 19:58

Skinheads - baked beans??

We eat ours with bacon and eggs for Sunday morning breakfast.


RockyMountainShy Report 19 Jan 2010 19:59

OH NO NO (Her)Bert Hartnell is my GREAT UNCLE and I got him. I am looking for His GreatGreat grandfather!!!! Don't gave up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Mazfromnorf Report 19 Jan 2010 20:01

yes thats the local nickname for baked beans ,i like them with the sausages on ,
just watching the news an australian lady has driven her car through a car park wall looks nasty


YG Report 19 Jan 2010 20:15

Hey, you'll have plenty of threads to go at Aunty!! I'm really pleased that we are 'normal' on here!!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 19 Jan 2010 20:17

Glad some one had the courage to ask about skinheads on toast. They sure make them tough Oop Norf!


YG Report 19 Jan 2010 20:31

Not 'arf DET!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 19 Jan 2010 20:34

How's the head YG? do we need to change the bandage next?


YG Report 19 Jan 2010 21:01

It's healing quite well thanks DET!! As long as no-one mentions certain things!!


AuntySherlock Report 19 Jan 2010 21:21

Presenting the YG Song Book.

(And then I will leave you as you sing yourselves off to sleep). Running away quickly..........

123 Red light
A whiter shade of Pale
Lady in Red
Nights in White Satin
Little Red Corvette
White Lightning
Red Rubber ball
White Cliffs of Dover
Red Sails in the Sunset
White Christmas
She Wears Red Feathers
White Flag

Tra la la hmmmmmm. 'Night all.


LaGooner Report 19 Jan 2010 21:29

Oh LOL Aunty that could be a good read.Probably better than what I have just been reading.


AuntySherlock Report 19 Jan 2010 21:31

I do understand LG. I've been told the Arsenal Football Club constitution makes very boring reading.

Sort of a bit like reading the London telephone directory. All those characters and no plot.


LaGooner Report 19 Jan 2010 21:34

Oooooooo Aunty that was below the belt LOL. I just drool over the pictures in my latest book given to me by loving son.


YG Report 19 Jan 2010 21:51

You'd better run Aunty!!! Although I do admit to being very fond of Lady in Red!!