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Mazfromnorf Report 17 Jan 2010 19:46

byee dont work too hard aunty


YG Report 17 Jan 2010 19:53

Will you need a fireman Aunty!!


AuntySherlock Report 17 Jan 2010 21:47

Yes I need a fireman. But one who lights fires not puts them out.

Found my desk, now I have to work out what to do with it.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Jan 2010 22:38

Shall I click my fingers? lol


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Jan 2010 07:02

morning all up ready for work not!! lol but it is warmer today


LaGooner Report 18 Jan 2010 11:37

Morning all, Hope you are all well. Just been to Aqua fit for the first time since November and I am cream crackered LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Jan 2010 14:08

well here we are start of a working week
the workmen put a digger through a power cable today some one was nearly killed his rubber gloves saved his life .we have the emergency meal on today so all sandwiches lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Jan 2010 14:53

Oh, for goodness sake Maz! Where are Elf and Safety when you need them? Mind you, some of the plans they have to work from are a figment of someones imagination. At least he has survived, even if all the lights went out. Water main last week, now the power. Hope there isn't a gas pipe round there.

As you've mentioned soup making in the past, do you have a recipe for chicken? By the end of tonights meal, I'll probably have a small carcass. Previous attempts have tasted like dish water!

Did you go all wrinkly LG?????


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Jan 2010 15:29

hello DET all I do is boil the carcass until it falls apart allow to cool and pick the bones out .put back in the liquor ,
then in a pan sweat off diced veg eg onions celery carrots etc add about 50g of flour to that mix well and allow to make a paste add your liquor slowly allowing it to boil up between each to the desired consistency ,that is a basic soup recipe you can add oxos, vegimite what ever your cupboard has to taste i have rinsed out sauce bottles ,allow to cook through and serve you can liquidize it or leave it chunky , sweet corn is nice in chicken soup .
well i am not sure about the gas pipe the electric is needed for the ignition on the appliances ,so hopefully it will be fixed for the morning


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Jan 2010 16:29

Thanks Maz, I'll have a go at that. I've already got a couple of bags of frozen boil ups from previous attempts.

Just told OH about the broken this, that and the other. He hopes there isn't a sewage pipe running through the 'car park'. Ewwwwh!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 18 Jan 2010 16:34

They say it comes in 3's Maz, so keep an eye on those gas pipes.

Edit: If you do find a leaky gas pipe - don't let DET click her fingers.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 18 Jan 2010 16:42

DET, I've just googled chicken soup to see if any of them looked nice but all they all looked like dish water.


YG Report 18 Jan 2010 17:03

Oooh chicken soup! Got any spare anyone!!


LaGooner Report 18 Jan 2010 17:41

Move over Yg I want some too LOL. DET I am always wrinkley LOL


YG Report 18 Jan 2010 18:26

Ouch!! I've got a bruised posterior now!! And no chicken soup!! DET and Maz wouldn't share it, boo hoo!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 18 Jan 2010 18:27

Never mind YG, you can have some of my curry.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Jan 2010 18:30

Got to cook the Roast Chicken first - lol!

Why do you have a bruised derriere YG? Has LG pushed you off the thone?


LaGooner Report 18 Jan 2010 18:49

Yes I have, I am very tired and need to sit down LOL


YG Report 18 Jan 2010 18:56

Thank you Pauline!!

Hurry up DET. LG and I are hungry!! Although I am not so sure LG deserves any for ill treating me!!


LaGooner Report 18 Jan 2010 19:14

Awwwww sorry Yg. I did push you onto that large pile of red and white cushions so you should not be too sore LOL