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YG Report 12 Jan 2010 22:15

We're getting real sweaty with excitement lol!!


LaGooner Report 12 Jan 2010 22:18

LOL. I have just had a thought....... Seeing as I am the Killer Queen I can pardon any wrong doings so I hereby revoke the previous statement by Aunty and cansay what you like on here LOL

PS. YG if you are that hot and sweaty best send for the fire brigade to hose you down LOL


YG Report 12 Jan 2010 22:19

Oooooh lol LG!! I could do with some of them right now!!!!


LaGooner Report 12 Jan 2010 22:22

Well dial 999 then and in the meantime burn a few bits of paper to get some smoke and burning smell LOL. I will send you some of my bills to burn LOL


RockyMountainShy Report 12 Jan 2010 22:23


Our rainy day is not here, but is cloudy, cool and no sun

And on my dads birthday too! It should be sunny at least, how many times does he turn 83!


YG Report 12 Jan 2010 22:24

It will be really hot here when I've done that. Then when the firemen arrive with their hoses the water mixing with the heat will sure fire make some mist lol!!


YG Report 12 Jan 2010 22:24

Another norty girl!!!! Are you pardoning RMS too LG?


LaGooner Report 12 Jan 2010 22:27

But of course I am. I am feeling very magnanimous tonight. How about that for a big word this time of night LOL. Not sure I spelt it right though !!!


YG Report 12 Jan 2010 22:29

Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire in here is delightful
And as we have no place to go


LaGooner Report 12 Jan 2010 22:33

Frosty the Snowman
He was made of snow
but the children know
how he came to life one day


YG Report 12 Jan 2010 22:38

Frosty the Snowman went down to the village
With a broomstick in his hand
Running here and there all around the square
Saying catch me if you can

See LG, there isn't only you with a broomstick!!


LaGooner Report 12 Jan 2010 22:41

Ah but his wasn't supercharged and with a built in laser. It would have defrosted him LOL


RockyMountainShy Report 12 Jan 2010 22:45

Just bring him here and we'll freeze him up again.


RockyMountainShy Report 12 Jan 2010 22:47

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten,
and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow


LaGooner Report 12 Jan 2010 22:47

Hang on just collecting him in a bottle. Right loaded into catapult >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> catch !!!!


YG Report 12 Jan 2010 22:48

I think you could be right there!!!

I'm off now to do my bottle and defrost myself!!!!

I'll catch you tomorrow hopefully. Will be busy working on the laptop tomorrow night and for a few weeks. A big job to get done for work and need peace and quiet to do it!!

Sleep well LG. Hope you're not snowed in tomorrow!!! Nite nite xx

Edit: Nite RMS!!


LaGooner Report 12 Jan 2010 22:49

Sleigh bells ring are you listening
in the lane snow is glistenening
its a wonderful sight
we're happy tonight
walking in a winter wonderland


LaGooner Report 12 Jan 2010 22:50

Night YG, Sleep well and don't work to hard. Catch you again soon x


YG Report 12 Jan 2010 22:52

I'll be popping in and out tomorrow LG! It's peace and quiet from the phones and e-mail that I need, as I have to concentrate on what I'm doing! But I'll need some breaks!!


RockyMountainShy Report 12 Jan 2010 22:56


Nite YG

HHMMM Frosty is broken :_(((((((((((