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accident and death notice

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SylviaInCanada Report 1 Jun 2016 21:13

Any age shown on a death certificate is only what is known to the informant ....... the deceased might have lied about her age :-)

The birth year is then extrapolated from the age given, so if the age is out, so will the birth year.

The only information that you can trust on an English or Welsh death certificate (and I suggest on those of most countries) is only what is known to the informant registering the birth.

Our ancestors lied about all kinds of things ........ especially their ages, and often their names!!

The information to be trusted is .................

date of death
place of death
cause of death
name of doctor and coroner
name, address and relationship of informant

All other information is "what is known".

Caroline's death certificate should give the name of the doctor, the name of the coroner, as well as the date of the inquest.

As said above, you should contact the Local Archives and Study Centre ........ Google to find out where that is, and the contact information.

Give them the information from the death certificate, including the name of the coroner and the date.

But, as already said, most of the London papers would be too big back then for a simple accident, and of too wide a distribution .............. I lived in the North of England at that time, and we would buy London-based newspapers as well as the local evening paper.

You have to hope that there was a local weekly at that time.

There might be a charge for this, or you might be lucky.


Beth Report 1 Jun 2016 22:52

Thank you so much for your help. Yes I do have all that info.
Caroline had five children. There is one grandchild of Caroline that I am in touch with, but he was only 5 years old and living with Caroline and his parents, (Caroline daughter Joan) in the 1939 register. He is not really interested in family history.
The other two girls did not have any children, one boy died young. the other boy Wilfred, he married, and I believe there might be one child, but as yet I have not found him. Beth


Beth Report 2 Jun 2016 04:07

Thank you for all your help all of you. I do appreciate it. I was not aware that people did not put Obituaries in the paper. So may be I should call it a death notice instead. Thank you details 1939 reg. I did have those details, but thanks anyway. Beth


Beth Report 2 Jun 2016 04:25

Hello Sylvia in Canada. On the death certificate . It did not have any name of informant, nor a Doctors name. The space was taken up in describing her injuries, and the inquest which was adjourned from the 10th Jan 1952 to 17 Jan 1952 and then the registrar name which looked like L&a Brown or Da Brown 18th January 1952.
it was headed HAMMERSMITH Sub District of Hammersmith Hospital in the Metropolitan Borough of Hammersmith.
No name of a coroner Beth