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accident and death notice

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Beth Report 2 Jun 2016 04:25

Hello Sylvia in Canada. On the death certificate . It did not have any name of informant, nor a Doctors name. The space was taken up in describing her injuries, and the inquest which was adjourned from the 10th Jan 1952 to 17 Jan 1952 and then the registrar name which looked like L&a Brown or Da Brown 18th January 1952.
it was headed HAMMERSMITH Sub District of Hammersmith Hospital in the Metropolitan Borough of Hammersmith.
No name of a coroner Beth


Beth Report 2 Jun 2016 04:07

Thank you for all your help all of you. I do appreciate it. I was not aware that people did not put Obituaries in the paper. So may be I should call it a death notice instead. Thank you details 1939 reg. I did have those details, but thanks anyway. Beth


Beth Report 1 Jun 2016 22:52

Thank you so much for your help. Yes I do have all that info.
Caroline had five children. There is one grandchild of Caroline that I am in touch with, but he was only 5 years old and living with Caroline and his parents, (Caroline daughter Joan) in the 1939 register. He is not really interested in family history.
The other two girls did not have any children, one boy died young. the other boy Wilfred, he married, and I believe there might be one child, but as yet I have not found him. Beth


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Jun 2016 21:13

Any age shown on a death certificate is only what is known to the informant ....... the deceased might have lied about her age :-)

The birth year is then extrapolated from the age given, so if the age is out, so will the birth year.

The only information that you can trust on an English or Welsh death certificate (and I suggest on those of most countries) is only what is known to the informant registering the birth.

Our ancestors lied about all kinds of things ........ especially their ages, and often their names!!

The information to be trusted is .................

date of death
place of death
cause of death
name of doctor and coroner
name, address and relationship of informant

All other information is "what is known".

Caroline's death certificate should give the name of the doctor, the name of the coroner, as well as the date of the inquest.

As said above, you should contact the Local Archives and Study Centre ........ Google to find out where that is, and the contact information.

Give them the information from the death certificate, including the name of the coroner and the date.

But, as already said, most of the London papers would be too big back then for a simple accident, and of too wide a distribution .............. I lived in the North of England at that time, and we would buy London-based newspapers as well as the local evening paper.

You have to hope that there was a local weekly at that time.

There might be a charge for this, or you might be lucky.

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 1 Jun 2016 14:37

London, England, Electoral Registers, 1832-1965 (Ancestry)

(1952 Hammersmith and Fulham)

172E Du Cane Road, Caroline Oakes, also Joan E. Eaton, Stanley Eaton.

Chris :)

Lancashire Marriage indexes for the years: 1912

LANGTON Caroline OAKES William H Bootle, Christ Church South Sefton A4/3/99

Births Dec 1877 (>99%)
LANGTON Caroline W. Derby 8b 375


Rambling Report 1 Jun 2016 14:03

Just in case you don't have it, as the age is out on 1939, children match Oakes/Langton births. Are there no surviving relatives who know where Caroline was buried/cremated?

Oakes Household (4 People)
3 Naseby Street , Liverpool C.B., Lancashire, England

Caroline Oakes 28 Oct ? 85 ? ( there may be a correction above but not sure if it is re something else?) WIDOW Unpaid Dom Duties
Marjorie Upton (Deegan,Oakes) 11 May 1915 Finisher Jam Work
Wilfred Oakes 12 Dec 1919 Appren Boiler Mantle
Joan E Eaton (Oakes) 25 Dec 1921 Shop Assis Counts Land


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jun 2016 08:10

Have you contacted the Hammersmith & Fulham cemetery team or did they ask you to pay a fee? If they do charge, they'd normally accept a credit card; your card provider would convert to your local currency before it appears on your statement.

[email protected]

It's rare for an obituary to appear in a London newspaper unless the deceased was a well known person. There might have been a death notice placed by the relatives or snippet about the accident in a truly local paper.
Contact the Local Studies/Archive

[email protected]

As much as we'd like everything to be free, that isn't always the case. Councils have had their budgets cut in real terms over the years and need to try and fund the services they provide.


Beth Report 1 Jun 2016 06:05

Thank you for your help. I have now got the death certificate for
Name: Caroline Oakes
Birth Date: abt 1879 ( This date is wrong it should read 1877)
Date of Registration: Mar 1952
Age at Death: 73 aged (74½ years)
Registration district: Hammersmith
Inferred County: London
Volume: 5c
Page: 820
She die 9th January 1952 of a fractured skull due to accident on road with a motorcyclist , she died in Hammersmith Hospital and lived at 173e Du Cane Road Hammersmith. There was a coroners inquest on 17 -1-1952, I still have not been able to find an obituary in newspaper for her nor which cemetery in London that she is buried in. I have tried different places and all cost, or will do a free search if you live in the area. as I live in NZ that is not possible, so any help with the above will be very much appreciated thank you so much Beth


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Sep 2015 00:31

I do notice that you have been asking fro this information on several sites, and no-one has been able to provide you with any more information than you currently have.

This is because the information is not available on line ........ hence why you have to buy that death certificate.

Then, and only then, you can contact the local library or Studies Centre and ask for searches of local newspapers to be made.


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Sep 2015 00:28

You have to buy that death certificate, get the exact date of death, the exact date of the inquest, the cause of death, and place of death.

THEN, and only then, can you contact the local library or Local Archives to ask for a search to be done of local newspapers.

The certificate will cost you £9.25, including postage from GRO (General Register Office).


Beth Report 11 Sep 2015 00:13

Thank you for your help. I am still looking Beth


Jacqueline Report 2 Aug 2015 09:39

If you get a copy of the death cert, the date and cause of death will be recorded.

You will then have facts on which to base any further search


Beth Report 2 Aug 2015 07:12

Thank you I did not think of that. But I was told that it was 1952 by this second cousin he was told by his parents, he was only 5 years old at that time, and does not know anything more now. But I do thank you Beth


Flip Report 2 Aug 2015 06:36

Accidental deaths are usually subject to an inquest which can take months. The death is only reg when complete, so could be early 1952 even.

To release the body the coroner issues an interim cert - but this isn't on the GRO.


Beth Report 2 Aug 2015 04:52

Thank you for all those suggestions I will look into it. :-)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Jun 2015 16:35

Acknowledgement received from Beth.

As suggested in response, it's best if you type in the 'add your reply' box then click 'submit'.


malyon Report 7 Jun 2015 21:30

found this on message board on ancestry is this your posting

1952 Hammersmith is correct. I have heard that Caroline was out walking and stepped out in the road and a motorbike knocked her down. She consquently died from this accident.My new search now is to find out details of this accident. And maybe find write up in any of the newspapers. Also to find an obituary for her. Any help on this would be apprecated. I have been trying the various newspapers all afternoon. Nothing as yet.


AnnCardiff Report 7 Jun 2015 21:09

Hammersmith and Fulham Newspapers | Find a Newspaper in ...

Hammersmith and Fulham Newspapers. Find Newspapers in Hammersmith and Fulham at Online listing of Hammersmith and Fulham Newspapers.


Jacqueline Report 7 Jun 2015 12:40

Get a copy of the death cert, so that you have accurate info about her date of death when approaching people for help


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Jun 2015 11:19

Unless you have the DC or other documentation, remember that the March on the gro index covers registrations made in Jan, Feb as well as March. She may even have died at the end of Dec 1951 but her death not registered for a day or two.

Name: Caroline Oakes
Birth Date: abt 1879
Date of Registration: Mar 1952
Age at Death: 73
Registration district: Hammersmith
Inferred County: London
Volume: 5c
Page: 820

Basically, make sure you cover a wide enough time frame