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Gai Report 12 Oct 2012 11:32


I have checked my home page and it seems that GR checks my tree for hot matches one a month.

Not that I'm expecting any hot matches as I think I'm the only insane person researching the names in my tree.


InspectorGreenPen Report 13 Oct 2012 10:40

Got it....!

"Hot Matches randomly takes 50 names from your tree, excluding common names such as Smith and Jones, and matches them with names on other members' trees. We also match the year and place of birth. You can then contact the member to see if you might possibly be related."

I gather there were some performance issues when POB matching was first introduced so the reduction to 50 names must have been made as part of dealing with those.

What I would like to know, though, is how POB matching has been implemented. Does it match word for word or is there an element of 'fuzzy logic' built in

For example would West Bromwich Staffordshire match with West Brom Staffs?

Perhaps one for the GR Team could advise.


Kense Report 13 Oct 2012 11:01

My last hot match has "St Agnes, Cornwall" matched with "St Agnes, Cornwall, England". So that shows it is not necessary to put England in to get a match.


SylviaInCanada Report 13 Oct 2012 20:29

My last Hot Match matching was on 26 Jul 2012 ................. when I supposedly had 2 new ones.

Thomas Dodd b. 1831, Pembroke, Wales was matched with Thomas Dodd, 1831, Garstang, Yorkshire

James Taylor, 1833, Manuden, Essex was matched with James Taylor, 1833, Hardrow, Yorkshire

%3A-S %3A-S %3A-S %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

There have been no matchings since

Is it any wonder that I find using Search Trees much more efficient?!!


James Report 12 Nov 2012 23:14

I had a family tree on genes reunited for several years. I haven't been into it for quite some time and now I can't find it at all. Any suggestions please


Kense Report 14 Nov 2012 14:33

James, why don't you use name search for someone you know is on your old tree using the rarest name that you can.

That should give you a list of trees that contain someone with that name and it should be simple to find your old tree in that list.

If it is not there then could you have deleted the tree?

I assume you have a new registration for your current tree. If not then did you import a gedcom when you started your new tree. If you did then it will have overwritten the old one.


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Nov 2012 15:31


Another option is to pm support, tell them you have lost your tree and ask for their help.

I have seen one or two people post that they have "lost" their trees, but support has found them
