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Depression / Anxiety

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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 30 Jan 2008 03:26

Hi Marilyn, no it isn't catching, what is catching is the confidence to confide in others after hiding things for a long time, and so many people are opening up on this thread, we must keep it going to help everyone who needs help, whether advice, information as far as we can give from our own experiences, or just somewhere to sound off and someone to listen. You are right to 'keep taking the tablets' if they help you keep a relatively even keel, and who knows, in future you might feel really good more than you take the nose dives lol

I am a bit excited! For over a year I was on a list waiting for counselling and then the people called me to offer me a place, only to find that the person they offered me was someone I knew and had known years ago, so that was cancelled. They said I could see the next counsellor who became available but then out of the blue, just before Christmas, said they didn't think they could help me and took me off their lists. I was devastated. Today my doctor told me and she was really excited too, that she has found a new counselling service started up with MIND and they have places, best of all as soon as I call the woman, she will arrange to see me. My doc said she told her she would have her work cut out as I am a difficult case and the woman said, No I think I could help her so will phone today after I have slept for a while, and make an appointment as soon as possible. I am sure if I have the right kind of counselling I can tackle my ocd problems and that will relieve my depression a bit too.
I hope many others will get something good happening soon. Will keep you posted.

Dave, wanted to say, well done and good luck and if you don't get any further with this one, it wasn't meant for you and something better is round the corner.


maxiMary Report 30 Jan 2008 04:56

Hey Liz, that's great. May turn out to be a better source for you than the other one.


Irene Report 30 Jan 2008 08:04

wow mary I thought my house was a roller coaster but you just made me think I've got the merry-go-round all the best (you and your daughter get a double gold star from me.)


AnnCardiff Report 30 Jan 2008 08:11

what brilliant news Liz - hope it all works out for you - just looked in when I got up this morning - another catalogue of sad sad stories but also of successes and the one about the "guardian angel" was lovely - I think he was sent to you that day you know - they say God moves in mysterious ways............ Am up early this morning as am off to meet Puss, Daff, Jude and Star in M & S coffee shop in Hereford - have a good day all of you, take those tablets Carolina, and I'll be back on later in the day - and Caroline - questions will be asked!!!!
Love Ann XX


Julie Report 30 Jan 2008 08:19

Morning All :o)

Just popped in whilst getting lil one sorted for school n me for work.

This thread is such a success for so many of us...........talking of 'Gaurdian Angels' I think Carole is the 'GRGA' (GR Gaurdial Angel) for starting the

I hope you all have a good day n to Liz, Jackie, Carolina n everyone else, including myself...keep your head held high n your priority is YOU.

Ann....have a lovely day with the others. Hereford is my Home town, lived there until 1981. Bet it's changed loads.

See you all later xxxx


AnnCardiff Report 30 Jan 2008 08:22

thanks Jules - haven't been there for a while now [estranged sister lives in Tupsley] but it is a lovely city - cathedral very impressive


Carole Report 30 Jan 2008 10:05

Jules just seen your post, now look you made me cry . Wipes tears on dressing gown sleeve.
I never expected this sort of response and couldn't answer everyone on my own. I don't have all the answers. It has turned into a team of caring people.
Thank you all for your input xxx


YorkshireCaz Report 30 Jan 2008 10:37

Carole, we couldn't make a team until someone started it off, I'm so pleased that we want to help each other. I for one can see some positiveness(is that a word) coming through in just a few days and it is heartwarming.
To answer your question, I am on five tablets morning and evening, every day for two weeks then a week off, there is eight cycles in the diary they gave me. Been ok on them up till yesterday then felt sickly all day, didn't help with the pain of other things. If it kills the b****r I don't care.
Good luck to everyone who has an appointment with doctor or thinking about it, go on, you can do it.

Caz xx


RStar Report 30 Jan 2008 10:44

I was still in my pyjamas yesterday (as am today!) when got a call from daughters school to say she was ill, so it made me get dressed and walk down there which was maybe a blessing in disguise. She's fine now and in school today. Watched a Peter Kay dvd last night, I was in hysterics, theres nothing like comedy to cheer you up; I'd recommend it! Got to get my ebay parcels posted today %3A-%28 so means getting me and toddler ready and going out.

Fi aka Wheelie Spice

Fi aka Wheelie Spice Report 30 Jan 2008 13:45

I am on annual leave for the rest of the week and I also have a cold type thing. I got up at 11.20am and wont be getting dressed today.

Thank goodness for pets, Lilly is curled up fast asleep on my lap which means I am typing one handed.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 30 Jan 2008 14:20

Enjoy your slob out day Fi, that's what I call it when I don't get dressed or do much, slobbing out, it's loverly. lol
Hugs to all, o.h. home in a mo so gotta go, he moans if he comes in and I am on here - miserable old git. Must keep him in good mood so he goes to pick up the tv that is being fixed.


maxiMary Report 30 Jan 2008 14:33

Morning - or afternoon all - we are having a winter blast, roads closed, schools open but all the busses cancelled, high wind warning with heavy snow, it woke me at 4 am, to hear all our dustbins flying around the driveway between the cars, 2 ended up down the road. Trees down, even one of the local highways is closed. It's well below freezing today and I have decided to stay home rather than subject myself to this insane weather. The children are all home so it's fun and games - Sarah please don't paint the bathroom mirror with toothpaste!! The dogs stay outside about 30 seconds. And here I was looking at my flower bulbs yesterday, it was nice and mild . . good thing I didn't try to plant them.
Back to the children with a jug of cocoa.

Those embarking on the road to happier days, please let us know how you are today.


Carole Report 30 Jan 2008 14:50

Mary where are you? Sounds very cold! With my boiler broken down and no heating other than fire in one room, glad I'm not there.
Just going to get ready to go see pychologist. See you all later xxx


AnnCardiff Report 30 Jan 2008 16:20

Carolina - am back from wonderful day in Hereford with Daff and meeting Puss and Specky, Jude and her sister and husband and Star. Lovely lovely people - anyway, you know what I am going to ask you don't you? Have you taken those tablets - you had better say yes or there'll be trouble, big time!!

Love Ann XX


AnnCardiff Report 30 Jan 2008 17:02



Carolina Report 30 Jan 2008 17:36

ok i'm going to come clean i haven't taken my tablets because i am scared i panic at the thought of taking them because of the side effects i am going to try and take one this evening before bed im sorry i have let you all down

carolina xx


YorkshireCaz Report 30 Jan 2008 17:44

Carolina, you haven't let anyone down, you have taken the step to go and get some help, now all you need to do is take one. The medicines today are so different to what they were years ago, I'd forgotten but when I was in my 20s I had some, forgotten the name but something like vallium. I was so spaced out it was awful, these I am on now I don't have any side affect but am a lot calmer.Please try one tonight and we will all be thinking of you, come back tomorrow and tell us what you feel like.

Caz xx


Carole Report 30 Jan 2008 17:44

Carolina just take one, once you see you don't go funny you can take the course as your doctor told you to. xxx


maxiMary Report 30 Jan 2008 20:37

Hi Carole I am in frigid Ontario,Canada, near Niagara Falls. Still very windy, have lots of branches down in my garden.
I wanna go home . . . .


maxiMary Report 30 Jan 2008 20:40

Carolina, please take one, I know how hard it is to put them in your mouth at first.
In a few days you will undoubtedly feel VERY much less anxious.