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Message for..Ethel Of Stoke Poges & Bogna

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Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 1 Feb 2005 08:27

Watcha Darlin' :)))))))))))))))))

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 1 Feb 2005 08:27

Hiya Effie me darlin' Just a little greeting which I hope makes you smile, cos you deserve to. I'm off to work in a minute, so am just putting me rollers in. On the 12th, which wrapover pinnie will you wear, only I don't want to clash with you love? Let me know eh? Have a lovely day, and keep smiling, cos it makes us all happy when you smile. Loadsaluv Your mate Mabel x x x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 1 Feb 2005 09:29

Quick nudge for Effie :))) x x


Deanna Report 1 Feb 2005 09:36

Morning Ethel. Its a lovely day today, thinking of you over breakfast. %3A-%29)) Deanna X

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 1 Feb 2005 09:43

Morning Ethel I hope you remembered to take yer teef out of the gin filled glass, they shall be just about ripe to put in yer mouth now. Mildred (in Harlow)


Mags Report 1 Feb 2005 09:53

Eth dear...putting cream sherry in a mug and pretending it's black coffee is fooling no one....alright?....Now gin in your breakfast juice.....well....that's a different matter...pass it over then........Er... this is not the stuff your teeth was it?? Maud x


Unknown Report 1 Feb 2005 13:33

Mabe, %3A-%29)))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fanks darling - got up at 3.45, due to them 'orrid steroids - dexamethasone - and there was NO-ONE about!! Hmph Went back to bed about half 7 then when I got up - 'ad to start to get meself tarted up to go the 'ospital to see the clinical trials nurse. Caught your message - made me larf tehe, but not nuff time to answer it. Did give me chance to fink "wot 'ave I done wiv me pinny?" OMG lent it to Aunty Agnes - so can't wear it - wot a shame. Means you'll 'ave to wear yours so as not to let the side down %3A-%29)))) Btw Mabe - you got 2 sisters - 1 called Mildred and 1 Maud? %3A-%29)))))))))))) Love and hugs until 12th - Effy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Unknown Report 1 Feb 2005 13:37

cor blimey ethel - you mean you are on them there diabolic steroids - you will end up looking like Albert schwarzteneggcup. - your mate dolores


Unknown Report 1 Feb 2005 13:39

Dolores, Am already turning into Big Daddy - thinking about getting a razor for when me tash grows - or maybe a beard - who knows tehe. Watch this space!! Praps I should google for brown paper bags !! Effy

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 1 Feb 2005 13:41

sister...SISTER !! Im no sister of that Mabel floozie !!! You wanna see what she did wiv er long johns.... ........anging 'em out in public ! now where's me zimmer frame.... Mildred x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 1 Feb 2005 13:44

Effie, so glad you saw me message, fought it would bring a smile to yer boat race. Those bloomin sisters Mildred and Maud, salt of the earth they are, but they are me older sisters, much older than us two and sometimes they bloomin go on they do, don't drink sherry outta the mug yer teef were in, why bloomin not, we always do that don't we? Can't wait 'til the 12th, so we can ave a proper natter, teef in or out, who cares, without Mildred and Maud tellin us wot we can and can't do, thats unless they turn up. Well if they do we won't let them in out cor blimey corner eh? 'Ere as for the tarted up bit to go to that 'ospital, theres a lovely doctor there, give 'im me number will ya gal, he's a bit of alright he is. Fanks for that Eff, you're a good 'un you are. Mabe x x x


Unknown Report 1 Feb 2005 13:47

actually, we have been shopping and found some nice surgical thongs for you %3A-%29 dolores


Unknown Report 1 Feb 2005 14:03

Dolores, Hope they are extra large !!! Mabe - I mean for me not you so don't worry %3A-%29)) Effy xxx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Feb 2005 08:19

Hiya Effy How ya doin gal? I've had a bit of a night, went to Bingo and won a fiver, spent 15 quid mind ya, but we had a larf. Maudie and Mildred didn't win anything, but I brought 'em a Kit Kat each, so they were well happy. Mildred's legs are up again those bloomin veins, I seys to her, get round the quacks, but you know what she's like, as she always seys, those Dctors are too bloomin young to know anything, her Docs 56!! Dolores didn't come to Bingo, she had to watch Eastenders, she thinks it's true Luv her. Must go now, as I ave to get me pinnie on and get the dinner under way, you know how I like to be prepared don't ya? Have a good day me darlin, may see ya later eh. Love Mabe x x x


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2005 09:24

Mabe, Mornin' sis - bet you're at work now hehehehehe - poor you. Wot those other 2 doin der yer reckon? Skivin'? Had anuvver 'orrid night - got up at 3.00 and went back to bed at 6.15 !!! Took one look on 'ere and played a game instead - not a nice place last night !!! At least Mildred's doc is a bloke - all mine are women - and I ain't one o' them yer know %3A-%29))) 'ave to some cleaning today%3A-%28(((( - got a visitor coming about 4 this after - me ex boss who was/is a big company director - blinky 'eck. Fanx mate - see yer soon %3A-%29)))) Love Effy xxxxxx


Mags Report 2 Feb 2005 10:34

Mornin' Eff......didn't sleep? - you fink you got problems! - that Mabel shoved a bloomin' Kit Kat at me - and her 'avin won all that money an' all! - tight cow! - an' I HAD to eat it dint I ?? - she gets real crabby if yer dunt do what she says. Weeell - indigestion?.....ruddy hell girl me guts ached summat unkid.....You reckon she slipped summat in me beer?....woun't put it past 'er...jealous she is.....jealous of me good looks and me man magnet fig-u-are!! Dunt you worry ... If I can gerraway from all these hunky blokes....I shall get ter that cor blimey corner' I wunt let 'ER in!!! lots of luv ducky Maud xxx

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 2 Feb 2005 10:35

Hello Effie See what 'appens. Me old mucker Mabel says get on there and talk to Effie. So I puts me teef in, on account of it being a special occasion like, and what 'appens? No-one 'ere! Elsie


Christine2 Report 2 Feb 2005 10:44

Dear Effy I ope Mabel won't mind my buttin in ere for a mo but I noticed owe you was in need of the loan of a pinnie for the meet. I wouldn't do this for just anyone but you bein such a lady an all, I am prepared (as a great favour you understand) to lend you mine. It is a family heirloom and as such will need careful andlin i.e. Lux flakes, non of this new fangled Bio... Biolog.... non of this strong washin stuff. It is blue with pink rosebuds on and (wait for it) CONTRAST PIPING. I ave to go now as the man as come to put a new roller on the mangle, but if you would like to take me up on my very kind offer, please let me know and I will attach it to the leg of one of the pigins what we get in the garden and send him over to you. Yours in friendship - Clara x

The Bag

The Bag Report 2 Feb 2005 10:44

Them's gorn off darn the tawn on the bus.Tis cheap t'day for th ol' folk dint yer know and the'll be 'aving jellied eels for 'ems dinner down at the pie and licquor shop. Gladys

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 2 Feb 2005 10:56

Posh pinnies and all. Does this mean I'll 'ave to take me curlers out on the 12th? Bit of a posh do then? Elsie