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MarionfromScotland Report 28 Jul 2012 12:25

Or maybe Hilda Ogden...

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 28 Jul 2012 12:34

Hand on heart I think our Shirley Bassey should of performed now she can sing and is a just fantastic %3A-D

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 28 Jul 2012 12:34

Hand on heart I think our Shirley Bassey should of performed now she can sing and is a just fantastic %3A-D


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 Jul 2012 12:57

A contact in Australia said after being asked

*Did you watch any of the Olympic Opening Ceremony? If so, what did you think of it?* (direct quote so not at all leading)

*Thought the opening ceremony was ok. Too much carry on not enough good 'performers' and singers*


Chris67 Report 28 Jul 2012 13:00

Thought they did a great job, loved the humour the queen bit was brill, makes me proud to be British


Robert Report 28 Jul 2012 13:03

I was looking for something modern, bright and lively.

In my opinion, it failed.


AnninGlos Report 28 Jul 2012 13:09

To be fair it wasn't meant to be a concert. And we didn't like the Arctic Monkeys - sorry Hayley, can't please all the people. But I agree maybe Shirley Bassey. I suspect they were thinking that PM representing the era of the Beatles is supposed to be a bit of an icon but he is very lack lustre now and didn't even get the crowd going. Tom Jones would have done it better.


AnnCardiff Report 28 Jul 2012 13:11

Tom would have been epic!!!!


ChrisofWessex Report 28 Jul 2012 13:14

I and OH thought it was fantastic - watched from 9.00 p.m. Such a welcome change from strutting singers/bands etc. Whoever had the dream and then was able to carry out the vision, hats off to them. Amongst the dancers etc for the GOSH were many drs and nurses who on average rehearsed for 150 hours.

Was hooked on the portrayal of the Industrial Revolution and when the cauldron revealed itself in all its glory all I could say to OH - we can still carry out wonderful engineering'.

Wonder who had the temerity to suggest the Queen and how did they get past the courtiers with their suggestion? Well done Ma'am.

As for Paul I have to agree - son is a Paul 'nut' and when I said he was singing bum notes at the Jubilee - son stated it was the night air! Would suggest he stays away from fresh air in future! He was always my favourite Beatle. Should retire on a high not a squawk!

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 28 Jul 2012 13:30

As it has already been said it wasnt about singers and performers it was about the Great Britain reps and the games and I am very very very proud as I always say we can if nothing else put on a great I am now rolling up a ball of negitivity and throwing it out of the window...there is gone positive commments only from me %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Rambling Report 28 Jul 2012 13:37

Kenneth Brannagh looked as though he was enjoying himself %3A-D


Merlin Report 28 Jul 2012 13:39

Saw a little of it, more like Disneyland than the Olympics, %3A-S.Lets hope our athletes do better.


Merlin Report 28 Jul 2012 13:48

BC,wheeled out the Rolling Stones in a Bath Chair along with Macca and Elton john they could have had a race. %3A-D


Jane Report 28 Jul 2012 13:59

Well I thought it was great.Well done to all who made it a great night and successful opening .It was never going to be to everyone's taste.Nothing ever is.


Janet Report 28 Jul 2012 14:16

Overall I enjoyed it .Normally I don't like Mr Bean but I thought the timing was spot on. The sight of those chimneys, which in the area I live was a reminder of our 'satanic mills' . The formation of the the final torch which was made by each of the' petals' brought by the children was just ingenious.

For me the only real disappointment was Paul McCartney at the end which was like a damp squib, before I switched off............. I wistfully thought how it could have been if John Lennon had been there to sing 'Imagine' as a message to the world -jl


Von Report 28 Jul 2012 14:28

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the performance and congratulations to Danny Boyle for having the courage to put his ideas into practice.

So many aspects of our British lives portrayed. It must have been wonderful for all the participants especially the children.
Still glued to TV watching the competition now %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


AnninGlos Report 28 Jul 2012 14:51

Isn't it sad that Danny Boyle's father, who was a champion of the Olympics, dies in his 90s only 18 months ago. Wouldn't he have been proud of his son's achievement.

I have just read the DM and the explanation of all the different factions is really good. I wish I could have had a 'programme' as I am sure I would have seen more than I did. However, I have most of it taped so shall have another look in a quiet moment.


DazedConfused Report 28 Jul 2012 15:51

Someone very early on mentioned that they were glad the the Sex Pistols 'God Save the Queen' was not played. It was in the 70's medley set albeit a snippet.

As for our glorious history - the WWW was not invented by that Tim Berners Lee, it was orignally devised by the US Military/Goverment as a communications device for their use. Tim Berners Lee merely adapted/opened it up for the rest of us to use. Also without Charles Babbage & Alan Turin he would have have nothing to 'devise'. Danny sure dropped a clanger there. Would rather have seen a tribute to these 2 great men. And Alan Turin was born 100 years ago so it would have been a fitting tribute. Loved the tribute to the victims of 7/7 - should have been in complete silence though.

And can someone explain to me why Doreen Lawrence was afforded the privelege of being a Torch bearer AND one of the Olympic Flag holders? Whilst I appreciate her struggle and all she has done since the death of her son, I would rather have seen her at the end and someone else have a chance at being a Torch bearer. Loved Shami Shakrabati being their.

I also think it was very wrong to have had Muhamed Ali there, he looks so frail and was struggling to stand even with help. I am sure many would rather remember him in his prime and not like this.

AND WHY DID THE QUEEN NOT SMILE ONCE - I did not watch all the way through (did a bit of channel hopping) but everytime the camera went on her she look so glum, and she is now the image of her grandmother and Ann is rapidly looking the same. Prince Phillip seemed to be always looking down, was he tweeting!!!!!

I would give Danny Boyle 10/10 for the overall spectacular but only 8/10 for some of the bits shown. It was not reallly designed for telly as you could not get the full effect of the whole stadium.



Jane Report 28 Jul 2012 16:41

I think the Queen must have been worn out.I agree she didn't smile once .Did see her picking at her nails at one time lol.I think she looked really tired .So would I at her age and have to stay up until the early hours.She was there for her country ,but I bet she just wished she was all tucked up in bed
Charles and Camilla were caught on Camera having the right giggles about something.That was so funny to see and nice.
Poor Mohammed (SP) Ali.He wouldn't have been there if he hadn't wanted to be.I bet he enjoyed the show.Just physically he couldn't show it.I think it was great he was there.Didn't he light the Olympic Flame at the last Olympics (with a nurse at hand)?
I never understand why we have to nit pick everything.I think we should just be pleased it was a great evening .It is not often we have something as big as this in this country.We should just be proud it was a great success %3A-D %3A-D


Rita Report 28 Jul 2012 16:47

I must have missed something ? where did someone say the deaf children were rubbish singing? I did say why did they sing God Save the King ? when we have a Queen ? could well be a mistake with the teacher.
some one just told me I made a mistake and they did sing Queen and not king.

I didnt enjoy the opening as I could not see anthing other than flashing lights going through the countryside.? it was like being in an express train .you could see nothing. most of that seem to be taken on camera. even the talking faded now and again.

Sorry I cannot agree with you on this one