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Mazfromnorf Report 7 Feb 2010 09:24

thanks DET i am moving a foot lol will look in later


LaGooner Report 7 Feb 2010 09:31

Missed you all again I think. Morning/evening anyway to one and all.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Feb 2010 09:39

Morning LG! One letter down - 2 to go, except the printer keeps chopping off the bottom bit. Grrr!!!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 7 Feb 2010 09:56

I've just looked at the forecast for next week (up here), it's going to get cold again by Thursday and snow by Friday.

My poor little plants don't know what to do for the best. My magnolia had buds on but the last lot of snow killed them.


LaGooner Report 7 Feb 2010 10:00

Morning DET and Pauline.
I am still trying to get a hand written letter to my cousin completed. 3 days now I will have to ignore door and take phone off hook LOL

Oh Pauline that does not sound so good !! Do me a favour and keep it up Norf though LOL


LaGooner Report 7 Feb 2010 10:15

I am now off and away to get newspapers and then getting on with some dreaded H*******k LOL. Catch you all later,have a good day x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Feb 2010 10:22

H*******k? What's that? lol

Sounds rather unwelcome Pauline, after the problems you had with the last lot - but is would seem the temps will be above freezing. Hopefuly it won't settle.

2 letters down - one to go!


AuntySherlock Report 7 Feb 2010 11:15

I am going to bed. I am tired. All this resting has taken all the energy out of me. I need some sleep. Quick lurk around the boards and then I'm off. Anyone like to borrow a relly called Hill. I thought I had one pinned down but he has morphed into 4 all born the same year in the same area. Rotten lot.


YG Report 7 Feb 2010 14:30

Hello everyone. Been a busy girl this morning doing what you've all run off to do, except Aunty, of course, who is snoring!!

Prepared dinner early so I can just pop it in the oven to warm up and am settling in to watch a three hour Catherine Cookson film! Not often I relax for that long, but I love her stories, so it's feet up and a cuppa!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Feb 2010 18:14

Hope you enjoyed your film YG. Lark Rise to Candelford is on at 8!!

Off to start cooking so we are all cleared away in time.

Catch you later


YG Report 7 Feb 2010 19:00

Mmm, I did. It was brilliant. Had tea and cleared away, now into Dancing on Ice and Wild at Heart, so that's my evening sorted!!


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Feb 2010 19:22

just getting my washing going again and looking at the rellies been talking to mum lol got more notes to follow up on
creating more headaches lol


AuntySherlock Report 7 Feb 2010 21:21

Ha! Moves faster than the speed of a thousand startled gazelles.

I've stopped snoring and am at work. Good morning all , or evening your time. Today it will be around 36C. It is already in the high 20s and very warm. Hot, hot for the next three days.

I see you are in the list of oldies DET. Tee hee, bet that was a surprise. No, not your age, the age of your membership number. Mine is only twelve months old. I think we are out of step with others around here. We need to all change our names and our numbers every three months just to confuse everyone. However it would only end up confusing me so don't even think about it.

Must away, just thought I'd say hi before I start work.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Feb 2010 22:10

and Hi to you when you have your first refreshment break. I'd had 2nd thoughts about posting on that numbers thead- too visable, don't ya know, then thought it a waste of time to delete now I'm 'on a list' lol

You can share a bit of your heat over here if you like...we can sort of average it out. Think we'd come off the better and you'd start complaining about the cold again :¬P


RockyMountainShy Report 7 Feb 2010 22:36

Thats right ! How can they ever survive at 22 degrees ???? They would all freeze!!! Can't have that can we?

UUHHMMM can we have some for your snow? Just for the Olympics you know. You can have it back right after. Who ever heard of having WINTER Olympics in Vancouver????


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Feb 2010 22:41

No doubt Pauline would be delighted to shovel it into the catapult if any comes in her direction lol

Is it just a 'bad year' for low snow fall, or a usual geographical thing? A bit like expecting to hold a swimming gala in the middle of the Sahara?


RockyMountainShy Report 7 Feb 2010 22:55

Vancouver never really gets a lot of snow. But it is a really low snow year, we haven't had any snow since the beginning of January! and we broken a lot of records for warmth. the rest of the contendent is getting a lot but not us in "BEAUTIFUL BRITISH COLUMBIA"

'Their' getting worried cause if it keeps up we won't have any water in the summer as we use the water from the mountains and it as almost all melted and disappeared into the ground!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Feb 2010 23:03

Ohhh dear - especialy if you have a summer drought as well.

Did I read somewhere that one of the warm ocean currents has shifted north? It was in connection to the Sea Lions in San Francisco following the shoals they fed off,to the coast of Washington. But they could have followed Bessie and Nessie in their wanderings.

And a contact in NY State was complaining they had far more snow than usual. Sumat is up


RockyMountainShy Report 7 Feb 2010 23:16

"especially if you have a summer drought as well" -- which we usually do, as "we live in a semi arid climate"

They just had "Blizzard, The Sequel" over there. hasn't snowed that much in over 50 years! Snowball fights in downtown Washington DC. Looked like fun! Trees down, roads blocked, their hoping to clear it by Monday. Sounded sort of like you (Hee hee)

Yes the warm air is coming from the west off the Pacific so it is possible.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Feb 2010 23:27

Clear it by Monday??? It would take us a week!!!! lol lol