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YG Report 2 Feb 2010 22:20

Censored!!! We can't have this thread censored!!! It will not do at all!!

Freedom of speech and all that jazz!!


LaGooner Report 2 Feb 2010 22:25

Can't be to free with speech LOl we would get whooshed LOL


YG Report 2 Feb 2010 22:32

They are a bit good at whooshing them anyway lol!!

Hey, am I living dangerously, or what!!

Right, it's bedtime. I'm a gonna, my little snowflake!! I was very late last night and have been like a zombie at work today!!

Sleep well, sweet dreams of setting sail on the Ark!!


LaGooner Report 2 Feb 2010 22:34

NIght YG, sleep well and sweet dreams to you too. Drifting in the ark . Oh heck just had a thought I get seasick LOL. Pass the bucket quick.


YG Report 2 Feb 2010 22:38

You're going to make a great Captain!! And I'm not much better. All right on deck but not a bit of use to anyone below decks!!

Nite nite, byeeeeee xx


LaGooner Report 2 Feb 2010 22:39

LOL. What a good pair we make LOL. Nite catch you again soon x


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Feb 2010 06:16

morning ladies
how are we all I am wrestling with maths homework ,but frog is brainy lol so i get his help ,its our 4 month anniversary today lol
think I am getting a cold but will fight it .


AuntySherlock Report 3 Feb 2010 08:10

Four months. Doesn't time fly these days. Next you'll be on your honeymoon and we will all say, in crackly elderly voices, ehhh, I remember the day Maz and her frog first went out together......

Oh dear YG I have the same ailment as yours. I used to be a very good typist, now all the words come out the wrong way round, or words appear on the screen I just know I never typed.

You should see my paragraphs before I edit them. No actually you should not see them.

Tasmania is out. It is freezing, and there are other reasons why we shouldn't go there which would add to this thread being whooshed very quickly.

How about the West Indies, Bahamas. We could all wear straw hats, oh heavens, and get lost in the Bermuda Triangle. So I suppose that's out. By the time we figure out where to take Maz and her beau it will be their 10th wedding anniversary.


LaGooner Report 3 Feb 2010 09:01

LOL Aunty, I am slimming down ready to buy the wedding outfit. Come on Maz name the day I want to know whether I need spring or summer attire. LOL


AuntySherlock Report 3 Feb 2010 09:26

Dear Maz, How on earth are you going to start this conversation with the frog.

"Hi frog.

Hi Maz.

Something I need to talk to you about.

What's that m'dear. You know I'm always ready to talk to you.

Umm well we have to get married.

Cough, cough splutter, splutter!! Beg your pardon, dear Maz but I thought you said ........

Yes dear frog I need a date for our wedding.

May I ask for what reason, Maz dear. Do we need to hurry I was quite enjoying things as they are.

Well frog it's like this. Big deep breath. You see there's this group of nutters living in a virtual place called Nut Lodge. There's five or six of them with some cyber pets including a gremlin a giraffe and some dragons, and an ark.

Yes my dear.

Well they live in Nut Lodge and eat mole stew and pink custard and catapult each other and omelets all over the place. And they have a throne room with lots of thrones and one even has a commode. One person called KQ flies on a broomstick sometimes. But the most important thing in all this is that they really like celebrations. They have already started planning their outfits for our wedding. They are buying fascinators and dressing up the boakins....

Boakins, Maz my dear, what are they.

Well they are sort of large furry snakes that wear bow ties and are used for all different purposes.

Why Maz that sounds perfectly wonderful. I can understand them needing to know the date of our wedding. Would you like to discuss that my dear....................."

Well let's close the door on the discussion. Maz will let us know as soon as possible!!!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 3 Feb 2010 10:22

I don't have a 'mother of the bride' outfit, but I've got an old bridesmaid dress I could tart up a bit. Do yo want me as a bridesmaid Maz? I'll bring my own dress and everything.

I wouldn't advise having the conversation that Aunty suggested, you'll never see frog again.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 3 Feb 2010 10:25

Better go out and look for some purple and green wellies to match my dress, just in case the ark isn't that waterproof.


LaGooner Report 3 Feb 2010 12:31

The ark is perfectly waterproof Pauline cos the boakins are used to plug any leaks they find LOL. The only wet stuff aboard is the leaky pink custard vat so the bilges look very pretty in pink !!

If the frog reads this he will think YEA KNOW we are all completelty bonkers LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Feb 2010 14:16

lol lol the frog has read this thread and is a candidate for the lodge lol ,we are happy in our own spaces as well as together lol lol ,
butttt !!!!! he is coming to my mothers with me next time !!!!!!!
its very cold here brass monkeys at the door as we speak lol lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 3 Feb 2010 16:44

Oooooooooooh!!! Getting introduced to your mother!!

*Rushes to find old bridesmaid dress in loft* >>>>>>>>>>>


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Feb 2010 17:31

lol lol or october again lol been talking to mother RS is really getting worse have added to my thread lol she has married twice mum said Alice springs was mentioned and the suez canal lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 3 Feb 2010 18:00

I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't think what RS is.....LOL


YG Report 3 Feb 2010 18:17

I've got some brilliant wellies to wear, bright green with an array of flowers on them. Plenty of colour choice for the rest of my outfit to match them!

Meeting mother he-he!! It is really getting serious!!

Honeymoon anywhere warm, balmy and relaxing. I will be very happy crewing if we're going somewhere like that!

Can someone send the CPs over to me please to do some woodwork. I need a new fence at the front of the bungalow and a very kind person has lost control of their car this morning and demolished it!!! AGAIN!!! ARRGGGHHHHH!!!


YG Report 3 Feb 2010 18:42

The council are going to repair it and send the driver the bill, but I paid someone privately to fit cross members right along the bottom of the fencing to stop the soil falling through on the pavement. They only treat with a thin coat of preservative so I spent good cash and time painting it all with a good quality fence paint. I wil have to re-do the new section myself again, as the council won't do that.

I am sick to death of people taking the **** out of me!! I asked her to phone me today with her insurance details just in case the council wouldn't repair it and that I would let her know as soon as I had an answer from them, What have I heard?? Nothing!! And she is not answering her phone. The only salvation I have is that they only live just up the road from me and I have seen the car parked there today so it is a genuine address.

I have phoned the Highways Department and asked if they would consider putting in a traffic calming system as this is the third time the fence has been demolished and there have been two near misses. I don't know when I will hear back from them.

And to top it all it is snowing heavily again with a couple of inches expected in the next couple of hours!!!!!

Apart from all that, I am really happy lol!!


LaGooner Report 3 Feb 2010 19:59

Oh poor YG. Here have a plate of Mushroom rissotto with pink custard that should cheer you up LOL