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LaGooner Report 28 May 2010 00:26

Just a bit busy at the moment. Trying to plan the second bit of our holiday, house move for daughter and various bit and pieces. I keep looking in but it has been very quiet on here.
Nite all I am off to bed too. x


LaGooner Report 28 May 2010 09:58

Morning / evening all. Hope you are all well


AuntySherlock Report 28 May 2010 10:36

Hi all. Blooming miserable here. About 13 degrees all day, now about 10 or 11, very cold, raining, windy and horrible.

Other than that things are fine.

Just spent a lot of time typing an email to GRO about my Mr Hill. Yes my next two certificates arrived, both wrong. I have thrown myself on their mercy and asked if they can do anything to help the search. Think that is probably better than throwing myself off a hill.

You will be pleased to know I am drinking Milo again. Just could not find anything warm to drink which I enjoyed and I figured I need an occasional treat.


LaGooner Report 28 May 2010 13:49

Hi Aunty, really nice here today the sun is out and the sky is clear blue (jealous LOL???) . Off out soon to enjoy it while it lasts,catch you later.


Mazfromnorf Report 28 May 2010 14:06

hello all I must proof read before i submit lol although my excuse yesterday is Gizmo he was playing kitten and getting on my nerves so i gave up .
No I am not getting married how could I not tell you lot anyway ,if and when I do it will be a quiet one,lol and not yet !!!!
well here we are a week off and the forcast is awful so not sure what I am doing yet .Froggy is here tomorrow until sunday .so we will do some tourist bit somewhere but not sure where


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 May 2010 15:07

If/or when, a *quiet* Wedding Maz? Not if we know anything in advance about it - lol

Deffinately on the chilly side today. Forgot to put the washing on and too late now, considering its supposed to be peeing down tomorrow. So we can commiserate with you Aunty even though it is our Spring.


Mazfromnorf Report 28 May 2010 16:52

lol DET the suspense
Aunty if your mr Hill had an S on the end you could look for mine too lol there are some more olivers who made to oz i have discovered lol
but i am in touch with a niece but it is bugging me no one replies back lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 28 May 2010 16:54

What was that? Was Maz talking about when she gets married? I wonder how long 'not yet' means.

I might just get some use out of this bridesmaid dress yet!!

It's been sunny here all day but windy, just right for drying pillows. They've been out all day so they should be ready to put back on the bed now.


YG Report 28 May 2010 18:55

Ooooh er!! If/when but not yet!!!! Sounds promising to me. Better get saving.

Beautiful day here but lots of rain to come tomorrow then breezy and sunny on Sunday leading to better weather Monday. Fingers crossed anyway. Am off for the week now and want to get some work done in the garden .......................... again!!


LaGooner Report 28 May 2010 19:33

Evening all.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 May 2010 19:52

Hi Ya LG - is it time for a sit down after your afternoon out? Hope you had a good time.

How do you wash your pillows Pauline? If I try to do mine in the machine, they end up folded in half with a permanent dip in the middle :(

We know what Maz will be up to next week. (No, not that) hunting up Hills and sliding down again. lol


LaGooner Report 28 May 2010 20:08

I am good thanks DET, and I hope you are too. Visited daughters new home today it is huge. I can't believe that it is cheaper than the house she is in now which seems like a matchbox in comparison LOL

Hunting up hills hmmmmmmmm! not heard that euphamism before PMSL.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 May 2010 20:26

How lovely for them. Of course, they will now need the furniture to fill it and Da-ad to help decorate! Not forgetting Mum to take the little ones in to safe keeping. Finger paints in Gloss? Shudder. lol

Need to go and be sociable, but will try to be back later tonight, if I don't fall asleep in the chair!


David Report 28 May 2010 21:04

Good evening


Mazfromnorf Report 28 May 2010 21:44

the suspense is killing you lot lol not yet is not yet .
i wash my pillows in the washer and shake them well out afterwards ,
LG they are moving again then lol ?
My Hills are real people lol LG mums real line .
My dads are the pain as they were Ag labourers and never still there are two or three versions to my grt x4 grandads family too


AuntySherlock Report 28 May 2010 21:58

Morning all. Rained all night. Forecast is for more rain.
Today daughter and I are going to take a look at house across the creek from where I live. She has decided to downsize as the economic downturn has played havoc with her income. Very sensible move, only small problem is that she is still renovating her house. I think OH and Spot will be doing some painting and decorating over the next few weeks.

Then on Sunday night the family is going out for tea for the grandson's birthday.

Maz. We still had some unresolved Olivers to chase across Australia. Now I have discovered the delights of the State library I might see what I can find about them next time I go there. I also have a connection on Ancestry. My cousin has a very small tree under her name on there. I have messaged and messaged but no response. And yes I do understand the reasons for not responding, but you would think that people would occasionally look at their tree, just out of interest.


YG Report 28 May 2010 22:12

But not yet means not yet ....................... not never lol!!!!


AuntySherlock Report 28 May 2010 22:17

Yes very interesting turn of phrase. It used to be "no I won't be", now it is "not yet". How long does "yet" go for.

Oh Maz we are teasing you, aren't we.

By the way I have been threatening to "throw myself off a hill". Did wonder about that phrase as I clicked submit.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 28 May 2010 23:14

Hmm, that's right, it's no longer NO!

I hope that isn't a very big hill.


AuntySherlock Report 28 May 2010 23:18

It is of monumental proportions and is currently defying more than one brain to sort it out. However, being a person of dogged determination I will solve the mystery, one day.

Hey does anyone know a good mystic whom I can hire to hold a seance so I can contact my mother. Hmm that should be interesting. A real challenge to their research abilities.

OK I'm off shopping and doing things. Maz if you are still awake please PM me the dob and name of your Oliver so I can take a look for you tomorrow. All of you have a comfortable, warm evening. OH has just measured our rainfall last night 15.5 ml. You can work it out in points. Catch you later.