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Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Mar 2010 14:15

Maz, I've just seen your post, it wasn't there a minute ago, wonder where it was hiding.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Mar 2010 14:16

I think you've just given YG something to dream about over the weekend.


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Mar 2010 15:02

hello pauline i like hiding lol with my lemon curd sandwich


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Mar 2010 16:26

YG will be begging to come and stay if you have advance notice of next Firemans Day, or even for the official opening of the new Station, lol

Gosh I was glad when this morning's work was over. The little (or rather not so little) B***ers. 20 min modules with a 10 min turn around. Quite a few didn't turn up before the start time, wouldn't shut up, wouldn't hand over phones. One nearly had a punch up with staff member when she realised he had kept his phone with him all the time. Although the 1st 3 were on schedule, the 4th was delayed, the 5th had the most disruption, meaning the 6th started at 1 instead of 1230! If there are anymore sessions like today, I'm thinking of pulling back from Lead.

Hope you have a good time over the weekend LG. Wrap up warm.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Mar 2010 16:57

DET, that sounds like a hectic day, do you want a couple of headache tablets pushed through the cyber hatch, or just a big stick to take with you next time?

Maz, I haven't had a lemon curd sandwich for years, I used to love them.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Mar 2010 17:01

Big stick would be nice! And a couple of headache tablets for the effects of the G+T hangover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If LG has a whistle she can lend, that might come in handy. At least it would get their attention.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Mar 2010 17:01

Big stick would be nice! And a couple of headache tablets for the effects of the G+T hangover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If LG has a whistle she can lend, that might come in handy. At least it would get their attention.

edit - Ooops! Not started in the G+T yet (see Pauline's post below) I've got a 'twitch' in my arm. Probably the surpressed desire to give their botties a smack - lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Mar 2010 17:12

Looks like the pressure gave you the shakes and made you click twice.

Or have you already started on the G&T?


YG Report 5 Mar 2010 17:27

Firemen!! Firemen!! Oh goodness me, where's my phone. I need to borrow the supercharged broomstick to get up there double quick!!

Maz, how could you get hold of the hose!! You know it's my job!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Mar 2010 21:23

lol lol they were in our kitchen
I love lemon curd sanys very tangy got some ginger curd at christmas that was nice too


AuntySherlock Report 6 Mar 2010 07:33

It is raining in this place. The CPs are in the backyard galloping around like headless chooks. You should see them soaking wet bedraggled and having a lovely time. If Nellie steps on OHs potato plants again she will be banished to the zoo until the holiday is over.

Slightly cooler about 20C so no chance of sun burn.

OH found a fallen gum tree with a beehive on it and brought home a piece of honeycomb filled with honey. I have it tied up in a stocking dripping over a bowl. Very slow going but if we are luck by supper tonight we will have enough pure wild honey to spread on two crumpets.


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Mar 2010 07:36

morning all its raining here typical have a day off going out though later with frog


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Mar 2010 09:09

Slightly cooler? Sounds possitively arctic compared to recent temperatures. You'll be getting your thermals on soon - lol Don't know why the CP are getting excited about rain - they see enough of it over here!

Hope you enjoyed your wild honey. What will be next? Beeswax polish, or candle making? Hope OH and Spot didn't get stung.

Enjoy your day Maz. Bad luck about the rain, but the company should make up for it.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 6 Mar 2010 10:44

DET, the rain probably reminds the CPs of home, it must make a change for them to have warm rain though.

Wild honey sounds nice. One of my neighbours keeps bees, his wife makes hand cream out of the wax.

I've never tried ginger curd, don't think I've seen it in the shops.

LOL YG, get the fireman's union in - holding the hose is definitely your job.


YG Report 6 Mar 2010 17:35

Oooh that handcream sounds lovely, Pauline. Bet it works well too. My hands could do with a bucketful right now and the gardening season hasn't started yet!!

Hope you have a good time with frog Maz.

Supposed to be a lovely day tomorrow, so done indoor jobs today. Hopefully I can get outside and dead head the hydrangeas and do some weeding. And if that isn't enough to bring the rains I don't know what is!


AuntySherlock Report 7 Mar 2010 00:28

Good evening you all. Cool cloudy overcast. Melbourne over east had a bad night with hailstorms, we have had a bit of rain and some winds.

Football (the proper stuff) stadium in centre of Melbourne almost blown away and damaged. I've sent Sweetpea and a few boakins over to help with the clean up and restoration. Can't have our footy season disrupted by nature.

Almost forgot. Have sent about twenty of the boakins up to Queensland. Google Floods Charleville Queensland, and you will see how Australians cope with a drought. They magic up floods. Yes the boakins are being used as rafts or levee banks.


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Mar 2010 08:12

morning all Had a lovely time with Frog visited a farmshop ,and an ice cream parlour .
then he sorted my photos out for me with a free kodak album on here ,and fitted the accessories in my loo so its finished now.
there is a ginger curd recipe with Dehlia but i have only seen it in one area of north yorkshire so far but will always be lookin for it now as it is gorgeous


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Mar 2010 09:17

ooo they are too busy chasing relations .cyberpets must be ejoying the freedom lol
wonder how lg is lol no sleep will be well and truly finished off when she gets home later lol
aunty were you in sydney for the art picture lol . i think maybe the cyber pets were though there were some very strange shapes there lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Mar 2010 09:22

Hallo - just been looking at the Ginger Curd recipe. Looks easy to do, but would work out rather expensive if you have to buy a jar of stem ginger.

Are you sure, Aunty, that the boakins didn't sneak off and mess with the weather while you were asleep? (got to blame someone other than global warming for the stupid/unusual weather everyone seems to experiencing world wide this winter/summer)


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Mar 2010 09:25

hi yes i agree it would but the farm shops stock stuff like that so will keep looking found ginger jam yesterday that looked interesting .