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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Jun 2009 18:55

Welcome back Jean,it's so good to hear from you again.
What a relief,good news about J ,I am so pleased for you both
Poor thing,it has taken so long for him to get back on his feet,hasn't it.
Have you been out for a drive yet? The weather has been so lovely,so I hope you have been able to take advantage of it.
Keep your chin up my love,we are all cheering you on,and wishing you well
It has been so quiet on here for a couple of days,I do hope everyone is well.
Good luck for friday Marilyn. I will be thinking of you.
Bye for now. Love and best wishes Mo xxx


Sallie Report 23 Jun 2009 19:17

Hi All,
I was wondering where everyone was- it's been desserted for a few days!
Hope you are all alright.

Jean, so pleased to know that J has had his new anti-biotics at last!
A few days and he should be feeling quite a bit better. How are your legs, hope you are managing to rest them as much as possible. Hope things are going along alright with your daughter. I am thinking about the three of you.

Thank you for thinking about Jennie. She seems to be alright on the new medication - she says that when she eats vegetables and salads she doesn't get any pain now - so that's got to be good to start with.
The only side effect that she has had so far, is a bit of nausea for a few days, it just comes and goes over those few days.
So I am really pleased about that. Hoping things continue to go along as they are.

Speak to you all soon, best wishes to everyone!
Take care!



JustJean Report 23 Jun 2009 19:40

Hiya, Mo, we have had a couple of runs out, but J still gets very tired, so we are taking it day by day, thanks for asking...

Love Jean xx


Sallie Report 24 Jun 2009 21:57

Just popped in to say hello!

Mo, sorry about the air show not being very good. The trouble is, that you look forward to going, thinking it will be a nice day out, and when it turns out to be no good, it's so disappointing.

Jean, hope J is feeling a bit better today. Once the anti-biotics kick in, I'm sure he will be fine. It also takes time to get over the operation. As you said Jean, ' take one day at a time ' - please give him my best wishes.

We are going down to Wales on Saturday. My brother is being Ordained as a Priest, the ceremony is taking place in St. Woolos Cathedral, Newport. I'm really looking forward to it!

Hope everyone else is alright.

Best wishes,



Zack Report 25 Jun 2009 07:05

Hello Mo Sallie Debbie Sue Marilyn and hello Jean I am so pleased to hear you are a little better ,How are the legs? and J is a little better also, lovely to have you back .
Sallie it is good to hear Jennie is doing well on the new medication.Mo I am on the smaller serves also exercising 3 days a week I went to water arobics to-day it is easier on the body when done in the water.
The weather here is miserable so cold I wanted to plant some brocolli and some beetroot after i came home from the gym but it is too cold to go outside a really strong cold wind blowing, I have the heater going but i still feel cold , so I am off to brew a cup of tea.Love to you all Marie from OZxxxxxxxxxxx


JustJean Report 25 Jun 2009 09:05

Hello, Marie nice to see you.thanks for your thoughts for J, one of the district nurses told me I should have had calf meaurements taken also ankle blood pressure too, but doc didnt do either , so need to get that sorted , could be the support stockings are the wrong ones for me....I am off to have the ears tested today also, its all going pear shaped now lol.....still at 74 I havent done too bad all this time... we have forecast for hot sunny weather here,but not in my corner of England , bit cool and also a few drops of rain but tis early yet usually the evenings are lovely.......better go and get dressed ready to go out,take care...

love Jean xx


Deborah Report 25 Jun 2009 11:05

Hi All, no, I haven't disappeared off into Cyber Space. Problems with the computer all over the weekend, and have been really busy since then. Athletics Jersey School vs Guernsey Schools all afternoon today, so thought I'd just pop in to say Hello before I get stuck on the track.

Oh, Jean, hope your weather improves. We are forecast the hottest day of the year here today in excess of 27º. Not so comfortable though if sitting watching running. The little 2 have their sports day today as well, so hubby and I are off in different directions, in order to show our faces at both events. Lucky for me he works for himself and can afford to take time off like this.

I hope everyones ailments are improving with time, and that everybody is now on the road to recovery.

Mo, sorry about the air show. It must have been so disappointing. I remember going to Duxford a few years ago and there was a small display there, just by chance the day we went. It was an amazing place to visit. I would love to go back one day when all the children are older so that the younger 2 can appreciate it.

Anyway, you'll have to come to Jersey on 10th Sept. We have a fantastic air display here (free, but it would cost you to get here!!!!). I have just looked it up on the web and they are geting their act together with entrants. If you google "jersey international air display", there are a few different pages to look at. It is always a last minute thing as some planes have to pull out and others confirm entry at the 11th hour. But the whole Island goes into "Air Display Fever" for a few hours. It poured with rain last year but we all sat and watched it huddled under our brollies.

Not sure about the one you visited, but we are able to actually go on board some of the planes and helicopters, either at the airport or a static display on a park. So you can get very up close and personal (with the planes, not the pilots %3A-%29))

Gotta go, sandwiches to make and I don't want to miss the first event. Speak to you all soon.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Jun 2009 17:44

Well hello my cyber friends.
It's good to hear from you all again.
I hope you have a lovely time, at your brothers ordination Sallie. I do not mean to be rude,but what age is your brother?. My reason for asking is that,a very good friend of mine,had her grandson's ordination,a couple of years ago. And she said it was a wonderful experience. He has his own diocese now,as is doing very well.
You are so brave doing your water aerobic's Marie. I dare not even think about putting a swimming costume on,all my rolls of flab would cause a lot of water displacement. And other people would not be able to enjoy their swim.
Sorry it is so cold where you are Marie. We have had glorious weather again today,sun with a warm breeze,it's lovely. Mind you we are hundreds of miles away from our Jean,she's all the way up north.
I can't understand why the pharmacy staff,did not take your calf measurements Jean. When I worked in our local pharmacy,we had to do the measurements,before we could order them,as they all come in different sizes. We measured the calf and ankle. No wonder they don't seem to be working for you.
How did you get on with your hearing test?
We were not able to look at the aircraft close up Debbie. They only did fly past's. When we go to Biggin Hill,the aircraft are on the ground,so people can have a close look at them,and sit in the cockpit of some as well.
The most graceful aircraft, is an old B52 bomber,on the ground she looks awful,but get her in the air she is like a bird gliding through the air. She is not noisy,like most modern aircraft of today.
In fact they made a film about her a few years ago.
I hope the children enjoyed there athletics,and sports day. And that it was not to overly hot for them.
We are going to our local forces day here,on Saturday. It is being held in the old dockyard. And will be attended by all the armed forces. The veterans,are marching up to the yard,so I do hope it's not to hot for them.
We don't really want folk passing out on the march,bless them.
There are a lot of events happening,this weekend commemorating the war years. We even have a Vera Lynne lookalike,doing a concert of her old songs.
Love to you all,hope everyone is well. And a big hello to Huia,Sue,Marilyn
and anyone else I may have forgotten. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 25 Jun 2009 17:57

Hello All,
Marie and Deddie, nice to hear from you, been wondering if everything was alright with you both, and your families.

Marie, it looks as though you are doing well at the Gym - you sound as if you enjoy going there. Keep up the good work!

Debbie, hope you had a good afternoon at the athletics - and hubby enjoyed himself at the little ones sports day.

Jean, a lady that lives down the road, has bad legs, and I know that the nurse goes there on a regular basis and one of the things she does, is take the blood pressure in her ankles. Take care!
Hope J is feeling a bit better today.

Mo, hope all is well with you and Roly. Hope you are enjoying the nice weather.

Haven't heard from Sue lately, hope all is well with her!

Huia and Marilyn, are you both alright ?

Speak soon.

Good wishes to you all.



GRMarilyn Report 25 Jun 2009 18:17

Hi Everyone,

Yes I'm here, thanks to all of you for asking, just been cooling it down a bit.
I was on too many threads at one time and couldn't catch up with you all. LOL
I was also and still am helping a dear old lady trace her tree.

Anyway you are ALL such a lovely bunch of caring people that I had to come and tell you all...!

I'm away on Monday for 3weeks USA with the grandchildren so we are looking forward to that.
Tomorrow I'm off to the hospital for lots of check ups not very exciting sitting for 6hrs in this lovely weather.

Mo remembered and has just PM me she is Sooooooo.. kind.. Bless !!

So hope you are all enjoying our weather and are sitting out in your garden s because I am !!
Will let you know how I get on tomorrow.......
Take care
Marilyn xxxxxxx


Sallie Report 25 Jun 2009 19:08

Hello All,

I'm like the bad penny today!

Lovely to hear from you Marilyn, hope all goes well with blood tests and check-ups tomorrow!

Mo, my brother has done a few jobs in his time, when he left school he did a five year apprenticeship as an electrician, he then joined the police force and was there for most of his working life. For a number of years he did some lay preaching. Both him and my sister-in-law joined a new church, a few of the clergy from that church and churches round the area,
then encouraged him to train to become a Priest.

So, two years ago at the grand old age of 58, he started his training in Cardiff. This time last year he was ordained as a Deacon - and on Saturday will be ordained as a Priest. We are all very proud of him, he has worked hard over the last two years, he has done well, given his age.
He is now nearly sixty one!

And Mo, I didn't mind you asking at all, it's nice that you are interested!

Jean, sorry I forgot to ask how your eye test went - hope everything was alright.

Speak soon.



Deborah Report 25 Jun 2009 19:27

Hi All, I survived the afternoon. Daniel got a 1st & 3rd place so was happy with that. But best of all Jersey beat Guernsey in all age groups, so we were overall winners %3A-%29) The little 2 enjoyed their Sports Day, and all 4 children are absolutely exhausted now. Early to bed for them tonight.

Jean, I hope all your appointments went ok. I'm sorry to hear that your legs still aren't much better. Fingers crossed for a more positive outcome. Hope J is responding well to the new Antibiotics.

Marilyn, have a fantastic trip. How old are your grandchildren and where abouts are you travelling to? So many questions, you'll have to fill us all in when you get back. Safe travels.

Sallie, good luck for your trip to Wales. I wish your brother all the very best. I have an uncle who is a Methodist Minister and finds the work so fulfilling. It must be wonderful to be blessed with such a vocation to the exclusion of all others. Good luck.

Mo, is it Chatham Docks you are going to be visiting? We have relations in Gravesend, so the year they didn't take us to Duxford, we went to Chatham. A fantastic place to visit.

Anyway, am off now for the evening. Night to you all, sleep well in this heat.



JustJean Report 25 Jun 2009 19:45

Oh,the eye test, well I am really a old biddie now hearing not too bad, I have trouble with some higher levels, it seems,so they giving me an aid one for each ear, should have them in about four weeks.... deep joy......I wear my hair
quite short so I think they are going to be on view,.....well never mind I dont go on the pull anymore LOL.......Hi, Marilyn, hows you doing, by the sound of it not too bad . have a great time in America, will be thinking of you when you visit the hospital......

~~~~~~~~~~~~ to everyone else ~~~~~~~~~~~

Love Jean x


Sallie Report 25 Jun 2009 20:31

Sorry, I really am like the bad penny!

Debbie, just wanted to say well done to Daniel for coming first and third. Also, congratululations and well done to the Jersey team for beating Guernsey. I bet you are all thrilled to bits!

Our family were either Congregationalists and Baptists, as there were so many of the churches closing, my brother and sister-in-law, decided to join the Angligan Church, and it's just gone on from there.
Hubby's sister changed from the Angligan Church to the Methodist Church. She became a Methodist Minister in Yorkshire, three years ago.
They put me to shame!

I'm now going to make myself a nice cup of tea, before having a shower.

Bye for now,


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Jun 2009 20:53

Yes Debbie it is chatham dockyard. Roly used to work there,years ago,before they decided to shut it down.
If you saw it now you would not recognise it Debbie. They have an outlet centre there,and a Dickens centre.
It is good to hear from Marilyn again. I hope it goes well for her tommorrow
And that she enjoys her trip to America.
You must be really proud of your family Sallie. Thank you for answering my question.
Do not worry yourself about the hearing aids Jean. After a while you won't even know you have got them in. Apart from hearing people better.
And wearing your hair short is great in this weather. I also keep my hair short,in fact I had it cut yesterday,and it is now about one inch all over,apart
from my fringe that is,I have got to hide the wrinkles some how. It's just wash and go,no more waiting for it to dry.
Well girls I will talk to you again,tommorrow night. Goodnight one and all.


GRMarilyn Report 26 Jun 2009 19:27

Hi Everyone,

I'm still Alive...!!!

Had all sorts of check ups you name it I had it....!

Anyway all is fine everything working OK Kidney's & liver working just fine.

Now going to pack for my holiday.....including my Laptop !!

So I will look in from time to time.

All take care .
Marilyn xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Jun 2009 19:41

Thanks for the update Marilyn,good to hear you are o.k.
Enjoy your holiday,keep us updated on how much you are enjoying yourself,and make us envious.
Evening girls,I hope you are all well.
We have glorious weather again today,but the sky is as black as black can
be at the moment. So we could be in for a downpour at any minute. As long as it's dry tommorrow I don't mind,as it's armed forces day.
Love to all Mo xxx


Sallie Report 26 Jun 2009 19:41

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are alright today.

Marilyn, pleased to hear that all went well at the doctors, for you.
Have a lovely holiday in the US - look after yourself and take care.
Looking forward to hearing all about it, when you get home!

Hope you'll all have a lovely weekend.

Take care of yourselves.

Speak to you all soon,

Best wishes,



JustJean Report 28 Jun 2009 13:01

Hello folks, lovely day here, hope you have a great holiday Marilyn....
how is everyone doing ? how is young Jennie? Mo when does Roly have is eyes done? what are the young men doing this weekend, Debbie...

I have just made our lunch braized steak, roasties, lots of various veg and yorkshires....strawberries and cream for afters ..mmmmmm......


Love Jean xx


Sallie Report 28 Jun 2009 15:11

Hi All,

Hope J is feeling much better now! How are your legs Jean? I hope they are feeling a bit more comfortable and that you are managing to rest.
I hope your daughter is keeping well, too!

Mo, I hope you had a good time at your local forces day.

Marilyn, Debbie, Marie and Sue hope all is well with you and your families,
and that you all had a lovely weekend.

We had a lovely day yesterday, at my brother's ordination - but after such a long day, we are all very tired today!

Jennie seems to be doing fine on her new medication - she's not so tired, and is now able to eat all vegatables and fruit, without having any pain.
She's always loved lots of fruit and veg, so she's really happy that she can now eat them all again without having any problems.

I'll speak to you all tomorrow.

Good wishes to you all. Take care!
