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help with old Winchester bookshop

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JenRedPurple Report 17 Feb 2005 16:51

Thank you for reading this. I am hoping someone with local knowledge can answer a question for me. I am trying to find the site of an old bookshop (ie Dickens lifetime) named Burchett's. In the 1970's a photo was taken of the place, and the old sign was still visible. Sadly that photo was lost so if anyone can help me with a street name and number or some such thing that would be fantastic. :-))) Jen


MarionfromScotland Report 17 Feb 2005 17:03

just asking my cousin, she lives there. she looked up 1951 directory, nothing there. But she said she will see what she can find. Marion


JenRedPurple Report 17 Feb 2005 17:08

Great, thanks a lot marion. xx jen


Peter Report 17 Feb 2005 17:14

If its the one I think it is It has sadly closed down. But I am not 100% certen its the same shop, I plan to go to Winchester in the near future And will check it out. Do you whant a Photo if I find it. Just to make shore I'm on the right lines Was/is it by the West gate and Castle end of Winch or do'nt you Know.


JenRedPurple Report 17 Feb 2005 17:20

thanks peter, sorry I don't know where, just the name and the family legend that there was a priest-hole in the stairs or something. and that dickens frequented the place. would love a photo, do you wanna email me direct? thanks jen


maggiewinchester Report 17 Feb 2005 18:35

Hi Jen, Guess where I live :0 The oldest bookshop in Winchester was Gilberts, which closed a few years ago and is now a trendy furniture shop. This is in 'The Square', near St Lawrence church. Another possible place is what is now a frame shop but has been, in it's time, a printers and a bokshop. This is in the High Street, right by 'The Buttercross' - an old structure with statues on it. Yet another potential place is under the Kingsgate arch, by winchester colege, or in college street, where there has been a bookshop for years. My best guess is the frame shop by the Buttercross. I'll try and remember to have a look tomorrow. Can you remember any features in the photo? maggie


Peter Report 17 Feb 2005 18:39

Maggie was'nt there one up the top of high st near the councle offices I seem to recall it


JenRedPurple Report 17 Feb 2005 19:04

hi maggie :-))) thanks. the photo belonged to my 'new' cousin who is in Oz so I don't know. I have just found him and would like to surprise him with a bit of local help. I know the daughter of the bookseller was born at Gladstone Terrace Winchester in 1874 - is that near one of those places? Thanks again for all replies and offers. jen


maggiewinchester Report 17 Feb 2005 19:12

Hi Peter, There is a stationers in Upper high street, on the right as you look at the Westgate. It could possibly have been a bookshop, don't know about the priest hole though. I just know the ones I mentioned were book shops, my late father in law used to live here!! maggie


Peter Report 17 Feb 2005 19:12

Theres a Gladston St not far from were I think it was But I will defeur to Maggie as she is a local if she know some thing diferent Its been some time sinse I was around that part of the City.


maggiewinchester Report 17 Feb 2005 19:24

Gladstone Terrace is near the railway station, well away from the High Street. If it's the road I'm thinking of, it's a row of red brick terraced houses. maggie


Peter Report 17 Feb 2005 19:49

I'm going to see if I can find it in any old tade directorys or an ad in the Conicale


Janet Report 17 Feb 2005 19:49

Have you tried Historical Directories? www(.)historicaldirectories(.)org Janet


JenRedPurple Report 17 Feb 2005 19:50

Peter you are a true gent, I will not forget this when I can help others. Jen