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help with old Winchester bookshop
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JenRedPurple | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:50 |
Peter you are a true gent, I will not forget this when I can help others. Jen |
Janet | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:49 |
Have you tried Historical Directories? www(.)historicaldirectories(.)org Janet |
Peter | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:49 |
I'm going to see if I can find it in any old tade directorys or an ad in the Conicale |
maggiewinchester | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:24 |
Gladstone Terrace is near the railway station, well away from the High Street. If it's the road I'm thinking of, it's a row of red brick terraced houses. maggie |
Researching: |
Peter | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:12 |
Theres a Gladston St not far from were I think it was But I will defeur to Maggie as she is a local if she know some thing diferent Its been some time sinse I was around that part of the City. |
maggiewinchester | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:12 |
Hi Peter, There is a stationers in Upper high street, on the right as you look at the Westgate. It could possibly have been a bookshop, don't know about the priest hole though. I just know the ones I mentioned were book shops, my late father in law used to live here!! maggie |
Researching: |
JenRedPurple | Report | 17 Feb 2005 19:04 |
hi maggie :-))) thanks. the photo belonged to my 'new' cousin who is in Oz so I don't know. I have just found him and would like to surprise him with a bit of local help. I know the daughter of the bookseller was born at Gladstone Terrace Winchester in 1874 - is that near one of those places? Thanks again for all replies and offers. jen |
Peter | Report | 17 Feb 2005 18:39 |
Maggie was'nt there one up the top of high st near the councle offices I seem to recall it |
maggiewinchester | Report | 17 Feb 2005 18:35 |
Hi Jen, Guess where I live :0 The oldest bookshop in Winchester was Gilberts, which closed a few years ago and is now a trendy furniture shop. This is in 'The Square', near St Lawrence church. Another possible place is what is now a frame shop but has been, in it's time, a printers and a bokshop. This is in the High Street, right by 'The Buttercross' - an old structure with statues on it. Yet another potential place is under the Kingsgate arch, by winchester colege, or in college street, where there has been a bookshop for years. My best guess is the frame shop by the Buttercross. I'll try and remember to have a look tomorrow. Can you remember any features in the photo? maggie |
Researching: |
JenRedPurple | Report | 17 Feb 2005 17:20 |
thanks peter, sorry I don't know where, just the name and the family legend that there was a priest-hole in the stairs or something. and that dickens frequented the place. would love a photo, do you wanna email me direct? thanks jen |
Peter | Report | 17 Feb 2005 17:14 |
If its the one I think it is It has sadly closed down. But I am not 100% certen its the same shop, I plan to go to Winchester in the near future And will check it out. Do you whant a Photo if I find it. Just to make shore I'm on the right lines Was/is it by the West gate and Castle end of Winch or do'nt you Know. |
JenRedPurple | Report | 17 Feb 2005 17:08 |
Great, thanks a lot marion. xx jen |
MarionfromScotland | Report | 17 Feb 2005 17:03 |
just asking my cousin, she lives there. she looked up 1951 directory, nothing there. But she said she will see what she can find. Marion |
JenRedPurple | Report | 17 Feb 2005 16:51 |
Thank you for reading this. I am hoping someone with local knowledge can answer a question for me. I am trying to find the site of an old bookshop (ie Dickens lifetime) named Burchett's. In the 1970's a photo was taken of the place, and the old sign was still visible. Sadly that photo was lost so if anyone can help me with a street name and number or some such thing that would be fantastic. :-))) Jen |