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Romany Gypsy look ups

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Elizabeth Report 1 Sep 2014 13:48

sorry Sue but I cannot find any proof in my info -but I wanted to help a little so checked Ancestry/Findmypast/familysearch and freebmd
all tallied the same info so its safe to assume that this is him the above sites have no mention of anything connected to gypsys
LIZ %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %3A-%29 %3A-%29

Cornish Susie

Cornish Susie Report 1 Sep 2014 14:04

Many thanks for looking Liz, at least that rules out the family rumour to settle our minds at last. Kind of you to do all the background work too as it's good to have our findings there confirmed. Hopefully we'll find him - one day!


Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 1 Sep 2014 14:34

Hello Elizabeth,
Many many thanks for looking at those 2 families I gave you .
I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your search for Romany blood, following through both families' ascendants and descendants in order to check thoroughly.
I am sorry that there was nothing in the way of a positive result, but on the other hand at least I can put the family rumours to bed once and for all, so for that I am very grateful for your thoroughness %3A-%29

Thank you so much


martynsue Report 2 Sep 2014 17:53



meefy Report 7 Sep 2014 20:43

Thanks for the information you gave me.

and Bump!!!!



Caitlin1005 Report 8 Sep 2014 12:32


Can you give me any info on. Rebecca Rackbey.
I am told she is a Romany Gypsey. Born c 1816 died c 1871.

Is Rackbey a Romany name?

Would be grateful for any information.



Elizabeth Report 10 Sep 2014 08:55

Hi Caitlin
Good to hear from you
Is that all the info that you have on her
Could do with a place of birth and poss parents names


JayneB Report 21 Sep 2014 22:03

Hi Elizabeth,

I have only just seen your reply. Thank you for looking.



Elizabeth Report 24 Sep 2014 19:12

message for Sarah
who pmd me about the Charlotte/Smith families
I have left you a private message please reply %3A-D %3A-D


Sarah Report 25 Sep 2014 09:58

Thank you for your help
It's nice to have been able to have a bit more information on the family I am searching


Mavis Report 4 Oct 2014 09:44

Hi Elizabeth , I am interested in the Lee family of Kent

I have a Louisa Lee or Smith born about 1878 Kent

1911 Census she is with W J Rumsey {William James Rumsey 1879] as
L Rumsey born Chatham and son F Rumsey [Frederick] born 1902 Folkstone.

Frederick's birth cert has her maiden name as Smith she also gave birth to
twins James and William Rumsey maiden name Smith in Dec 1899 Sand Pit,
Boughton, Faversham -- they where baptised in Buckland ,Dover.

William James Rumsey and Louisa Lee did marry in 1932 both aged 55y
as bachelor and spinster. father of Louisa Lee - James Lee. dealer
why would she use the maiden name of Smith and marry as Lee ??

I have the death cert of James Lee 82y 4th December 1936 Battle Sx. his address
is the same as William and Louisa Rumsey.

Could this be James Lee ??

on the 1881 census Iwade Kent
Jem Lee 25y Travelling grinder Milton
Harriet Lee 21y --------- Canterbury
Louisa Lee 3y ---------- Sheerness
Caroline 3 mth -------- Sheerness
Deogures[?] Lee 34y Travelling grinder Milton
Caroline Lee 33y ------------ Charlton
Jem Lee 6y ------------- Milton

I have Deodgelas Lee birth cert. 6th June 1846 - Gipsy tent on the Old Dover
Road Milton . father Thomas Lee -tinker and razor grinder - mother Lydia Lee
nee Baker informant Fairnetta Baker - tent Old Dover Road,Milton



Elizabeth Report 5 Oct 2014 15:25

Hello Mavis
Good to hear from you ,I have found some information for you in the archive and am just checking it before I post it
Liz %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


Elizabeth Report 5 Oct 2014 15:28

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D
message for Daphne---with regards to her wanting info from the archive on Charles Butler(TRAVELLING SHOWMAN)
Liz %3A-D %3A-D


Daphne Report 5 Oct 2014 18:39

Thank you very much how do I get a birth certificate with no vol no and to find a marriage for John &Elizabeth


Elizabeth Report 6 Oct 2014 03:10

Suggest that you contact the Suffolk fam his soc they will be able to tell you how to go about getting the birth cert but it may involve a trip to Lowestoft to look at the parish records and even then it is only a probability that the birth date may have been recorded
Has for John and Elizabeth they were married again Suffolk fam hist should be able to help you further


Elizabeth Report 6 Oct 2014 03:32

%3A-D %3A-D Mavis
I have little more than what you have already posted--see what you think
Thomas Lee,a razor grinder married Lydia Baker-they had a son called
Deogures (Dangerous) Lee,a travelling grinder born Iwade ,Kent 1846, ---married ,Caroline born Chorlton-they had a son called
Jeremiah (Jem) born Milton 1856,who later in life was a travelling grinder,he married Harriet Smith born Canterbury and together they had 2 daughters
Louisa and Caroline both born Sheerness
Louisa daughter of Jem and Harriet was baptised at St Peter and St Paul,Newnham,Kent20/12/1878-archive refU3/251/Canterbury baptisms
Frederick Rumsey born 25/5/1902,@21 Ethelbert Rd,Folkestone baptised @Folkestone 29/7/ 1902-fathers occupation-fish hawker-GS1786457


Mavis Report 6 Oct 2014 13:06

thank you for a little more info.

the Louisa Lee bp Newnham -- on the index a James and Harriet Lee ??

to add to the mix I have a birth cert of a Louisa Lee

29th November 1878 Homeshall ? Doddington - Faversham
father James Lee mother Harriet Lee - nee Webb - father occ. skewer and peg maker - James Lee X father informant of Fairlight Sussex but I don't think this is
"my" Louisa

Would Louisa then have used Smith as a surname if her parents not married ?
if so would they have been bp as Smith ?

Could Jeremiah/Jem have become James ? -- not found on any other census.

I have the book on Damon and Thomas Lee 1750-1900 which has Deogilus
and Jem under Thomas's family

thank you for your help so far



Mavis Report 8 Oct 2014 16:22

bump up


Mavis Report 13 Oct 2014 16:52

Elizabeth do you have any info on a Absolom Beeney/Beney/Beaney born
about 1836 says born Groombridge but that has no church.

on his Marriage father stated as Samuel



Mavis Report 16 Oct 2014 08:36

Bump up Elizabeth