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Marion Fitzhugh 1911 Census

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Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 29 May 2016 10:46

are yes they have got the dates wrong on the transcript

Marian is 10.12.1904 occ unpaid domestic

Mary Alton is 22.4.1913 occ hotel waitress

Thomas McHugh 27.2.1881

Thomas junir birth is correct as 22.2.1922

a right mix up :-(

possible birth for Mary

Name: Mary Alton
Mother's Maiden Name: Creevy
Registration Year: 1913
Registration Quarter: Apr-May-Jun
Registration district: Chorlton
Parishes for this Registration District: View Ecclesiastical Parishes associated with this Registration District
Inferred County: Lancashire
Volume: 8c
Page: 1707 :-D


mgnv Report 30 May 2016 03:07

From the GRO index:
Fitzhugh Chorlton RD Births 1901-1911
1904q4 Fitzhugh Herbert Chorlton 8c 922
1905q1 Fitzhugh Marian Elizabeth Chorlton 8c 905
1905q3 Fitz Hugh Hilda Chorlton 8c 865
1907q4 FITZHUGH Alice Chorlton 8c 856
1908q4 Fitzhugh Marian Chorlton 8c 681
1908q4 Fitzhugh Robert Chorlton 8c 839
1909q2 FITZHUGH Edna Chorlton 8c 893
1911q1 Fitzhugh Hannah M Chorlton 8c 810

Fitzhugh Chorlton RD Deaths 1901-1911
1907q4 Fitzhugh Alice 0 Chorlton 8c 549
1909q3 FITZHUGH Edna 0 Chorlton 8c 451
1909q3 FITZHUGH Hilda 2 Chorlton 8c 455

It's reasonable to match these deaths up with the births.
From the one quarter gap in the first two births, we conclude there's more than one Fitzhugh family above.

If I click on the "Chorlton" link in a FreeBMD hit, then the mote info "here" link, I get to see all the subdistricts that ever were in Chorlton, viz:
Sub-districts : Ardwick, Barton, Chorlton upon Medlock, Didsbury, Gorton, Hulme, Openshaw, Rusholme, Stretford.
However, if I do an advanced search at for Chorlton within refs RG13 (1901) or RG14 (1911), or both, then I find the only subdistricts in operation for these censuses were:
Didsbury, Ardwick, Chorlton upon Medlock, Hulme

Here's the local index lookup of these births from LancsBMD:
Lancashire Birth indexes for the years:
Surname Forename(s) Sub-District Registers At Mother's Maiden Name Reference
1904 FITZHUGH Herbert Hulme Archives+, Manchester Central Library HUL/365/52
1907 FITZHUGH Alice Hulme Archives+, Manchester Central Library HUL/380/46
1908 FITZHUGH Robert Hulme Archives+, Manchester Central Library HUL/385/77
1908 FITZHUGH Miriam Ardwick Archives+, Manchester Central Library ARD/410/20
1905 FITZHUGH Marian E Chorlton-on-Medlock Archives+, Manchester Central Library CHO/203/82
1907 FITZHUGH Hilda Chorlton-on-Medlock Archives+, Manchester Central Library CHO/210/56
1909 FITZHUGH Edna Chorlton-on-Medlock Archives+, Manchester Central Library CHO/215/1
1911 FITZHUGH Hannah M Chorlton-on-Medlock Archives+, Manchester Central Library CHO/219/17

I've sorted them by subdistrict into the 3 families I guess they're from

I can only find one of these families in 1911:
This is in piece rg14/23920, a Hulme subdistrict piece #:

First name(s) Last name Birth year Birth place Registration district Parish County
Herbert Fitzhugh 1881 Lancs Manchester Chorlton South Manchester Lancashire
Maud Fitzhugh 1882 Lancs Ashton U Lyne Chorlton South Manchester Lancashire
Herbert Fitzhugh 1905 Lancs Manchester Chorlton South Manchester Lancashire
Robert Spiby 1852 Lancs Croston Chorlton South Manchester Lancashire

and even then, I'm missing Robt - I guess these are the parents:

Lancashire Marriage indexes for the years: 1904
Surname Forename(s) Surname Forename(s) Church / Register Office Registers At Reference
FITZHUGH Herbert SPIBY Maud Greenheys, St. Clement Archives+, Manchester Central Library 60/2/355

As for our mob, they're either missing from the census, or Fitzhugh is recorded or transcribed in a way I can't guess.