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Burial in Ermington, Devon

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Yvonne Report 21 Apr 2016 20:52

Just to clarify - my original question was to find the burial of George Gosling. The reason for this is that I've been unable to find his birth or baptism, even with the aid of a paid researcher, so I thought if I could find his grave there might be a headstone with information.

I have the details of the marriage of George to Joan Elliott and the baptisms of all their children BUT it is possible that the baptism for George Goslee in 1855 could be correct. If we look at the baptisms found for George and Joan there is a four year gap between the first and second child, then it goes two years until the last three.

I also did have a look at the marriage between George Gosling and Judith Rich and I've actually found two references, one for a marriage on 6 Oct 1776 in Ermington and one for a marriage on 30 Aug 1783 in Ermington ... curious!

Thanks for all your help.