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23 Mar 2016 00:11 |
BTW I have just found the baptism of Louisa Geerts in 1844. Her parents were "Adrien and Louise" Smout and her Christian names were Louisa Geerts.
So, she was born 2 years before her parents married and her mother (Louisa Frances Smout) must have been very young if the census dates for her are correct.
However, the marriage cert says she was of "full age"!! Have just checked her second marriage cert in 1880 where she gave her age as being 58, ie 1822 which would have made her 22 when Louisa was born
23 Mar 2016 00:06 |
Hi Joonie and Silviain
Silviain has found the same records as I did under immigration. I have enhanced the image with photoshop and all I can read in the remarks is what looks like Feb and the rest dont know
22 Mar 2016 20:11 |
This is another record for the same event ............... from the List of Aliens in a register submitted by the Master of the ship Princess Victoria .....
England, Alien Arrivals, 1810-1811, 1826-1869
Name: J A Geerts Port of Arrival: London, England Arrival Date: 17 Mar 1842 Port of Departure: Antwerp, Belgium Ship: Princess Victoria Country of Origin/Native of: Belgium
There are 3 other names on that page, none of them Geert
Other Geerts arrivals in England are ...........
A Geerts London, England 5 Sep 1852 Cathre Geerts London, England 5 Jul 1852 Geerts Newhaven, England 11 Oct 1858
Cathre Geerts is actually Catherine Geerts, wife of Eugene Verboeckhoven ...... and she was added to HIS certificate.
That fact implies to me that wife or child would have been added to Joseph's Certiifcate if they had accompanied him.
22 Mar 2016 20:01 |
Joonie ................
here's the record, from ancestry .......... it's very faint, so hard to read .........
England, Alien Arrivals, 1810-1811, 1826-1869
Name: Joseph Adrien Geerts Port of Arrival: London, England Arrival Date: 17 Mar 1842 Country of Origin/Native of: Belgium
from image:-
Certificate of Arrival No. 701 Profession:- Hair Dresser Arrived from Antwerp (can't read the next words)
There is a comment in the Remarks section, but I can't make it out
No-one else is listed on that Certificate
22 Mar 2016 18:49 |
a question:
Joseph, a hairdresser, came to England (Port of London) on 17/3/1842.
what kind of record is that, and where was it? I'm just wondering whether it doesn't show son Louis etc. too, and the tiny chance that someone else was with them.
22 Mar 2016 18:46 |
Nuh uh. :-)
Joseph Louis Ferded GEERTS is the eldest son.
Remember? - 1911:
Name: Joseph Ferdinand Louis Geerts Age in 1911: 74 Estimated birth year: abt 1837 Relation to Head: Father Gender: Male Birth Place: Paris, France Civil Parish: Croydon Louis Adrien Geerts 48 Emily Annie Geerts 41 Ferdinand Louis Geerts 17 Joseph Ferdinand Louis Geerts 74
and his marriages
Marriages Mar 1862 Geerts Joseph Louis Ferdinand Luton 3b 623 Marriages Mar 1875 Geerts Joseph Louis F Hitchin 3a 367
(Check the names of the son and grandson in the 1911 there - I have it bad with all ancestors in one line being William and James, and in another line being Richard and Thomas, but those 19th century Frenchies, they each had 8 names but they're the same 8 names as everybody else in the family, just in different order!)
I have no shadow of a doubt that the marriage to Rosalie Hervé is your Joseph/Adrien, and that birth is their son Louis.
The thing is just whether the records themselves would tell you any more, but there's no way to know without looking!
What you could do ... go for the 15-day free trial. You have to give credit card info like you're going to buy the 1 month after the 15 days ... then go into your account and strip it of all personal info, especially your credit card info. :-)
then give me your account name and password and I will browse through the Geerts records and see what I might find. I don't even know what the records look like, unfortunately.
The worst I could do is pay for a sub for you, and I promise I wouldn't. :-D
... or heck, I could just do it on my own card, couldn't I ... sometime when I have a free afternoon ...
22 Mar 2016 17:51 |
Hi Joonie
Excellent. Well done.
The first Geerts (Joseph Louis Ferded GEERTS) is definitely the wrong one but the Jph Adrien GEERTS is looking very good.
Thank goodness you can translate!! I have enough problems with English!
I will join and take advantage of your offer please
Gerry :-D
22 Mar 2016 00:42 |
look what I found - a start
Joseph Louis Ferded GEERTS
type d'acte Naissance non filiatif date : entre 1825 et 1850, Paris conjoint --- rôle de l'individu : information disponible source : Relevés d'Etat-Civil - Paris
but argh:
Acte de naissance non filiatif : Extrait d’un acte sans les parents avec le nom et prénom du sujet, la date et le lieu de l’évènement, avec parfois des informations complémentaires (dont les parrains et marraines).
That is, it is his birth certificate, but it does not show the names of the parents ... it does show the date and place of birth and might have additional information (like godfather and godmother ... which seems pretty odd if father and mother aren't named)
and we also have
Jph Adrien GEERTS
type d'acte Mariage non filiatif date : entre 1825 et 1850, Paris conjoint HERVE R. rôle de l'individu : information disponible source : Relevés d'Etat-Civil - Paris
which at least tells us that his first wife was R HERVE, but again "non filiatif" i.e. parents are not named edit - found her record, she was Rosalie Hervé
and that both these events were in Paris
I don't know what other information would be available about these events
the site is a subscription site, but offers a 15-day free trial
Like Ancestry, you pay and then you can cancel before 15 days €20 for one month after the trial period
if you wanted to do that, I could help interpret anything you got
theoretically you could look at all those 92 Geerts records to see whether anything helped :-)
22 Mar 2016 00:05 |
I wonder whether his family might have relocated to France when he was young ...
this site unfortunately starts only at 1891
but that page shows Geerts births in France
1891-1915 : 46 births. 1916-1940 : 70 1941-1965 : 86 1966-1990 : 64
obviously they are mainly near the border with Belgium, and the surname is common enough that they would not necessarily be close family of Joseph/Adrien.
In censuses, Louis does say he was born in Paris.
Joseph/Adrien and his descendants do seem to be the only Geerts in England in the 19th century, so unfortunately there is no one else to connect him with.
21 Mar 2016 23:14 |
Thank you all for your help.
I have actually made a number of amendments on Ancestry this afternoon specifically to help future searchers.
With regard to Joseph's age 1861 gives 1811 and 1851 gives 1813. and I am sure his first marriage must have been before he arrived in England in 1842
Gerry :-)
21 Mar 2016 23:10 |
His marriage certificate to Louisa does say that Joseph Adrien was a Widower ......
..... and Gerry also said in his OP that Joseph was "previously married" :-D
21 Mar 2016 21:39 |
this looks like louisa's death
Deaths Sep 1897 (>99%) Davies Louisa Frances 73 Hackney
21 Mar 2016 21:16 |
I would say it is quite likely Joseph/Adrien was married previously and Louis, born in France, is a son of the previous marriage
Ancestry's excellent job on the 1851 census, for info
Adrien Ceeots 38 Louisa Ceeots 25 Louisa Ceeots 7 Fanny Ceeots 4 Edward Ceeots 2
Gerry, it is always worth correcting census mistranscriptions at Ancestry, adding postems at freebmd, etc, in case there are family members you are not in contact with who might have info and could contact you that way
21 Mar 2016 21:00 |
1851 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription Dorset Street, Saint Marylebone, Marylebone, Middlesex, England
Learn more Print transcription View image Household Members First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place Adam Geerts Head Married Male 38 1813 Hair Dresser Belgium Transcription Louisa Geerts Wife Married Female 25 1826 - Salisbury, Wiltshire, England Transcription Louisa Geerts Daughter - Female 7 1844 - Berkshire, England Transcription Fanny Geerts Daughter - Female 4 1847 - St Pancras, Middlesex, England Transcription Edward Geerts Son - Male 2 1849 - Marylebone, Middlesex, England
21 Mar 2016 20:46 |
louisa's age must be wrong in 1861 census so the son was born before they married
21 Mar 2016 20:44 |
it does look that way
this looks like son Louis's full name in the 1911 census
Louis Adrien Geerts 48 Emily Annie Geerts 41 Ferdinand Louis Geerts 17 >> Joseph Ferdinand Louis Geerts 74
Name: Joseph Ferdinand Louis Geerts Age in 1911: 74 Estimated birth year: abt 1837 Relation to Head: Father Birth Place: Paris, France Civil Parish: Croydon Street address: 65 Albert Road, Croydon, Surrey Marital Status: Widowed
21 Mar 2016 20:31 |
could he have been married before seeing the age of louis born in france on 1861 census
21 Mar 2016 20:30 |
I would just note that his father was not likely 'John' ... more likely 'Jean' for instance
famlysearch shows a few Jean/Jean-Baptiste Geerts and Johan/Johannes (Baptista) Geerts.
when looking for someone, their date and place of birth is rather important
1861 census says
Name: J A Geerts Age: 50 Estimated birth year: 1811 Relation: Head Spouse's Name: Louisa Geerts Where born: Antwerp, Belgium
I can't see them in 1851 to crosscheck
oops, Malyon was posting the 1861 as I was
I would just note that '50' might be a bit of a round number, and 'Antwerp' might be geographically rounded from a place that no English enumerator had ever heard of or could spell
21 Mar 2016 20:28 |
County London, Middlesex Event Type Census Event Date 1861 Event Place Chelsea, London, Middlesex, England Ecclesiastical Parish Trinity Registration District Ch ACE J A Geerts Head M 50 Antwern Belgium Louisa Geerts Wife F 33 , Edward Geerts Son M 14 London, Arthur Geerts Son M 10 London, Louisa Geerts Daughter F 17 London, Antoinet Geerts Daughter F 3 London, Rosea Geerts Daughter F 2 London, Magdalena Geerts Daughter F 3M London, Louis J Geerts Son M 23 France Ripley Smout Visitor F 73 , Buckinghamshire Emma Poye
21 Mar 2016 20:05 |
In case you don't have his certificate ..... and to help us ...... here it is
London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1921
Name: Adrien Joseph Geerts Spouse: Louisa Frances Smout Record Type: Marriage Event Date: 14 Sep 1846 Parish: Parish Chapel, St Pancras Borough: Camden Father Name: John Geerts Spouse Father: Edmund Smout Register Type: Parish Register
from image:-
Adrien Of Full Age Widower, Occupation:- Hair Dresser Address:- Frederick St Father occupation:- Dead
Witnesses:- Alfred Cooper and Elizabeth (can't read surname)