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Lookup for births in Glasgow Scotland
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John | Report | 12 Aug 2015 16:40 |
Could anyone help me please with a look up for a birth for a John Moore b approx. 1845- 1850 Glasgow Scotland. |
rootgatherer | Report | 12 Aug 2015 16:49 |
Best you can hope for is a christening. Statutory registration didn't begin in Scotland until 1855. |
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John | Report | 12 Aug 2015 17:04 |
Many thanks Rootgatherer |
ArgyllGran | Report | 12 Aug 2015 17:05 |
You have quite a choice of baptisms, 1844-54. Which area of Glasgow were they living in in 1851? What was his mother's name in the census? |
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Gee | Report | 12 Aug 2015 17:05 |
I looked at the census you mentioned and the 1861 census. Father John Moore is married to Sarah and a lodger at the house is a 'Foster' |
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John | Report | 12 Aug 2015 17:31 |
Hello Argyllgran. You have been a great help to me in looking up my Moores. who I have now found and now trying to find the roots of the family. |
Gee | Report | 12 Aug 2015 17:31 |
I think this is the one? |
Researching: |
John | Report | 12 Aug 2015 18:06 |
Thank you Gins but I think the birth for son John b 1850 is wrong because on his marriage cert he was 21 in 1866 , the occ of father John is correct Weaver but at the time of marriage he was in Llanasa Wales and on the 1861 on board a vessel in Swansea, which has not been any help in finding a correct birth for him, unless it was wrongly put down on the 1851 census in Glasgow |
Gee | Report | 12 Aug 2015 18:12 |
That's the problem with census information |
Researching: |
John | Report | 12 Aug 2015 19:10 |
Writing is so small it looks like a Maurice Mann, James Carlins and Margaret Parry, Would not think any of his relations went from Scotland it must have been too far to travel in those days. Anyway John worked on small coastal boats by the look of it, if he was working on them at the age of 15 in 1861 , goodness knows how old he must have been when he started working on them certainly not if he was supposed to have been born in 1850 . If his father was a weaver and in the 1851 census had 6 men working for him then surely he would have employed son John, unless he ran away from home. |
greyghost | Report | 12 Aug 2015 19:20 |
All related threads |
John | Report | 12 Aug 2015 20:56 |
Gins, Looking at the birth you found in Glasgow States 6th October 1855 , wonder if it was 1845 because 1855 is even a later date than 1850 in the 1851 census. Think that it must be the John Moore because of the Foster's being brothers of his mother Sarah Also in the 1861 census John was not in the household |
rootgatherer | Report | 12 Aug 2015 21:06 |
The 1855 birth would be registered so you will be able to view / download the registration from Scotlandspeople. In my opinion the 1855 John is certainly not you John. |
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John | Report | 12 Aug 2015 21:54 |
Rootgatherer. I have been on to Family Search and seen the transcript that Gins has put on here. Could there have been a mistake in transcribing it? If he was born in 1850 then he would have been only 11 yrs old when he was working on a boat docked in Swansea in 1861 and 16 when he got married, Mary Jane Parry being 31. His occupation a Joiner on marriage cert father John occ weaver. If not as you say not the John I want then just don't know who he could be |
ArgyllGran | Report | 12 Aug 2015 22:05 |
That 1855 birth also appears on ScotlandsPeople. If you buy credits you can view and print the image of the original document yourself, to verify the transcription. |
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ArgyllGran | Report | 12 Aug 2015 22:22 |
I can't see any birth or baptism record for the sister Eleanor b.1844 in 1851 census (Helen in 1861 census, transcribed as Harlen on Ancestry). |
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ArgyllGran | Report | 13 Aug 2015 11:39 |
Just for our ref - john & Mary Jane in 1871: |
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John | Report | 13 Aug 2015 13:38 |
Yes AG . That is the family I have. I have just received the marriage cert. for John Moore and Mary Jane Parry, states John was 21 and Mary Jane 31, both lived in Llanasa Holywell Flintshire. Occ for John. Joiner. Father John Moore weaver. Date of marriage 1866. On the 1861 census John was working on a boat age 15 that was docked in Swansea on census night. States born Scotland Glasgow. .Today received a birth certificate for daughter Mary Ann Moore b 3 April 1872 Dymerichion now her birth cert ties up with her being in St John's deaf and dumb school Boston Spa Yorks. in 1885. Stating Father John Moore occ Joiner gone to America and mother Jane Moore dead. This Mary Ann Moore is the Polly Moore on the 1904 Manchester workhouse records. I have just got to establish now the correct birth for her father John Moore b Glasgow Scotland which seems conflicting birth dates. Unless there is another John Moore who is a weaver that could be his father |
ArgyllGran | Report | 13 Aug 2015 18:06 |
I'm inclined to think that neither the 1850 John, nor the 1855 one, sons of John and Sarah nee Foster, is your John. I suspect that the 1850 John died and they reused the name for the 1855 one. |
Researching: |
John | Report | 14 Aug 2015 21:40 |
Hi AG, it's all so frustrating,can't believe the Moore family have been so difficult to find. I hadn't seen the one with Elizabeth More as mother but have seen all the others. Thought it may have been him with Grandmother Barbara, other than the 1851 can't find Barbara anywhere else, thought I may have found a daughter or son who could have been a parent to John. Then there is the John Moore age 7 as lodger. Perhaps because John had no parents alive that's why he went to sea at 15., just why though he states his father as John and weaver is a mystery, unless he was born somewhere else in Scotland and on the 1861 census it was wrongly put down for him. I could try looking for his father John to see where he might been. It certainly didn't state deceased on marriage cert of John and Mary Jane |