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John Rampling - Suffolk

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Patrick Report 6 Aug 2015 13:00

Mel Fairy Godmother, malyon, safc, Potty,

Unfortunately I have to go now. Mundane matter have to be attended to. I'd far prefer to remain here.

I am in awe of what you have just done.

I am so grateful.



Alan Report 13 Aug 2015 13:31

I have been researching this man on behalf of some friends (my distant cousins) in the US. I have discovered this so far:

John’s parents were William Ramplin and Mary Naunton, William’s parents were John Ramplin and Sarah Pegg. They were married in Battisford in, I believe, 1781. The banns for this wedding states that John was "of Kesgrave". John died in Little Bealings in 1816 or 1817 aged 65 or 66. I haven't been able to go any further than that.

Coming forward in your John, I got hold of a copy of his complete Army record from the National Archives in Kew. The 17th Regiment of Foot is actually the 17th Leicestershire Regiment. He married Mary Ann Hallehan (nee King). Their marriage record states that both John and Mary Ann were widowed. They had several children one of whom was James. James married Honoria (believed to be French or of French descent) and one of their children was George. He married Ellen Talty. They emigrated to the US in the late 20s with two children (a boy and a girl, she is still living in New York State. I have spoken to her by phone), a third child (son) was born in the States. Their Irish born son Patrick served in the US forces and his ashes are in Arlington Cemetery (I have been to see the spot). Patrick had four children, two boys and two girls. Sadly one of the boys died a couple of years ago.


Patrick Report 14 Aug 2015 01:36

Hello Alan,

Thank you very much for replying and for the information. It is very interesting.

I may reply to you further when I have sorted out a few loose ends.

Kind regards.


Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Aug 2015 09:30

Hi Pat,

That was a good posting about the family from Alan.


Patrick Report 14 Aug 2015 12:03

Hi Mel Fairy Godmother,

It was indeed, and ties in with the information malyon, safc, Potty and your good self provided to me.

I am currently working on getting various strands of information in order and confirming some family events. When I have them sorted I hope to be able to provide some information to Alan.
