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Lost Traveller Update see last post 25 June

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Maurice Report 25 Jun 2015 15:30

Thank you for all the information ArgyllGran, that is indeed Margaret on the censuses and the marriage record.

I have the marriage record but have no idea the meaning is in the left hand column but have been told the cert is a form of banns or marriage of intent.

I have not seen the original 1901 census for Margaret Ann Diack only the one off Ancestry, so thank you for the information that she is married on that one.

I find it strange that she is listed as married though in 1901 but retains her Diack surname. Perhaps she is useing the intention of marriage cert to justify that.
Or perhaps that's the way they did things then in Scotland.
Your input is greatly appreciated.

Best wishes


ArgyllGran Report 25 Jun 2015 16:27

It must have been counted as an actual marriage, as it's in the official marriage register, and has the signature of the assistant registrar in the last column.

Having had another look at the marriage cert, I see it was an "irregular" marriage.
Perhaps they had eloped, as she was only 19 - maybe didn't have parents' consent? The witnesses are Margaret's brother and sister.

The second last column is headed, "If a regular marriage, signature of officiating minister and witnesses. If irregular, date of . . . . Sheriff's Warrant."
For their marriage, it says, "Warrant of Sheriff Substitute of Aberdeen, Kincardine & Banff, dated 27th September 1897."

At the bottom of the page, the columns are numbered, so I think the words in the left margin are "Erasure Col. 5" and initials.
Column 5 is the one with the parents' names, and it does look as if there may have been a correction to the end of the name "Jane".

Interesting stuff re irregular marriages here:

As she was back living with her parents in 1901, maybe they listed her as Diack because they didn't approve of the marriage.


Maurice Report 25 Jun 2015 16:39

Thank you for the link ArgyllGran, it is most welcome in coming to understand the record.

Best wishes Maurice.


ArgyllGran Report 25 Jun 2015 16:43

Can't help wondering if the child James Alexander S Diack might have been Maggie's child, although he's registered as the child of the Diack parents.


James Alexander Stevenson Diack, born 2nd October 1896, at 98 Gerrard Street.


Maurice Report 25 Jun 2015 16:52

My cousin was looking into that actual birth as well, but he has yet to get back to me on that one.

Interesting you should mention it also.
