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1911 census look up please - Mary Ethal Stainton

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Jane Report 26 May 2015 12:31

Thanks ArgyllGran

So that means she didn't marry Charles Would and she didn't marry George Stainton. So perhaps she was the other child that died. Strange I couldn't see a deat for her.

thanks for helping



Jacqueline Report 26 May 2015 12:45

This is the birth of the woman who married Stainton (just for absolute confirmation)

Births Sep 1889 (>99%)
Gray Mary Ethel Pancras 1b 60

And 1891/1901 with her father Charles

1891 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
Great Saffron Hill, Saffron Hill Hatton Garden Ely Rents and Ely Place, Holborn, London, England

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
Charles Gray Head Married Male 24 1867 Printer General Bloomsbury, Middlesex, England Transcription
Emma Gray Wife Married Female 22 1869 - Strand, Middlesex, England Transcription
Mary E Gray Daughter - Female 1 1890 - St Pancras, Middlesex, England Transcription

1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
1, Maiden Row, Louth, Lincolnshire, England

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
Ralph Robinson Head Married Male 60 1841 General Dealer Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England Transcription
Rose Robinson Wife F Female 55 1846 - Derbyshire, England Transcription
Charles Gray Boarder Married Male 33 1868 Printer Mechineman London, Middlesex, England Transcription
Mary Gray Boarder F Female 12 1889 - London, Middlesex, England Transcription
John Gray Boarder Married Male 9 1892 - London, Middlesex, England


Jane Report 26 May 2015 13:44

Thanks Jacqueline.

Well that confirms that my Mary Ethal Gray did not marry George Stainton.

Thanks for all your help



Jacqueline Report 26 May 2015 13:47

I just wish it could have been positive, rather than the opposite.


ArgyllGran Report 26 May 2015 15:26

Rummaging around for Mary (without success), I found that, interestingly, Mary's mother is named as Alice Maud at her baptism.
Presumably just a mistake:

Baptism entry

County Lincolnshire
Place Scunthorpe
Church name St John
Register type
Register entry number 58
Baptism date 21 Sep 1890
Person forename Mary Ethel
Person sex F
Person abode Scunthorpe
Father forename James
Father surname GRAY
Father occupation Labourer
Mother forename Alice Maud 99%)
ELWIS Alice Marian Glanford B. 7a 1455
Gray James Glanford B. 7a 1455

Throughout the 1891-1911 censuses posted on page 1 of this thread, she's Alice Maria

I assume this is her marriage, from FreeBMD. There's no sign of this marriage on FreeReg2 in the Parish Registers:
Marriages Jun 1877 (>99%)
ELWIS Alice Marian Glanford B. 7a 1455
Gray James Glanford B. 7a 1455

And her birth - name as you said in your OP , Jane:

Births Mar 1859 (>99%)
ELVIDGE Alice Maria Thorne 9c 489

EDIT - later:

But on the baptism transcription on FamilySearch, she's Alice Maria:

Mary Ethel Gray
England Births and Christenings
Mary Ethel Gray
Christening Date:
21 Sep 1890
Christening Place:
Saint Johns, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, England
Father's Name:
James Gray
Mother's Name:
Alice Maria