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John William Welch b 1866 in Goxhill lincs

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Jane Report 28 Apr 2015 17:00

No I haven't got that information.

I will add it to my notes and confirm some of these things with some certs in the not to distant future.

All the best



Catherine Report 28 Apr 2015 17:08

It's not really confusing when you note it all down.

John William Welch married Eliza Ann Welch in 1889

In 1893 a daughter Charlotte Emma is born
(but due the name and later events I would be wondering if Eliza was really the mother)

In 1898 Eliza Ann dies and

in 1899 John William marries Charlotte Dixon.

Elizabeth Dixon was born in 1897 and she looks to be the daughter of the second wife Charlotte but there is no proof that John William Welch was her father.
If he is her father then there was obviously some kind of hanky panky going on there.

To be 100% sure of who the parents of the two girls really were you would need to buy the birth certificates unless you can find a baptism.


greyghost Report 28 Apr 2015 17:41

From Catherine's 1871/1881 census postings, Eliza Ann's mother would appear to be a Charlotte, so calling the first child Charlotte Emma may not be so unlikely, but again as per Catherine - birth certificates needed and Hanky panky were the words I was thinking of !!


Jane Report 28 Apr 2015 17:49

Thank you both so much for all your hard work you have put in to help me. I will do as you suggest and buy some certs. This is going to be expensive.!!!!

This could be my first skeleton. albeit a small one.

Thanks again



Catherine Report 28 Apr 2015 20:06

Oh, missed that greyghost. Yes it would be normal to name a child after the grandmother so that could very well be correct.

I've looked for baptisms but can't find anything, shame it could have saved the price of some certs.


Jane Report 29 Apr 2015 06:51

Thanks Catherine

I looked for baptism records but couldn't find them either.

All the best
