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BURK Family from America - (Len & Rose +Son Mike)

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Sally Report 28 Apr 2014 09:46


The head of the family was Leonard G Burk born 28th July 1924 in Detroit Michigan.
I HAVE found the Memorial for him, telling us about his life, death 6th April 2008 Seattle.

I know he married a Rosemary P INGRAM in 1946, in Gloucester, England NOT Winchester, as stated in the Memorial.
Rosemary was born in England 6th Aug 1924.

Rosemary died I see 14th Jan 2008, can anyone find a Death in the paper or a Memorial for her please.
They are buried together in Tahoma National Cemetery, I do have the photo of the headstone.

ALSO they had a Son Michael Glen BURK, born on 12th Sept 1952 in Alameda, he died in 1st Sept 2005 from Cancer in Santa Monica, was there a death in the paper or Memorial for him?
It looks as if he may have married in 1977, but if correct Burk, divorced in 1979.
There is a Michael G BURK who married in 1985 I think, not sure if these are correct marriages, and if they were did he have any children.

As I hope you can see I have tried to get as much info as I can.

Just to recap ----- it is really the death/memorials for Rosemary and Michael I would like or any other info you clever people find !!!!!!!!!

Sally :-)


Gee Report 28 Apr 2014 09:55

Hi Sally

Do you have this


Sally Report 28 Apr 2014 10:14

Hi Gins,

I do have the photo of the headstone thanks, if it was the one for Len and Rose, I couldn't open link. I have now added that I do on my message !!!!

Thanks for the reply.

Sally :-)


Gee Report 28 Apr 2014 11:43

Try this link

It is a photo of the headstone but there is an extensive memorial too


Sally Report 28 Apr 2014 12:02

Many thanks for looking Gins, that was the one I had, I have now put in capital letters.

Sally :-)


JoonieCloonie Report 28 Apr 2014 14:35

Sally what is the info you are looking for from memorials?

for instance if it is about the family of Rosemary there might be other ways of finding it


JoonieCloonie Report 28 Apr 2014 14:44

this is rather sensitive since it is about living people

but have you searched at both

just for the given name of the person you think might have married Michael ?

there is info there that you might be able to use to contact her


Sally Report 28 Apr 2014 15:03

Hello JC,

Many thanks for your reply, I have taken off the two names so not to do the wrong thing.!!!!
I try to put as much info as I can, so that people can see what I have found, but maybe a bit too much this time !!!!!!

I am NOT looking for the INGRAM family in England, I have most of what I need there, I AM looking to see what was said about Rosemary and Michael after they died, either write up in paper or Memorial, if one ?????
What did Michael do as a job, etc, anything to do with their lives really.

Sally :-)


Sally Report 28 Apr 2014 15:32

Hi JC,

I have never heard of Whitepages !!!!!
I have had a quick look, starting with Michael G BURK, I can't get into his info, but think there may be something of interest there, any ideas????

I will try again.



Gee Report 28 Apr 2014 15:34

Do you have the birth of Michael' child?

If not, I can PM it to you

Edit: He did marry in 1977 to the person you thought. The child is born a year after that marriage and mothers maiden matches your thoughts


Sally Report 28 Apr 2014 15:58

Hello Gins,

No I don't have any info regarding the birth of Michael's child.
I do some on Ancestry, but I am just starting looking at the American side. !!!!

Do you know about these Whitepages????? :-S


Sally :-)


Gee Report 28 Apr 2014 16:26


I've sent you the birth details by PM

Whitepages are like our, here's a link


Sally Report 28 Apr 2014 17:01

Many thanks Gins,

So kind of you to help. :-D

I will try to work out Whitepages, it did it's thing then vanished !!!!

It must be me, so will have a try again, it did seem to have something about Michael G Burk.

Sally :-)


Sally Report 28 Apr 2014 20:06



Sally Report 29 Apr 2014 08:35

Nudge :-)


JoonieCloonie Report 29 Apr 2014 13:19

nudge what, Sally? is there something else someone might find now?

btw whitepages is really just the telephone book, hence its name ... it does contain other info now in the USA (but not in Australia e.g.) such as household composition

all you needed to do there was look for the given name of the spouse as I suggested, no guarantee the result is the same person but from info at (again just search for the given name of the spouse) it seems it is

hopefully you can find a listing for the person Gins sent you


Sally Report 29 Apr 2014 14:06

Hello JC,

Many thanks for your message.

I feel there maybe a death write up, maybe small, for Michael G Burk death 2005 and Rosemary P Burk death 2008.

I am looking into message from Gins.


You never know someone may know the names I have posted. !!!!!


JoonieCloonie Report 29 Apr 2014 14:47

yes Sally, but not likely that someone will happen along at the very moment you nudge the thread and go oh yes, I know that person!!! people who read this board regularly have seen it by now ...

your message here can be found by internet search engines so if someone searches the names in future they will find it here even if it is on page 392 of the forum :-)


Sally Report 29 Apr 2014 16:04

Hi JC,

You are correct :-D - you know what it's like when you are trying to find things !!!!!!!

I was also trying to find a death entry in the newspaper for the two people already listed, but as it is a while ago for both it may not be possible at the moment.

I am good at looking, even if it takes a while, but maybe I need to take a chill pill on this one :-D :-D



Gee Report 29 Apr 2014 16:11

Hi Sally

I've sent you what looks to be a second marriage for Michael' first wife. There is a second child for her, sent the details by PM

Her second husband appears on Whitepages, sent you the link too