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Trying to find mother

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Jooleh Report 4 Oct 2011 23:20

Thanks Cynthia and Jan for the Kirby info.

John Johnson Kirby wasn't too difficult to track from birth to death except in terms of his 'wife'. He married Charlotte Alice Howson in 1888 and they appear together in 1891 with a child Lily. By 1901 Charlotte has reverted to her maiden name and is living with her mother. Lily is with her. John has taken up with Eliza who appears as his wife in 1901, 1911 and the electoral registers posted by Cynthia.

He appears to get himself in a bit of a twist when he enrols in the army in 1915 aged 45. He cites Charlotte as his wife, giving all the 1888 marriage details and address as 53 Khartoum Road. Under 'children' he lists only 2, John Alfred born 1905 and Esther Gertrude Caroline born 1902. No mention of Lily, William or Ada Leah (she appears aged 1 In 1901).

There's a tree on Ancestry but they don't seem to have recognised that Charlotte and Eliza Annie are not the same person (I've cross checked everything and I'm pretty sure they are not one and the same).

The tree accounts for all the siblings lives except Esther - they only have her birth.

I won't clutter the thread with all the census info unless anyone thinks it's worth exploring further. It seems likely, as Cynthia pointed out earlier, that Diane was only staying with them temporarily and therefore possibly not connected to them.


Edit : Ida Leah died in 1901 so maybe he was only listing children from his current relationship. I suspect William was born to Charlotte not Eliza.


FannyByGaslight Report 5 Oct 2011 13:31

Marriage cert arrived...Not "our"Jean.
17/05/1919 Paddington Reg Office

James Rainey?Goddard age 45years (bachelor)..Major in Royal Field Artillery(retired)...68 Oxford Terrace..Father John Goddard (deceased)Major General R.I?

Jean Macleod 25yrs (spinster) 23 Cambridge Terrace ..Father Henry Macleod(Artist/Painter)

John Dennis and J.H.Dennis


Tabitha Report 5 Oct 2011 13:46

Ref Springfield Hospital records - I am sure that Cynthia or FBG mentioned that they had spoken to the person in charge who had no other records apart from the ones they had already discussed with her & only for the time she actually worked at the hospital - Which I am sure is all the info they actually sent to the LMA for their records as well

So not worth going to the LMA just to check it out as its already on one of the thread pages

Gosh this is getting better than a thriller - my OH has got no further either - sorry %3A-%28 but we will still keep trying Evelyn

There was something i thought of when i was reading through the last 5 pages - %3A-%7C but someone just asked me a work question & now its gone again.

I will try reading it through again & see if it pops back - will do some more trawling through records as & when I can for you.

Evelyn - we will find her - under what name is another question %3A-S


Reece Report 5 Oct 2011 14:20

Did anyone else hear the "Tracing your Roots" programme on Radio 4 yesterday (Tuesday at 4.00pm) where they revisited some previous investigations and came up with some stunning results.

I couldn't help thinking - surely they can find Evelyn's mother's history.

I am wondering if, as an almost last resort for Evelyn, contact with that programme's producer would be of any help?

What do you all think? I know there is much wonderful research being done by so many kind members on here.

Do you know of the programme Evelyn? I'm not sure whether you listen to BBC where you are.



jansmith Report 5 Oct 2011 16:50

Tabitha only suggested it because fannybygaslight wrote

"2 days worth of hassling the Head of Personnel by phone at Springfield hosp gave me the dates she worked there from and her name on their file ,but nothing else was on it they said..

Dates she worked there were
7-6-1927 to 19-6-1928."

so i only wondered if there might be more than that at the LMA if records from the hospital have been deposited there?


jansmith Report 5 Oct 2011 21:01

????????(edit i see there isn't one with Diane's birth year!!)
Name: Mrs J Macleod and 4 children
Birth Date: abt 1881
Age: 38
Port of Departure: Bombay, India
Arrival Date: 30 Apr 1919
Port of Arrival: London, England
Ports of Voyage: Port Said
Ship Name: Ormonde
Search Ship Database: View the 'Ormonde' in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Shipping Line: Orient Steam Navigation Company Ltd
Official Number: 141866

Name: Children Macleod
Birth Date: abt 1900
Age: 19
Port of Departure: Bombay, India
Arrival Date: 30 Apr 1919

Name: Children Macleod
Birth Date: abt 1909
Age: 10
Port of Departure: Bombay, India
Arrival Date: 30 Apr 1919

Name: Children Macleod
Birth Date: abt 1912
Age: 7
Port of Departure: Bombay, India
Arrival Date: 30 Apr 1919

Name: Children Macleod
Birth Date: abt 1917
Age: 2
Port of Departure: Bombay, India
Arrival Date: 30 Apr 1919


Cynthia Report 5 Oct 2011 21:22

Hello Reece, nice to see you. I think that programme was mentioned before but. because of Evelyn's situation with Ron at the moment, she felt she really couldn't cope with anything like that at the moment. It's something to keep in mind though.

Jan, that passenger list rings a bell and I think it must be on this thread's so flippin' long now that it's hard to check back!

I guess the LMA records may be worth a try.......where's that Fans when you want her.....???? tuts.


wisechild Report 6 Oct 2011 07:08

Yes Cynthia I mentioned it way back in the spring, but like you I can´t remember how long ago.
In any case it wasn´t as detailed as Jansmiths post.

Do you think we should create a website for Evelyn & put all the info on it?
This thread has more info than Wikipedia %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D



Susan Report 6 Oct 2011 08:54

Just had a look at the original image again re the passage from India and it does state there are intending to all live in Scotland .

Did Evelyn ( DIANE) have that many Brothers and Sisters and if so are there any of them still with us who may be able to give some extra info.


EDITE Sorry ment to say did Diane have that many Brothers and Sisters,I am presuming they have all passed is this correct


Evelyn Report 6 Oct 2011 09:15

Good Morning everyone,
My 3 brothers are still alive but I have talked with them and they dont have any further information neither do they show a lot of interest in the subject, I think they feel I am silly to be interested and ask why would I be wanting to know about someone elses past?(cos I am female and Nosey, I tell them)
I honestly dont know if mother had siblings.. Re the BBC programme I really couldnt cope with it at this time, life is VERY stressful , not being very computer literate I dont understand about the website idea.
Thank you all for your interest and help
Love to you all
Knackered Evelyn XX. %26lt%3B3


Susan Report 6 Oct 2011 09:23

I have just dug out a birth cert issed in Bombay 1840 for my OH"S family .
This man and his wife had children in Karrachi Bombay and the certs came from Sommerset house England as he was in the Forces there
He was in Camp Karrachi his majestys 40th Regiment.

" It states Certfied Copy of entry in an Army Book of Births Batisms Marriages and Deaths "

If Diane was born in Bombay I am sure you should be able to get her birth cert from Somerset house as well or am I missing something here.


Evelyn Report 6 Oct 2011 10:20

Mother said she was born in Delhi, India


Susan Report 6 Oct 2011 11:32

Hi Evelyn

I don't think it would make any difference really if she was born in Delhi or Bombay ,if her father was in the forces stationed in India her birth would or should have been recorded the same as my OH"s rellie was.

My own Grandfather was stationed in May Mau Burma in 1932 ,his wife and child was with him and my Mother and her Twin sister were born there.
She had no trouble getting her birth cert from Somerset house,I have it with me as my mother died 30 years ago today actually.

I have not read all of your thread but do you have her birth cert and does it say she was born Diane Leslie Macleod,it just seems strange that there is no record of her pre 1929 as you have stated.

I am going to look through all the miltary records for Robert Macleod tonight just incase there is something in a record that has been missed.
Wish me luck



LadyKira Report 6 Oct 2011 12:45

An interesting thread.
Has this been looked at FBG?


jansmith Report 6 Oct 2011 14:21

Evelyn as you were named after Godmother do you know if there are any links to your brothers names?


Evelyn Report 6 Oct 2011 14:21

Many years ago when my son and I went to Edinburgh and started looking for mother s roots a gentleman at the records office informed us that back in 1906 service men whose children were born abroad did not have to register them and many did not, so suggested that was why there was no registration for Diane BUT he also queeried that her name was Diane as he said it was a very unusual name at that time


wisechild Report 6 Oct 2011 14:49

Hi Evelyn.
According to Google the name Diane didn´t start to become popular until the 1920s/30s & peaked in the 1950s/60s.
Possibly Diane liked the name & decided to use it. It was probably something similar to her actual name.
Wouldn´t think it was her given name in 1906. More likely to have been Diana or Dinah or even an Indian name if she really was born there.
I suppose she couldn´t have been Anglo Indian could she?


Cynthia Report 6 Oct 2011 15:02

Hello each and everyone.

Sue, no record has been found of Diane's birth - anywhere! The possiblity of her name being something else has also been discussed - Donaldina, Dolinda etc. Zilch. Zero. Nuffink.

I posted the precis of Diane's story a page or so ago. So much work has been put into this search and it's a tribute to the wonderful people on here who are prepared to offer help.

Keep it day...........we may hit the jackpot %3A-D

Fans will be around again once she has finished concreting...what can one say??? %3A-D


Evelyn Report 6 Oct 2011 15:07

Just for once I am glad not to live close to dear Fans as she might concrete me into something because of all the trouble I have given her with my mother.
Yes Cynthia the folks here are wonderful, just look at all the hours they have spent on this thread, I am so grateful to you all.
I have my doubts that we will ever trace her but it wont be for lack of trying
THANK YOU EVERYONE XXX %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Cynthia Report 6 Oct 2011 21:20

That is very true Evelyn - I imagine Fans would be quite lethal with that concrete!!! %3A-D

LK ...... I remember looking at that link a while ago but can't remember (without looking back), who suggested it.

Thanks all.