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Sally Argent looking for any records on John Breen

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LadyKira Report 25 Feb 2013 23:53

London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906 about Clara Emily Breen
Name: Clara Emily Breen
Record Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 22 Oct 1902
Father's Name: John Breen
Mother's name: Emily Breen
Parish or Poor Law Union: Woolwich Holy Trinity
Borough: Greenwich
Register Type: Parish Registers
13 Union Street
father labourer in Royal Arsenal


LadyKira Report 25 Feb 2013 23:56

London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906 about Mary Ethel Breen
Name: Mary Ethel Breen
Record Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 17 Dec 1893
Father's Name: John Breen
Mother's name: Frances Grinley Breen
Parish or Poor Law Union: Woolwich St Mary Magdalene
Borough: Greenwich
Register Type: Parish Registers
172 Powis st
father labourer


LadyKira Report 26 Feb 2013 00:09

1871 Address: Barnfield Rd Rose Cottage, Plumstead
O NEIL, Thomas Head M 24 1847 Canada VIEW
O NEIL, Mary Wife F 22 1849 Kent VIEW
O NEIL, Frances Emily Daughter F 3 1868 Kent VIEW
O NEIL, Thomas Lewis Son M 2 1869 Kent VIEW
WILLIAMS, Margaret Visitor F 48 1823 Kent


LadyKira Report 27 Feb 2013 22:49

"Not sure about Mary Ethel Breen, although Dad did have a sister Ethel. The mother's name does not tie in with the others, although it is the same area etc, and the address is not one I am aware of."

Maud Mabel and Gertrude also have the baptism address of 172 Powis street. Sometimes people went by a middle name. It seems her mother did too.


LadyKira Report 28 Feb 2013 15:22

Sally I do not want to confuse you so please read this carefully.
This is what may have confused your Australian contact.

There is another John Breenof the same age. married to another Mary in Greenwich.

1841 Address: George Street, Greenwich
BREEN, Hugh M 45 1796 Ireland
BREEN, Catherine F 40 1801 Ireland
BREEN, Hugh M 15 1826 Ireland
BREEN, James M 15 1826 Ireland
BREEN, Ellen F 10 1831 Ireland
BREEN, John M 7 1834 Ireland

1871: Marsh Lane Batchelor's Terrace, Greenwich
BREEN, John Head M 40 1831 Ireland
BREEN, Mary Wife F 38 1833 Ireland
BREEN, Michael Son M 18 1853 Ireland
BREEN, Bridget Daughter F 16 1855 Ireland
KIRBY, John Lodger M 34 1837 Ireland

1881 Address: 1, Edith Terrace Marsh Lane, Greenwich
BREEN, John Head Married M 48 1833 General Labourer
Carry, Ireland
BREEN, Mary Wife Married F 50 1831
Carry, Ireland

We have tracked yours through these censuses so we know they are not yours. They may relate to your tree but they are not your direct line John and Mary.


Sally Report 3 Mar 2013 21:45

To all who have offered help, thanks so much. It would appear that the Australian connection was completely wrong and that the family were on the Isle of Wight and that my Great Grandfather was probably born in Wexford in Ireland and Great Grandmother in Waterford. Still need to try and get confirmation, possibly from Parish records or something. Have certainly discovered that my Father had another brother who died in his first year, but I knew nothing about him.

I really do appreciate everything and hope I can take the records back even further if I can get birth certificates etc.

%3A-%29 Sally