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Joy Report 31 Jul 2014 12:50
All about Genealogy Printers
We are a family run business and actively involved in our own genealogy research. We know how much work you have put into your Family Tree and are pleased to offer this service to our fellow Genealogists. We guarantee your satisfaction.


Inky1 Report 30 Jul 2014 12:39

Nudge – because printing still seems to be mentioned on threads.
And in the hope that our dear Community Manager, Shelley, might have the good grace to respond to my question to her re: “in due course” (her post 27 May 2014 12:12)

Or should that read ‘in the forlorn hope’?


KathyS Report 3 Jun 2014 17:19


Many thanks for your suggestions and help.
I have just successfully exported another GEDCOM and imported a GEDCOM to my FTM hence adding a new tree. Success %3A-%29
Will now keep this one up to date as I add to my GR tree.
Again - thanks so much.


Kense Report 3 Jun 2014 14:44

KathyS, why not export you GR tree to FTM (again) and make that FTM tree your master. You can then export GEDCOMs to your GR tree to keep it in synch.

An advantage is that when GR update the tree next, you won't have to worry about the changes they make.

There is nothing techie involved in creating a GEDCOM. Select Family Tree and a dropdown list appears, select Export GEDCOM then click on the Export GEDCOM and in a few minutes an email will be sent to you as an attachment. Save the attachment in a known location.

It may depend on what version of FTM you have but when you select new tree it should give you the choice of importing a GEDCOM.

Any photos or records you have in your GR tree will have to be transferred separately.


KathyS Report 3 Jun 2014 11:02


Many thanks for your reply. Yes I class my GR tree as my main one. I did export a gedcom to FTM just as a bit of a back up. If I have no other comments regarding this then I will have to decide if its worth trawling thro my GR tree to add to FTM, as to be honest I've added a substantial amount since and it would be very time consuming %3A-%28 Not sure if it would be worth the hassle.
Cheers anyway.


Inky1 Report 3 Jun 2014 08:51


I have never used FTM so cannot assist. But I presume that if you export a gedcom of your GR tree, it should be a simple process to import it into your FTM. (Whether that would overwrite the existing FTM tree, or simply become a second tree, is for someone else too comment on)

Some years ago I had two trees - one on here and a private one on Ancestry. But, just like you, I did not do all the updates to both trees. Thus they went "out of synch". So now my GR tree is my Real or "Prime" tree. And the trees elsewhere (Ancestry & pc hard drive) are copies of that. Other members on here do things differently.


KathyS Report 31 May 2014 16:00

I too am tired of G.R constantly saying they are in the process of developing a facility to print out large trees. They are continually saying they will release these details in 'due course' it's like a broken record. I have over 2000 in my tree, so it looks like I may have to invest in the services of a professional tree printer.

Last year I exported a Gedcom to Family Tree Maker, well actually it was my son who was visiting who did this for me, as I am not too au fait at that sort of thing. I can't really keep asking him, as he doesn't have an interest in genealogy himself. However, could anyone please help me, as I did not update all the additional relatives on this format when I was increasing my tree on GR, what do I do. Will this mean that I have to painstakingly trawl through all my new 'finds' and then add them, or do I export another Gedcom?? Not sure what to do.
Any help would be much appreciated.


jax Report 27 May 2014 23:16

I have access to over 100 trees only 3 have my family in....yes some are very small, but was that because they gave up like I did?

My dad has 1 in his tree

Daughter has 3

and ex has 6

No I don't have access to those but can tell they have not gone any further back...I believe they joined added what they knew and never returned

I do have a lot more in my tree elsewhere also going back to the 1600s in some lines


Inky1 Report 27 May 2014 21:36

(Having just stated that I would not get into a discussion on tree sizes.......)

Even without adding siblings a tree can soon grow large.
Starting with me as gen1, parents as gen2, etc., I have traced one of my mother's lines back to gen12. And one of my father's back to gen11. Both are to mid-1600's. There are too many insurmountable brick walls to enable me to trace all lines to gen12.
But if I could, that 'pedigree' tree would have 4095 records. Add to each generation the siblings and their own descendants and the tree grows!

Of the 61 members whose trees I presently have access to:-
26 have less than 100
12 have 100 - 500
23 have more than 500


jax Report 27 May 2014 19:32

I don't believe in huge trees.....but who has a tree with less than 100 people? unless of course you are not adding any siblings of your ancestors.

Must admit I do only have 58 in my Genes tree.....but that's only because I got fed up with it and didn't add anymore


Inky1 Report 27 May 2014 13:50

What does "in due course" mean? Would you care to provide an estimated timeline to the release in beta or final format? And in the meantime, will any patches be applied to the existing software?

This "ongoing tree development". Are you referring to the tree development work that has been happening on FMP.COM - and which I have been trying out over the past few months? (there has been some correspondence between me and Estelle on that) Or is GR doing it's own development work? If the latter. Why?

I will not get into discussion on tree sizes. The problem is the (lack of a) print process. Anyway, the day after it is printed one may well find yet another relative, or ten!

Not everyone has genealogy software on their own pc. I think it would be nice if folk could produce simple prints of a few generations. Do you have access to PAF5? If not, I can pm you a couple of examples from my own GR tree.

Community Manager

Community Manager Advisor Report 27 May 2014 12:12

Hi Inky1,

We would consider less than 100 names to be a small tree. Unfortunately we cannot support printing of larger trees. There is ongoing tree development work, which we will be able to release in due course.




Inky1 Report 22 May 2014 14:59

Re: my 2nd para above.


Inky1 Report 22 May 2014 10:10


You have missed my point. Or perhaps I did not make it clearly.

My target was GR, and the fact that they seem to have ignored any development of printing facilities on this site. Over time they have certainly developed other aspects, such as the tree and the search. And the developments have not necessarily met with the full approval of members. A case of form over substance?????

As to tree sizes. Surely the actual number of records is not as important as how the data can be presented in hard format? I have a copy of the 'old' PAF5 which is ideal for generating print images of some of the 'traditional' styles. But there are limits to how many records can be clearly presented on a pc screen. And, therefore, on one sheet of A4 or A3. So most folk would need to use the services of a specialist printing organisation.


Denburybob Report 21 May 2014 19:20

And another thing.... I don't consider 350 names to be a small tree. I keep different branches in different trees, otherwise they become unmanagable. I have separate trees for paternal grandfather, paternal grandmother, and ditto for maternal grandparents. Bob.


Denburybob Report 21 May 2014 19:17

I agree with DazedConfused regarding Genealogy Printers. He has printed three trees for me, and as I have them on Ancestry, I just give him my password (I know, I know) and he does the rest. During a conversation I had with him, I found out that he is a retired fireman, as am I. Bob


Inky1 Report 11 May 2014 19:04

I endorse DC's comments.

They use roll paper on their large format printers. The print that Ron did for me some time ago measures (in old money!) about 6' wide by about 2' high.


DazedConfused Report 11 May 2014 12:11

If you are considering using a professional to print your tree most of us on here would recommend.

Genealogy Printers (check out their website)

You can call them and Ron is a great bloke and very helpful.

Also any tree you may print from here will have to be stuck together (including all the blank pages which make it 'square')

I did mine some years ago and it took me ages to not only print out but stick together, I was close to tears of frustration and anger at the end of it!!!!! %3A-%7C


Inky1 Report 10 May 2014 22:08

350 people is a small tree. And GR does not support printing?

WHY NOT??????????

Community Manager

Community Manager Advisor Report 28 Apr 2014 15:08

Hi Jenny,

Unfortunately Genes Reunited doesn't support printing a tree of that size. If you would like to contact we can recommend free or professional (paid) tree printing services.

