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Help for a relative who wants to view my tree.

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Peter Report 17 May 2013 18:58

As there does not appear to be any normal "contact us" facility on genes reunited, i am posting this here in the hope that my query can be answered.
I have a relative who wishes to look at my tree. I have suggested that he needs to register with Genes Reunited and then start a tree with one of my relatives in it so that an Email to me is generated inviting me to respond. I`m not sure if this works, as I have received no such Email from GR. Can you please tell me a straight forward way for relatives to view my tree given that I can`t print it off, or Email it in full
to relatives. I appreciate that I could give my log in details to relatives, but this does not seem to be a sensible solution.
Sincerely, Peter.


Kense Report 17 May 2013 19:21

He will have to register as a standard member in order to see your tree. That means paying.

An alternative is to generate a GEDCOM and email it to him. That won't include any photos or records.


Porkie_Pie Report 17 May 2013 19:36

Peter, First their is a contact us on GR, Click on the "help" tab at the top of the screen above where it says "community" then on the left it says "contact us" click on that,

second if your referring to either you or your rellie getting an email because you share a common ancestor then this is normally through the hot matches system and relies on both yours and the other party's settings, However that system is pretty much hit and mis

your best bet is to put their details in the "search all trees" facility to locate your rellie, Then click on "Find out more" on the right of that persons details, then send them a message, before you click send message make sure you tick the box which says "Allow this member to view my family tree" then they should be able to access your tree provided they are a subscription member or alternatively i'm not sure but I think they can buy credits which will allow them to view your tree but as I said not sure about the last part



Porkie_Pie Report 17 May 2013 19:43

Ken SE, I assume that Peters relation is a registered member because he said, Quote; I have suggested that he needs to register with Genes Reunited and then start a tree with one of my relatives in it so that an Email to me is generated inviting me to respond. (I`m not sure if this works, as I have received no such Email from GR).



Kense Report 17 May 2013 20:06

Roy, I was assuming he hadn't yet registered and might be put off by the subscription. I don't know if you can use credits to look at trees.


Porkie_Pie Report 17 May 2013 20:28

Ken, I have just checked and it says;..Pay Per View options do not include sharing trees or adding to the community boards



Cynthia Report 18 May 2013 11:54

As Peter is a new poster, I will send him a friendly message on how he can find this thread. %3A-%29


Peter Report 18 May 2013 13:18

Many thanks to Porkie_pie,KenSE and Cynthia for help with my query regarding how to allow a relative to view my tree. I will be trying the advice offered.