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This is such a great resource

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Komby Report 19 Jun 2012 23:05

I have been a member for a while and started here with only the names of my Grandparents. Taking one of them and using the records, I built a small tree of information.

That can be done on so many sites, but what I find so great here on Genes Reunited, is that other members are so willing to make contact and share stories, details and add many, many relatives to build the big picture.

I was startled this weekend (after contacting a member) to find that an infamous murderer, hanged in 1860 was actually tied in to my family tree by a marriage in the early 1700's. The murderer was in the company of one of my ancestors on that night, but neither man ever knew they were related... so I know more than even they did!

I've share stories about abandoned children, shameful occurances, but also great successes and happy endings, and it has brought the whole tree to life - making the research so worthwhile. Thanks to Genes Reunited...and its wonderful members, we can find information that might seem impossible at first glance. %3B-%29