Military Chat
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All threads on "Military Chat" board
Icon | Topic | Posted by | Last Post | Views | Replies |
Help Please | poppie | 27 May 2014 08:47 am by poppie |
78 | 3 | |
Hello All, I used a free Military site whi ... | |||||
Walter J Bobbett ww1 38th division Welch Regiment | jakebob | 27 May 2014 08:24 am by Cynthia |
30 | 10 | |
Any information please on Walter, His unit came fr ... | |||||
88th Battallion Royal Garrison Artillery | Anthony | 26 May 2014 11:42 pm by Kucinta |
40 | 4 | |
My Great Uncle born and enlisted in CHELTENHAM, He ... | |||||
Francis Connolly(Conley) | bessiebennett | 23 May 2014 09:51 pm by MarieCeleste |
25 | 11 | |
I am trying to confirm info re my Great Uncle, Fra ... | |||||
ww1 "active service" testament 1914 - 1916 | Angie | 22 May 2014 10:49 pm by Andysmum |
53 | 4 | |
hi wondering if anyone could shead any light on th ... | |||||
Great Uncle John Fletcher. | Jane | 22 May 2014 10:44 pm by Jane |
39 | 8 | |
My Great Uncle John fought in the First World War ... | |||||
regiments | Marilyn | 22 May 2014 11:35 am by Kucinta |
32 | 12 | |
My grandfather Walter William Green b1881 we belie ... | |||||
women in ww1 | Linda | 21 May 2014 09:08 pm by Linda |
48 | 5 | |
I am trying to find out military records for my gr ... | |||||
sergent Thomas Bell Rae | susan | 21 May 2014 01:37 pm by Cynthia |
37 | 7 | |
I am researching Thomas Bell Rae born 1919 Kings O ... | |||||
William John Banfield | Amanda | 21 May 2014 12:49 pm by Amanda |
19 | 7 | |
I wondered if anyone could help me, my grandfather ... | |||||
WW1 ROYAL MEDICAL CORPS | aura | 21 May 2014 09:55 am by aura |
32 | 8 | |
I am looking for Harry Warren war details B . 1891 ... | |||||
48th Regiment of Foot, Northamptonshire Regiment | Margaret | 20 May 2014 10:29 pm by Margaret |
22 | 3 | |
Hi,, Have a rello who enlisted in this reg ... | |||||
5th Fusiliers | Linda | 18 May 2014 11:38 am by Kucinta |
32 | 4 | |
My great-grandfather's occupation on his son Willi ... | |||||
WILLIAM RUSH | ALISON | 17 May 2014 09:52 pm by +++DetEcTive+++ |
27 | 29 | |
WW1. Charles Thompson | Jenna | 17 May 2014 12:28 pm by Potty |
22 | 13 | |
Hello,, I am trying to trace my my great g ... | |||||
WW2 Reginald Sutton b1919 Stoke-on-Trent | Barbara | 17 May 2014 09:57 am by Barbara |
22 | 3 | |
My Father was in the Royal Engineers serving in In ... | |||||
KOSB | Nellie1 | 16 May 2014 10:23 pm by Nellie1 |
33 | 9 | |
Hi would someone be able to help im trying to find ... | |||||
Letter from Denmark dated 16/12/1945 | Maureen | 16 May 2014 02:28 pm by Maureen |
50 | 8 | |
I have a letter that was posted to my father in la ... | |||||
Army Veterinary Corp | Archibald | 16 May 2014 10:00 am by Archibald |
21 | 2 | |
My Father James Copland joined the AVC in 1914, as ... | |||||
KIA after the end of WWI | HattyRickards | 16 May 2014 07:56 am by Denis |
55 | 10 | |
I am trying to find out the circumstances of a rel ... |