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sandra Report 19 Jan 2016 12:51

does this site cover channel islands ie guernsey


Rambling Report 19 Jan 2016 14:27

Depends what you're looking for? You can search trees for people born or living in the CI , but the records don't cover the Channel Islands as far as I know.

Ancestry has the censuses so you can always ask on the boards and someone will do a look up for you %3A-%29


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 19 Jan 2016 15:23, a free site, has a number of CI parish records.

It's worth doing an Internet search for Place parish records to find links to other sites.


nameslessone Report 19 Jan 2016 16:58

As R Rose said , it depends who you are looking for.

Basically, the Channel Islands have not released their BMD records. You may find user added trees on sites such as this, ancestry & Donkipedia.

Guernsey records are held at the Priaulx Library;


JoonieCloonie Report 20 Jan 2016 00:16

the 1841-1911 censuses at Ancestry include the Channel Islands

I would imagine they do at this site too?

so while birth-marriage-death info may not be available, if a person/family was living there during that period, in a census year, the info in the census record might be useful


JoonieCloonie Report 20 Jan 2016 02:39

I realise you posted on Living Relatives so old census aren't likely to help %3A-%29

if it was Jersey

they do have records up to during WWII:

The specific information collected includes name, maiden name, address, date and place of birth, occupation, any militia experience and distinguishing features. Children under the age of fourteen were recorded on the back of their father’s card. As a result a set of cards was created which recited a great deal of personal information together with a photograph of each adult.

They were updated regularly with details added if people moved or had more children and as soon as children reached the age of fourteen they were issued with their own card.

The Occupation registration cards form a pictorial census of the Islanders who were occupied and their experiences and memories have shaped the views of the local community. The cards have no direct equal but Guernsey do hold similar material registering the population of Jersey’s sister Island.

It is really more useful to say what you are looking for (a birth or marriage in the 20th century, etc. ...)