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Decoupage card making.

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MayBlossomEmpressofSpring Report 24 May 2016 18:53

Please can anyone advise me how to use printed with scene backing cards. I am new to card making and have received the along with the sheets. They are beautiful but I haven't a clue. Thanking you in advance for any advice for any advice.



AnninGlos Report 24 May 2016 21:33

Do you mean it is card with a scene printed on it? Have you also got other cards with objects on them that could be cut out and built up into a picture? Or have you got several cards with the same scene to combine into one picture by decoupage?


MayBlossomEmpressofSpring Report 26 May 2016 17:54

hello Ann,
Sorry to take so long to answer you, and thank you very much I purchased some very nice decoupage sheets from a company named Moonstone. on line, and accompanying three sheets were the beautiful scenes and also a patterned one I assumed at first they were like backing paper ,but the scenic ones which are just like normal 7x5 card but printed in such a way if folded to make a card the scene is all wrong and no way would it look right with anything attached, i.e decoupage pieces. I hope you can understand all this, all I can think is maybe make a picture instead of f card. %3A-S


AnninGlos Report 26 May 2016 20:20

I think I know what you mean and have seen similar in other sets. All I have done is use whatever I can from the card. I.e cut out anything that can be stuck on other card blanks as toppers, sometimes I have been able to cut the card down to make a smaller card using part of the picture.