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Depression / Anxiety

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AnninGlos Report 21 Dec 2009 15:03

Mary's lifestyle certainly makes me feel tired Sharron. However, I have a sneaky feeling that she would be bored if she didn't do all she does. Mary you do sound better today and I am so pleased that Sarah has not had a seizure for 9 days (you can forgive her the milk and maple syrup (yuk) episode if she is so normal can't you? And great that Gareth's new medication is still working, hopefully this is the one then to stick with, a calm well behaved Gareth is great news!!
Liz, thank you for the message from Colin, bless him I hope he can get over this bout of depression, please give him a ((((hug)))) from me.
Carole I am glad you will renew, you'd be missed if you didn't. Shall we have a collection for knee pads for Liz and Mary?
YCaz, nice to see you posting more at the moment, it helps us to know how you are. Your road sounds a bit of a nightmare. Wouldn't you think they would replace the cobbles if they have an old people's complex built in the road. Or is it a historic road? Preservation of history comes before the safety of residents no doubt. Hope the ambulances eventually get through. maybe they were just to ferry people to a day centre.


AnninGlos Report 21 Dec 2009 15:04

Deanna, many thanks for the christmas card.


Deanna Report 21 Dec 2009 18:24

Joyce love, so pleased to hear from you. I have sent a small PM.
I miss you, so come back a bit more often girl, and look after yourself.
I have been on here so long this afternoon learning how to send cards, exciting every time I learn something new on this machine.
Can anyone tell me what I ever did without it?

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone, and whatever you are doing, stay warm and safe.

Ann, I am glad you got your card. I have a few in the hall which were to be handed to friends who SHOULD have been in the communal unit on Saturday, and without my permission..... took the day off! ;-0)
I was a bit upset as I have a card for a couple of children, siblings, who come and visit me on a Saturday when their Nan, and G.Nan are at the bingo. This week they did not come. it may have been because of the snow.
My Cards went out very late too.... blame the workers. It was the last thing on my mind when the men were in the house.
Every one of those men was a lovely , cheery, and helpful person and made the whole upheaval easy as they could for us.

Ah well, better go.
Almost tea time and I need to be settled for ....EMMERDALE....

Love to everyone, and if you need a hug, consider yourselves hugged.
Deanna XXXX

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 22 Dec 2009 04:13

Hi Deanna, I am sure the children will be happy to have their card late and it's nice that they visit you when they come to see grandparents. I laughed when you said people took time out with out your permission, you are no way the curmudgeon you pretend to be lol

take care of yourself, I think I have almost finished writing cards now and any I have missed will have to go without, my brain is addled. I think the bump on the bonce shook me up more than I thought.

love to everyone, lots to do today and tomorrow and hopefully can then have a more restful day on C. Eve



RoseoftheShires Report 22 Dec 2009 08:20

Love and peace to all this Christmas and may 2010 be a happier year all round


AnninGlos Report 22 Dec 2009 12:13

And to you rach.

Liz and Gail thank you so much for your cards, Gail thank you for the 4 leaf clovers as well, hope they bring me luck, maybe I will win the lottery.

Ann xx

*** Mummo ***

*** Mummo *** Report 22 Dec 2009 12:31

Rach thankyou for your continued support and wishing you and everyone else a lovely Christmas, x
Gail thankyou so much for the card and the book markers, like Ann l hope the four leaf clovers bring me some luck...........could do with it, lol. x


Sharron Report 22 Dec 2009 14:48

I had on as well,Mummo.They are lovely aren't they?

Thank you so much Gail.

Didn't get to send any cards abroad again this year.Have just remembered one for my dad which he has had to sign with much complaint.

It will be worse here soon.Work starts on the wet-room next week!


Deanna Report 22 Dec 2009 15:35

Hi all.... I only came on to see the price of something Tony wants to buy for Karen.
Snow still laying thick in our area.
I am still wrapping presents, and Tony brought me more to wrap. I don't mind, Tony wraps parcels SO PRETTILY..... He can use a roll of paper per parcel... what a sight. lol

I have read your messages, but am having a bit of a problem doing everything at once!!
I used to be so able too. Never mind, by next week it will be all over and we will be happy 'whatever'.

look after yourselves.
Deanna XXXXX


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 23 Dec 2009 11:29

Glad to hear my post has made it, I hope it all got through.

Very tired today as have been making cheese cake and starting trifle. Yes it is Christmas eve here in 1 and half hours time. I started early with the desserts so can clean kitchen tomorrow night.

I also send wishes of hope for good luck with the 4 leaf clovers. Mummo gave me the idea for book marks, so hope they are useful as well. Not too bad for a one armed bandit. :))

Love and hugs and a Merry Christmas to all of you.

Sharron, you dad had to catch the turkey, chop off its head, so now I think it is your turn to take over the plucking.



AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2009 11:50

Gail the book mark will be very useful, I always have more than one book on the go so always need extra book marks so thank you again. Sounds as if you do more with the use of only one arm than I do with two, so you put me to shame!!!


YorkshireCaz Report 23 Dec 2009 12:07

Hello all, Gail got your card and bookmark last night, thank you, Like Ann I have two or three books on the go so I can use that instead of a strip of old cardboard for the third.
Deanna I meant to ring you but haven't had time yet so if I can't manage it will be after Christmas. I got a lovely surprise yesterday, Tinkerbelle rang me, I was taken aback for a moment but we had a lovely natter. She made me feel good as well by saying I sound young, lol. I should be talking to more but the problem is I can't hold the phone for long because of pins and needles and it goes numb after a while.
Oh I am being called for my dinner then it's off to the hospital for scan.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a good 2010, I hope you can read this Colin, try and come back to us next year if you can.

Caz xx


Benjamin Report 23 Dec 2009 12:09

Hi all.

Hows things?


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2009 12:19

Caz, I am thinking of you as you go for the scan. Could you not get a phone that you can leave on the holder and put on 'speaker'? You wouldn't have to hold it then.

Hi Ben, I am fine thank you, I hope you have a good Christmas.

Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 23 Dec 2009 16:48

Hi Caz lass.......I have been holding your hands today and just feel you will be fine.....when you have rested you have an 123 e card to read and cheer you up a you.....Joyce xxxxx


Sharron Report 23 Dec 2009 18:49

I have found what seems to be a new site called 'Lost Liberty Cafe' which I think might be helpful for many of us but more especially for those of us who are living with or have survived narcissistic abuse.

Happy Christmas everybody.


Treehunter Report 23 Dec 2009 22:39

My daugther and grand daugther got to Scotland ok this morning

Very bad weather up there tho. But grand daugther loving the snow.

Merry Christmas to everyone. Hope you all have a safe one.

Thinking of all who are not having such a good one this year.Like myself.

I hate it anyway.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}to everyone


Carole Report 23 Dec 2009 23:01

Haven't had time to read up to date so just popped in to let you all know I went to visit my aunt who is still in hospital today. She is still confused, and thinking she is at home or in a home. Spoke with O,T and she said aunt will not be sent home yet, if she goes home at all. Been to check out a care home with my uncle ( her brother) it looked ok. I think she will need to go into a nursing home. Waiting to talk to Social services. Uncle (81) is getting stressed. I told him to take it a day at a time. You can't move faster than the hospital. He is worried about his sister being in hospital at Christmas but if she was at home she would be alone so at least she will talk to people

Thinking of Caz and praying for good news.


Carole Report 23 Dec 2009 23:02

Sorry meant to thank Gail for the card and book mark. xx


dutch Report 24 Dec 2009 11:15

Carolina has ask Dutch to pass on to you all,wishing you merry xmas and may 2010 be better year for all,also to tell Y/Caz shes thinking about you ,and to say thank you to Tinkerbell,
wishing you all the very best Jan Dutch,s hubby