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Depression / Anxiety

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GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 19 Dec 2009 10:20

So strange that Carole, but I do know what you mean. When OH's cousin writes to me I also read in her accent, it is like an inner voice while reading.

Off to watch a movie.

Love an hugs


PS did you see Purples thread, she had a bad fall/slip on black ice. Thinking of you Liz.


AnninGlos Report 19 Dec 2009 12:04

Gail, sounds like the best of both worlds doing Christmas alternate years, one year eating what you prefer, the other having time off. Nice that you both accept not having what you prefer on the others turn too. So, what meat do you eat at the in laws? I am fascinated by the thought of Yorkshire with turkey, but maybe you have beef. And pickled eggs with Yorkshire pudding??? Did I get that right? I don't think I have ever eaten a pickled egg to be honest although I like eggs and like pickles so would probably like pickled eggs.

Shame you wont be seeing your own family, but, as you say, you have spent a lot of time with them lately.


maxiMary Report 19 Dec 2009 16:00

LOL I thought she was feeding pickled eggs to the dogs!!!!!! Our dog used to eat cabbage, we bought one a week for him. Only prob being he had to go outside for a while after eating it, propelling himself along, I'm sure pickled eggs would have the same effect. LOL.
I've doubled up my citalopram today hopefully a boost will help,
hugs all round.


AnninGlos Report 19 Dec 2009 16:04

Ooh can just imagine dog after eating pickled eggs, not nice!!!

Hope the extra drug boost helps Mary (((hugs)))


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 20 Dec 2009 03:40

Surprisingly enough, yes Yorkshire puds are eaten with Turkey, chicken and pork as well as lamb and beef. Only have the pickled eggs with salads, and they do have the same effect as cabbage. :) Sister in law hates pickled eggs for just that reason, and brother in law loves them, as do his sons, so glad I am not in that house Christmas night.

Yes we have strange tastes in OZ and probably have the best of all in choosing what we eat and mixing different cultures foods. MIL also finds it strange that the puds are eaten with any baked meal.

Some people in Australia have a BBQ for their main Christmas meal. Some, that can get fresh seafood will BBQ that. There is no hard and fast rule here. I am not that fussed on the baked meal at Christmas as it is usually too hot and just glad that I do not have to cook the meal. I bake and cook the night before Christmas day, with the air conditioning on full force. My idea is do as little as possible Christmas Day, that way I also get to enjoy the day without constant fussing and cooking.

The traditional Christmas cake and pudding are still on the menu as well, plus trifle, cheese cake and pavlova. My cheese cake will be pineapple and passion fruit served with fresh cream. My OH loves wild berry cheese cake.


Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 20 Dec 2009 06:49

Hello and a very good morning to all my dear friends and to those people who have joined our caring thread and whom I have yet to meet...

Talk about drawing a tooth, well I am only posting because once again dear Deanna has weaved her magic charm and managed to lure me out of hiding by mentioning my name in one of her recent postings, so Deanna who am I to ignore a lady such as you, you who wants to know if I am still in the land of the living! it is more than I dare do not to report in for this very special time approaching and to say thanks for the little nudge and wakeup call... just you take extra special care and behave yourself if if xxxxxxx

As is my nature I don't wish to talk of my ailments except to say that the aneurysm has grown much larger and somewhere along the line it would appear I have had a heart attack too! news to me but I can relate to many incidents in the past when I have crept into my place of work truly unwell...comes of being a one parent family and pressure that goes with it...anyway I am handling health issues as challenges, a bit like tricking the devil.

I feel quite a few of you good folk may recall my chronicles on Tobias, more commonly known as Toby, my 'walkies' companion and friend....I am pleased to report that nothing in his nature has changed, he is still the same dog which we transformed from a shivering, beaten and half starved animal into what he is today... a gentle gentleman who stands tall by your side, listens and understands all that is said and obeys without question all commands, except that is when he picks up animal scents and his part beagle traits come into being....just like a human he thrives on love..I often wish I had Samantha the witch's magic, I would twitch my nose and change men into obedient animals if only for a few days.. now that would be something yes! ( apologies to our male members xx).
Toby and I still do our walks and yes he still twists me around trees and drags me through and over hedges..right now the local vixens have given birth to their cubs so the scent of chase is ever present... I have given thought to purchasing a bugle to blast away on to warn the fox's of our approach then had visions of young children dashing out of houses with their mothers best clothing and expecting a balloon or goldfish in we have rag and bone men these days?.....Last June my daughter who had to hand over her beloved horses to my granddaughter due to the arthritis worsening in her hands and fingers, went up to Coventry to spend a week with my granddaughter and to be with her horses once again.. she took Toby with her but had reservations on how he would react.. to our amazement he turned out to be a natural born stable dog and ran with the horses but at the same time showed them respect, when tired he made a bed for himself in one of the stables and slept, fantastic....unfortunately he did make one enemy which turned out to be a turkey who felt her territory was being encroached upon, oops!....he has been back twice and comes home a much trimmer animal by getting the exercise I cannot give him.... now if only I could run with the horses how much fitter I would be!!!!!

For many of us the forthcoming festive season will bring with it lots of sadness especially because of loved ones who have passed away and whom we miss dearly, I myself am still mourning losing my daughter yet we must stay strong for each other and for our families.....then there are those amongst us who are struggling like hell to get stronger each my Yorkshire Caz, hi lass xxx just sorry we could not get that circus of ours up and running as planned, but then you would insist on taking too many tumbles before we could get the show on the road. I think of you every day lass and tell Cocky I have missed you babes love also to Dutch who mothers us when we desperately need words of comfort, thanks lass and take care xx...... then there is our Mary, running with three generations to ensure that each day ends on a hopeful and positive note, if need be Mary you can borrow my Toby until your own dogs appear on the scene, the sooner the better lass xx...... there are so many of you lovely folk out there that I have not mentioned but be assured you are not forgotten, take good care and stay safe xxx

Outside of my lounge window I can see a blanket of snow which has been falling throughout the night and getting deeper by the minute, thank goodness Toby is back up in Coventry right now and does not require my walking him... could you imagine him dragging me along upside down on snow skies, screaming my head off and ending up wrapped around a lamp post, I can visualise the local newspaper headlines as reading ' old aged pensioner arrested for being drunk and disorderely whilst in charge of a dog'...quite fancy being in the headlines, fame at last!

A very Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you.

JoyceP XXX

Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 20 Dec 2009 07:22

Deanna xxx........please note that by answering your question of my whereabouts I ended up going somewhat over the top and managed to clock up the 5000 characters allowed per posting, I can remember the days of old when we used to compete with each other on who could type the most words... it was great fun xx..... today it meant that my final Christmas message was very brief and certainly not!

To each and everyone of you I wish loads of health, happiness and peace in the coming year........

Remember... The happiest people are those who do not want the things they cannot get,

Take care and god bless xxxxxxxxx



AnninGlos Report 20 Dec 2009 09:43

Oh Joyce, how wonderful to see a post from you, despite your own health problems you always bring such pleasure and friendship to the boards with your posts.
Thank you for the update on your own health and bless you for the upbeat way you manage it. We do truly miss you on here, like Deanna you kept us in order and kept our feet on the ground.
Thank you also for your update on Toby, I am so pleased he is still taking you for walks, never mind lamp posts, don't be getting tied up round any trees. Bless him he sounds a great companion, also I am pleased your daughter is able to visit her beloved horses and to also take Toby with her.
No snow here so far thank goodness but much ice and slippery roads so we will bide our time before venturing out to the shops, not worth risking a fall.
Joyce, thank you for your Christmas wishes and I hope Christmas will bring you peace and contentment and anything else you wish for yourself.

Gail, last Christmas we had our hot Turkey meal on Christmas eve then on Christmas day we had cold meats salad and pickles etc so we are not so different. And last Sunday we were at our daughters where we had roast lamb and yorkshires!!!

Glos x


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 20 Dec 2009 09:56

Had roast lamb and Yorkshires for tea/dinner tonight. I cannot eat them as has eggs, but OH had a major pig out on them and taking some to work tomorrow for his main meal with roast of course. They (puds) passed muster as as good as his mum's he says. Only trouble was some stuck on the bottom of the muffin pan. So was wondering if I did not have the pan hot enough.

Great to see JoyceP posting again as well, you have been missed.

Hopefully our Purple is not too Purple today, will probably take a few days for the bruising to show fully.

Love and hugs



Carole Report 20 Dec 2009 11:07

Jean!!! What a lovely suprise to see you here. As always your post was fun to read. I have missed your stories of adventures with Toby.
I wish you a better 2010 xxx
Edit lol Joyce !! how lovely to see you xxx


AnninGlos Report 20 Dec 2009 11:46

* whispers does she mean Joyce???


Sharron Report 20 Dec 2009 12:02

Gail,you sure know how to make me feel inadequate. Yorkshire puddings, I could not make one to save my life.Yorkshire indestructible things,Yorkshire roof tiles,Yorkshire soft,squashy dollopy heavy things but a Yorkshire pudding is totally out of the question.

Now I want one too!


Claddagh Report 20 Dec 2009 16:05

Sorry for not keeping up with the thread/postings etc. but am quite busy, and strongly thinking of not renewing my sub. in feb, seeing as I rarely post or use GR anymore.I have recieved a lot of support on this thread from many very kind people, for which I am very grateful for, you are a great bunch!!!If I can fathom out how to save the tree I built on GR, I will def. stop.Have not done anything about it for more than a year, and have lost heart altogether, seeing as the contacts I have seem to want to hide some (for them) unpleasant facts...shame, as I can't move on, not knowing much about my so-called 'beloved '(this is meant sarcastically) father.The Scottish side just close ranks...Ah well, is is not really important anymore, in the light of things.
Have been reading the thread about Jean on Chat. Bless her, she is much loved and will be sorely missed by many GR members, but far more important, her daughter and g.children. May she have a peacful passing.

I also want to say I am only sending cards to 3 GR members, i.e Liz, Vicky and I have managed to lose the A4 with all your addresses, clever thing that I am.......I forgot to write them in my, only added Caz , Liz & Vicky. So stupid of me to thow the envelopes away from those who sent me cards with the address on the back. Mea Culpa x million.If any of you feel you would like to still receive a card, please pm me.Deanna, Claire, and others that I don't mention here, please accept my appologies for not sending a card, but may I wish you all a very happy Christmas and an equally happy New Year this way.

BTW, had some rather good news from the internist on friday, but it was lucky I was could have ended badly, if I hadn't been careful....Long story!

Take care everyone, especially if it is snowing as heavilly as it is here. It is at least 10-12 centimeters thick and laying, still snowing and will freeze again tonight, meaning very dangerous roads tomorrow.

Be happy.

Love. Eileen x


AnninGlos Report 20 Dec 2009 16:32

Eileen, good to see you on here again and sorry you are considering not renewing. I couldn't not renew, I would miss my cyber friends too much, I know they are always here for me as they are for everyone.

We do not have any snow here but perversely I think I would rather we did, at least you can see it, we have a very icy drive and road out there, we have not been out, too frightened of slipping over.

I am pleased that you have had some good news, whatever it was, a good christmas present.

Is there no other way other than via contacts of tracing your family? There are so many people able to help on here if you ask.

Anyway a Happy Christmas to you and your family and I hope that 2010 will be healthy and peaceful for you.


maxiMary Report 20 Dec 2009 18:42

How lovely to see Joyce and Eileen on here.
And Gail - Pavlova???? I absolutely love it, could you wire me a slice? My mother had a recipe for it, which has long ago been lost, I must Google and try to make one.
You've given me an idea, perhaps I''ll barbecue the turkey this year, to share the wonderful smell with the neighbours. I have my pies made,, did the apples down in september, in foil pie pans, so they were the right shape to flip into a crust when i was motivated to make a big batch of pastry. That way I make the floury mess once and end up with about 8 fruit pies, with crumble tops.
I have so missed hearing about Toby's antics, i achieved an antic of my own this morning (Liz skip this part) - coming out of church after the Christmas service, with kids all round me, my heel got caught in my skirt hem and I tumbled, managed to grab onto the railing after about 3 steps and righted myself, stepped down again and DID the SAME thing again. Twisted my back but am fine, getting ready for work in a few minutes, have to go in for 3-11pm, they are short-staffed. I've made a small supper meal to take with me (since they doubled the price for staff meals) poached egg on a bed of spinach, will zap quickly to reheat. That will keep me going.
I am definitely better after a boost of the Rx for 2 days, going to ask the Dr to check my Vit D levels too next time, I am too tired . . . must be something that is NOT my fault.
megan is on clouds today, she is sitting for a dear little girl aged 2 yrs who with her Mum is refugee from Haiti. This child has the most amazing language level, very articulate for a 2 year old understands french and creole as well as English. One extremely bright child who has such an improved chance of a good life away from the strife at home.
Sarah has not had a seizure for 9 days !!!!! The medicine is working. Yesterday we noticed her speech was better, it had regressed severely after the 14 minute seizure. Gareth's new med is working too - he is being so calm and good, I have to keep checking if he's awake, he's so good it's almost frightening.
Sarah is much more herself, she poured a bowl of 1/2 milk and 1/2 maple syrup this morning, What a waste.. her rice milk is so much more expensive than cows milk.
Colleen got 88% on her last exam, amazing result, the prof said they always hope marks will increase in 4 th year, but rarely see it.
The sky is blue, the grass is green, the sun is shining,though the temp is below zero, no wind, a lovely day.
I have 4 Amaryllis budding indoors, a Christmas tradition I've continued as a memory of my late mother. She so loved to watch them grow, so gorgeous and elegant.
I will be looking at renewal in february too, regardless of how much genealogy I've achieved recently, my friends on GR have been a lifeline for the the past 4 years. I don't want to leave but weigh everything carefully these days. This is definitely something which is good for me. There I've made a decision - renewal it shall be. I still haven't found some of my answers, a psychic told me, years ago, that I would find what I was looking for and when i did, to please try not to judge. That just made me more curious. I wish my great-grandmother had been able to write, she must have had quite a story to tell.
Have to get ready for work, sending love and hugs all round.


YorkshireCaz Report 20 Dec 2009 19:53

What a treat to come on here and find my big sis has returned, and Eileen too, lovely to see you both. So pleased to see you Joyce, I've picked the phone up a few times then remembered my promise, I will be e-mailing you though.
Eileen I feel sorry to think of you leaving, I know I haven't been part of the thread lately but I will miss you if you go.
Mary Glad you feel a bit better now, Liz Purple asked me to see my doctor about vit D and I did and ended up with Adcal with D. I have taken Adcal since they found cancer in my bones, I am having the bone scan on 23rd Dec. Hope we can get out, the road outside is an old cobbled street and cars are having great difficulty getting up and down. We have a lot of snow and it is still coming down, and it is all ice underneath. Two different ambulances tried to get up this afternoon, they couldn't manage it. The only place they could be going is our complex, hope there's nothing too bad. I have read all the messages but they have gone out of my head so sorry if I miss anything.
Talking about renewing, I couldn't not, I have made some special friends on here over the years, , thanks to you all I have kept my sanity through all the rough times I have had lately.

My chemo is still going ok so far, keep fingers crossed.

Caz xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 21 Dec 2009 03:19

Hi folks, I am so sorry, I meant to c and p this when I got it, and forgot! It's from our pal Colin who can't post at the mo but a bit late, better late than never.

Hello Liz,
December 9th greetings because I expect to contact you before Christmas.
I have been a bit down, which might have contributed to my anger the other week. I have started again on antidepressant, and while it is too early to be actually working, I am sleeping better. Probably because it has a sedative effect.
The GFC is striking everywhere. Australia has coped better than average because one of our major trading partners is the resource-hungry China, and because we went into the crisis with a surplus of about $20 billion. Unlike the U.K. and the U.S.A.
My company is struggling with lack of work (and therefore income), and I now work part time, 30 hours a week. I want to work it over four days rather than five but we are still negotiating.

I have had a look at the boards a couple of times, mainly to see how everybody is. You must tell Deanna not to shout. It is not healthy for her. If anyone wants to contact me I think I can still receive PMs and can reply but I cannot contact people.

Best wishes and will talk with you soon,
xx Colin


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 21 Dec 2009 03:39

Right, here we go! Joyce P and Eileen, lovely to hear news of both of you, and hope you will pop in when you can, and keep us posted on yourselves. Take good care and enjoy life as much as possible and hope things get better in the New Year. Mary, you must be careful, stop wearing those high heels and stay safe, my friend. I am glad things seem to be improving at home, and hope you have the vit d check, it might help you if meds are prescribed. I am still waiting to hear how long it should take for the jab to make a difference!

i am very glad people are going to renew, Caz, Mary, and I will in February, it would be a shame to lose touch after all we have been through together many of us, I hope Eileen will renew too. I wish everyone a special time this Christmas and a better year in 2010.

love and hugs
Lizxxx (not much more Purple than usual lol)

I managed to gently wash my hair yesterday which made me feel better too and head didn't feel too sore.

Btw where is our Lily, hope you are alright my friend.


Carole Report 21 Dec 2009 10:49

Eileen it's nice to see you posting. I will miss you and your visits with your family, who I feel I know a little, if you go.

Joyce I'm sorry I have edited my post!

I am loosing my brain! My daughter snapped at me yesterday when I asked why she didn't want dinner (again). She was going out, and had told me numerous times. I told her I have more on my mind than just what she is doing!!

Mary I don't know how you find time to go to work! Hope your shift isn't too difficult.

Gail I'm also bad at yorkshire puds, I love home made ones but make do with Aunt Bessie!!

Caz you are doing well just latley with your posting. You must be feeling a little better. How are your hands?

Deanna thanks for the emails some lovely ones this time as well as the shocking!!

Liz crash helmet, knee pads and elbow pads coming your way xx

Colin thank you for thinking of us. You have my email address don't you? I bet you feeling down had gone un noticed, and the little row on here was due to it. I have done the same. I exploded at work against my supervisors, what a shock to everyone including myself. Coming off your tablets seems a good idea, and you manage ok, untill something comes along and bites you. Then you realse you were coping because everything was going smoothly, then something happens that sends you over the edge, and had you been taking your meds you would have been ok. Have a good Christmas xx

Ann my subs are up in January, but like you I will rejoin. I couldn't not come on and read about my friends and not be able to respond. I didn't have the confidence to post on GR, or phone anyone when I first came on here, now look!! Even did a collection for our Dutch. Thank you all for your support it's been great.

Dutch what can I say to you, at this time of sadness for you. I wish I could have been closer and given you a hug when we spoke last. Don't give up hope xxx

Ben hope you have a great Christmas, have you got long off work? xx

Is Ben our last man? Where have they all gone? Still think of them x

Carolina our friend is hurting, and I send my hugs to her (((xx)))

Thinking also of Paula, Elaine, Malc, Fiona, Angela, Kathy, Sue,
Jules, and Dave, anyone remember others?


Sharron Report 21 Dec 2009 14:22

I think I know why maxiMary is so tired. It makes me tired just reading what she does.I am in awe!