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Depression / Anxiety

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Deanna Report 12 Dec 2009 17:41

I am thinking of you Carole, and all who need a prayer or a hug.
we are almost straight in our house, something is finished every day, but I have you all in my thoughts.
I will not read the messages in case I find myself in a bad state and will have to sit and chat to all.
Forgive me, but we are exhausted.
Good night every one, and God Bless.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 13 Dec 2009 01:37

Sharron, don't sell yourself short!

Gail, sorry you lost so many trees, I would be upset as I love my shrubs and trees etc here in this garden.

Hope your daughter and her family will be happy in their new home. You take care and make the most of the peace.



GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 13 Dec 2009 04:29

Yeah, Sharron, particularly as the other house is uninsured and has been for a year now as the others do not think it is important. I have been trying to get it sorted, but I am too stupid, too dumb and a female. Who needs family???

Well I do and they have all broken my heart.

Liz, it is difficult when it happens, I love my gardens, they are set up for drought, and we have been trying to keep them alive to no avail. We are still trying and have emptied 2 water tanks now, just have enough left in the large tank for drinking. We also have town water, so we are watering sparingly with that now.

Carole, loved the map of Australia, Europe is stuck in mainly desert or very arid areas, looks like I am in Bulgaria!!!! It is a very good prospective and very useful as well.

I know in Europe people get depressed from lack of light in the winter, I am sure the same happens here, in summer, from lack of rainfall.



Carole Report 13 Dec 2009 22:23

Just to keep you up to date with what I know,
Albert and I went to see Louie Saturday afternoon. She had her eyes slightly open, so I said her name, and asked her if she was awake. Slowly she opened her eyes more, and spoke. I asked if she could see Albert. She could. She asked is it Carole?
She spoke very quietly, but was talking. We stayed about half an hour. Spoke with a nurse who told us they were assessing her every couple of hours, and told us she was on The Liverpool Care Pathway. This allows people to die, no treatment, messing with blood pressure ect. Albert gave her a drink of water, which she took through a straw and was ready for! I told her lots of people had been to see her but she was asleep. She said she must have been in a coma!

The nurse told us the scan showed pneumonia and because of Lou's deterioration they would not treat it.

As we were leaving Sarah was going to visit her.

I phoned Linda, Jim and Mum to tell them how we had found her. Linda and I arranged to meet at Mums and we would stay with Dad and Liam & Aaron, while the three girls, Hayley, Kim and Kerry took Mum to see Louie. So it was lovely that Mum got to talk to Louie, after seeing her in a deep sleep Thursday. Mum said to Louie, get better soon, and she said I hope so.

No news today Arthur was going with Alma.


Sharron Report 14 Dec 2009 17:30

An end that is comfortable and peaceful, isn't that what you would wish for yourself?


AnninGlos Report 14 Dec 2009 17:37

Carole, bless her, it sounds as if she has come round especially to say goodbye to everyone, as Sharron said a peaceful way to go and what we would all wish for.


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 15 Dec 2009 05:00

I finally managed to finish and post my Christmas mail. Cards should arrive before Christmas, if they do not, so sorry, I have just been off my game the last couple of months. Plus we have a postal strike, but who would guess that at this time of year!!!!! :)) Have not been away to do any shopping, so my cards are very bland this year. Daughter packed all their furniture and stuff right where we have the Christmas decorations, so no lights or tree this year, bit sad to say the least.

I do need family, and realise I do have a very extended family on here. So who needs blood family when I have such great friends/family right here when I need them.

My son in law asked me a question about my blood family. "Forget they are related, put that aside, now ask yourself, if you met these people while you were out, or they were your neighbours, would you like these people, would you have them as your friends?" My answer was NO. If my dad was still alive it would have been a resounding YES for him. I think son in laws wisdom was very sound.

Carole, any more news on your Aunty? My thoughts are with you and your family.

Love and hugs



Carole Report 15 Dec 2009 07:45

Just to let you all know a doctor spoke with one of my uncles yesterday, he told him Aunt Lou is getting better!!

I have to get ready for work so will try to look in tonight.

Dutch I have a sore throte, so thats why I haven't called you. xx


AnninGlos Report 15 Dec 2009 09:20

Gail, they always say "you can't choose your family but you can choose your friends". Don't stress about the cards there is always another year and with the fires and having your family you have had a rough time lately. We are still here for you though. Have you got any red ribbon? Get some greenery in (if there is any in your garden and decorate it with ribbon just to make you feel a bit brighter. I used to bring in twigs and paint them with white paint and hang cards etc on them.

As you know you can always PM me if you are fed up.
Take care
Ann xx


AnninGlos Report 15 Dec 2009 09:21

Carole, was the doctor serious? I thought she was dying? How do you feel about that and how would she feel do you know?


Carole Report 15 Dec 2009 22:40

Hi Ann, yes the doctor was serious. It's been a roller coaster for us all, one min we think she is getting better then told she is dying, then she starts to talk after a sleep of days! Then asked what religion she is, and would she like to see a chaplin. Now she is getting better. No news tonight. I stayed off the phone as my throte is so sore. Think I have over done the talking this past two weeks! Nephew and niece went to visit Lou last night but she was asleep.

Thinking of you all but have too much on my mind to reply to any of your posts, so hope you are looking after each other ! xxx


maxiMary Report 16 Dec 2009 02:28

Dear Carole, this older age group (with which I have worked for 23 years)can really give a new meaning to 'cat with nine lives'. Seems as soon as I say someone is poor and the family better hurry up and visit, don't they get up and have breakfast. Very seriously, it is not uncommon to appear to be in a terminal condition and rebound over and over.
Whatever the course of your dear aunt's illness, I would hope for comfort and peace for her. Hearing is said to be the last sense to leave apparently, so say whatever you need to, and give her a hug from me.


Deanna Report 16 Dec 2009 18:47

So much hurt around just now.
I am with you all although you may not think so. I have been spreading myself very thinly lately, out of necessity, but I do think of you often.
Gail that is one good son-in-law you have there and what is more... he is right.
I too have had to 'make myself a new family'.
I have many GOOD friends, good neighbours, a very good husband and a son second to none. All in all I have nothing to moan about. I learned to put all my hurts behind me.... and my little 'pills' helped a lot. ;-0)

Does anyone know anything about Joyce? The last time we heard (I think) was a message for me on my birthday in April. I do miss chatting to her and would dearly love to send her Christmas wishes.

Talking of Christmas.... If I forget to send you a card please forgive me. If I send you TWO please keep one for next year. I have found myself in a mess. I am usually quite organised, but the last couple of Christmases have not been conducive to organisation believe me.
Well folks, back to work for me.
Speak soon when I have done all the jobs which are screaming at me to be done.
Lots of love, Mary, Carole, Carole(caz) Gail, Hazel, Sharron, Ben, Colin, Ann and all the others I have not mentioned.
Deanna XXXXX


Sharron Report 17 Dec 2009 19:17

It was so cold here today there were polar bears about wearing overcoats.It didn't stop Sonny Jim going off down the church hall for his dinner. He did have an extra blanket over his knees but it is a good mile and a half down there.

They just managed to get back in before it snowed.
Hard or what?


AnninGlos Report 17 Dec 2009 21:28

He'll be having you fit skies to his wheel chair if you get snow Sharron.

Deanna, don't fret about the cards we all know how you are, and I think you have made really good progress this year and should be proud of yourself.

Carole, hope your sore throat goes soon for you.


maxiMary Report 18 Dec 2009 17:42

Oh I am so discombobulated. Little done for Christmas, I should be focusing on the fact that Sarah is taking her meds and hasn't had a seizure for a week, Gareth is calmer and taking his medicine too, perhaps I need a crisis to function? fell asleep for an hour bolt upright in the chair, instead of picking up the papers spread round me, A 2' high pile of papers, and envelopes again, I am so anxious but cannot identify why? I have things MUST be done today , yet here I sit.Haven't even finished last nights washing-up.Seems I can only function when there's an imminent deadline. Always loved Christmas, yet no tree up, no room for decorations, no cards written, just want to sleep. Think I need a tonic perhaps?? Last day of school today, I can't do anything once Sarah comes home, so why don't I get on with it when she's not here?
I have done one thing, picked lots of little bits of coleslaw out of the keyboard, Sarah's contribution when she raided the 'frig last night.
I'll pop back in when I've motivated myself to do something useful, lots of driving this afternoon again, very little shopping done, some people are boasting on FB that they are finished food,drink and gift shopping. Why don't they come and help me if they are so #$%^&*&^%$# organised.
My maid has taken holidays this week it seems, there' nothing done . . .


AnninGlos Report 18 Dec 2009 17:51

OK Mary, wait a sec and I will be there to help you. Well in spirit I will. Do you find it helps if you make a list of things to do and ticking them off, even tiny little jobs, when they are done. And put a mark beside the things that are desirable to be done but not essential. and try not to panic!!!!!!! You will get there. Pleased that Sarah has gone a week without a seizure and that Gareth is calmer, hope that continues for you.

Ann xxx


Carole Report 18 Dec 2009 21:23

Oh come on Mary, some people leave it until Xmas Eve every year. You still have a week!! lol xx

Been to see my aunt and she is continuing to improve. She is not so confused now and I told her again how she had fell and been on the floor all night. I told her she nearly died and we had all been to say our goodbyes. In the hope of making her realise she has to think about going into a home where she will be attended to more than at home. Her brother has talked to her about going into a home ( I don't know what her response was)

I talked with Gail this morning I love her accent!!

Also talked with Joyce (who needs a hug, so here it is just for Joyce ((xx))

Love to you all xx


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 19 Dec 2009 02:48

Thanks Carole, I know my accent is very Oz, very Ocker.

Now, Carole has a very lovely voice and very British. I watch so much UK TV, you would think I would pick up at least some of the pronunciation. But not so much from Corry, as they have a funny way in pronouncing anything with an "ing" at the end of it as "inga"

I was just so excited talking to Carole, I do not think she got much of a word in.

Mary, I am not very organised for Christmas either, but then we are going to brother in laws for lunch Christmas day. We have it year about, their place this year, ours next. This year for the first time I am making the Yorkshire Puddings, MIL usually does it, I asked if she would like me to do it this year and she was so pleased, and yes I can make them as good as MIL does, and the only one in their family who can. Do I sound pleased with myself? Well yes I am, so there. At least I can use my own eggs!!!!! The in laws also have a very traditional Christmas meal, baked of course, I always have salads, with various meats and prawns, I also make my own pickled eggs for the Yorkys, and trifle and cheesecake. OH loves my cheesecake, and my pickled eggs. So we have the best of both worlds every second year.

As for presents, I have not wrapped a think yet.

I think I am a little sad as will not have any family of my own around me this year, I do know that OH's family love me and care about me, I am just so grateful having them. Then again I did have daughter, grandson and son in law for 9 weeks. It was very cramped, house is so tiny, but we have several areas set up outside under cover, where we eat in the warmer weather. I call them my chillout zones. One area has a table and benches that will seat 10 people, and it is covered with wisteria, sometimes the wisteria will flower at Christmas, but I find after two dust storms this year and little rain that it will flower again. We do not have a dining room either, we eat in the kitchen, when not outside. When the wisteria does flower in spring I love to sit and just chill out and smell the perfume of the flowers and it is just a wonderful place to be.

Love and hugs



Carole Report 19 Dec 2009 09:35

How funny it is reading your post Gail. I can now read it in your accent!

Oh it's cold this morning. Put the heating back on and waiting for the house to warm up before I brave having a shower. xx