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Depression / Anxiety

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Benjamin Report 30 Nov 2009 10:01

She wasn't doubting the emigration as that is 100% true and even she said that is right with the evidence I have but she was arguing over where he died but I know he died in the USA.


Carole Report 30 Nov 2009 10:18

Oh dear Colin, I know the running away so well! It's not to late for you to try to face up to this and other situations in life. Running away is only adding to your depression, in making you feel low about yourself. CBT has taught me that. That aside I will miss you on here. You have always added good sense posts, and they have been much appreciated. You are a lovely man and I wish you and your lucky lady friend all the best for the future. I can understand your reasons for not re jouning GR when your subs run out, and hope you find family research answers in another place. xxxx

Gail pleased you are safe. And RAIN!!!! :o))


AnninGlos Report 30 Nov 2009 11:09

Colin I am sad that you are leaving. I have no doubt that she didn't put as much importance to that post as you did, she was not to know you would take it to heart. Could you maybe take a couple of months break and come back, you will be much missed on this thread as you are such a support to others on here.

If you don't come back, have a good life with your lady friend and take care.



Carole Report 30 Nov 2009 12:04

In the spirit of the Christmas season my new name xx


Sydneybloke Report 1 Dec 2009 02:59

Thank you to Carole tink and Ann in Glos for your kind words.
I only popped in here to check up on Dutch, and had a quick l;ook here as well.
I have a question. Why has my post of early yesterday morning UK time been deleted? I did not delete it. It would appear that it was reported to GR as offensive by someone.
Of course, this part of GR is a machine and posts reported as offensive are deleted by a computer unread by human eyes.

It contained nothing offensive. I simply said goodbye to my friends on this thread and gave a brief explanation as to why I was leaving. I wonder whether a certain person is going about deliberately reporting all my posts. I will see how long this one lasts.

xx Colin (in Oz)


Sydneybloke Report 1 Dec 2009 03:20

Ben, I find it amazing how precious some people can be.
A distant cousin of mine and his wife have a prominent memorial in the Windsor (NSW, Australia) Catholic cemetery which I have visited several times. It is about 1 hour from my home. However there are possible entries in New Zealand indexes (this was before they became available on line). I also had newspaper evidence that he died in New Zealand in early 1906. Their deaths are not in NSW records, and the original cemetery burial registers for the period have gone missing.
It has always been my belief that the headstones are merely memorials, and that he died in New Zealand.
A contact challenged this. Said she believed gravestones, and I was wrong. Through another contact I got a copy of their New Zealand death certificates. Both he and his wife died and were buried in New Zealand, as I thought. The interesting part is that he didn't drown, as the newspaper reported. He died in the Porirua (Wellington) asylum for the insane.


YorkshireCaz Report 1 Dec 2009 12:01

Hello all, I am not up to writing much for the time being but I had to come on for Colin. I was shocked when I read you were leaving Colin, and a bit upset as to why. We need you on this thread and truth be told you need us, please rethink your decision.
If you are intent on going I wish you and your girlfriend all the best for the future, love and hugs to you both.

Caz xx


Carole Report 1 Dec 2009 17:02

Hi Colin I don't know why your post would have been deleted there was nothing in it to cause any problem. It's really strange.
Are you really going? xx


clairejo Report 1 Dec 2009 17:33

Just a quick hello
Colin I can on echo what everyone else has said and it would be a real shame to let the actions of one person ruin the enjoyment you get from GR, you have always given useful, practical advice and I hope that you have recieved that back from others on here. Whatever you decide to do I wish you the very best of luck and happiness.
Hi to everyone else, very tired here at the moment little man is going through a bad time at the moment and is awake most nights from around 2am so I am trying to catch up with sleep in the daytime.
Hoping that you are all well, hugs to all especially YCaz xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 2 Dec 2009 01:28

Hi Claire, hope you can get some sleep in the day time, I am not having much luck lately. Today is bin day so will get disturbed. Yesterday was in a nice sleep and heard all this commotion outside, it was a truck pulling a generator and digger contraption, started digging up the road about 10 metres away from bedroom window, on and off all morning. O.h.'s double glazing is shot so even closing the window tight didn't stop the racket and then an even larger lorry came and parked under the window and the drivers started nattering between themselves. it's very obvious that curtains are closed, I could be a nurse on night duty and trying to sleep for all they knew, stupid lot. It's the second time this part of the close has been dug up, it happened a couple of weeks ago to sort out a water leak which then sort of progressed along the road further up so that's been closed off a few times while they repair leaks there, seems it's forced a leak back along this way again.
I somehow managed to sleep through the doorbell tho as when o.h. got home at 2.30pm there was a parcel from Just Jean for me, and he had managed to get in the bolted on the inside back gate and leave the parcel by the bin!

Colin, hope all the comments will convince you to stick around, we will miss you if you don't come and sort us out!

O.h. is in rubbish mood again, so usual problems - why can't he control his temper? Oh for something disgusting to put in his dinner which I was cooking at the time, something that would have had delayed action for when he gets to work this morning and could have been hidden in his portion only or maybe his sandwiches which he made earlier !!! Always gets nasty around this time of year, causing so much stress - it's not my fault his son's aren't with him at Christmas and one in particular has chosen to be abroad several times instead of spending time with his family.



maxiMary Report 2 Dec 2009 22:43

Hello dear friends, just had a lovely chat with Carole, I apologise for seeming to be absent so much recently. Our major fundraiser is this weekend and we've just had a huge spanner thrown in the works, as, at the last minute, we have been refused a 'special event permit' or liquor licence. We are absolutely swamped with prep for this event, have had an amazing response to our request to the community for prize items to be raffled off. So things are good - to a point!!

Dear Colin - it is disappointing to see you go. I did not see the posting in which you said you were leaving, I did not see any other post which upset you, but please know we are very much in your corner. You have been a vital member of this 'group', have given intelligent, empathetic responses, personally I can say you have been very understanding of the chaos which is my life, and and will be missed. Please reconsider or return after a break.

Claire, I hope you'll be able to get some much-needed rest and P doesn't exhaust you too much, please give hime a hug for me. And you can have one too!! i am told you are one lovely lady.

Blessings to your and your partner.
Love and hugs all round,


Treehunter Report 2 Dec 2009 23:02

Hi everyone

{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}to you all

Been down alot last few weeks. Now with the sad news of my sister in laws mum very ill and may not make it to christmas. I have started to think of my mum passing away last year.

What with my son as well being so down, he isnt too bad at the moment.



Carole Report 3 Dec 2009 07:53

Mary you have the sweetest voice and it was great to talk with you last night. Good luck for the week end xx

My Auntie ( I have told you about her before) is in hospital. Please think of her. I have to go to work now or I'll be late so will tell you more later.



Treehunter Report 3 Dec 2009 10:51

Sorry to hear your auntie is in hospital.

Thinking of her and all the family.

{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}to you Carole



Carole Report 3 Dec 2009 16:19

Thank you Hazel. My aunt was talking on the phone Tuesday night to her brother she said she had to go sit down she didn't feel too good. So they got off the phone. Yesterday morning her brother phoned her three times and got no answer. So he called a brother who lives nearer. The brother said he would go see her. He found her on the floor, and thinks she was on her way to bed. She was unable to recall anything that had happened or get her standing. So an ambulance was called and they took her to A&E. Last night she was kept in an assesment ward and is now on a ward. We think she had hypothermia from being cold all night ( she is about 85). My uncle who phoned her was taking his wife into hospital today for a hip op so would have been to see his sister today. The other uncle is going tonight. So I'll be going tomorrow.


AnninGlos Report 3 Dec 2009 16:21

Sorry to hear about your Aunt Carole, I hope she will be OK and that the hospital can find out what was wrong.


RoseoftheShires Report 3 Dec 2009 21:34

Hi everyone I really am feeling very down don't know why but I am so tearful at the moment maybe because xmas is such a sad time for us but hey ho I hope you all are well


AnninGlos Report 3 Dec 2009 21:37

Hi Rach, no need to be down on your own join us in this thread.

Sorry you feel so sad at Christmas but I hope that somewhere you may find something, however small, to smile at


RoseoftheShires Report 3 Dec 2009 21:44

Having trouble to find anything to make me smile at the minute :¬(


AnninGlos Report 3 Dec 2009 21:47

I know and wish I could do something to change that. But we are here for you so rant all you like. ((((((hugs))))))